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[#] Fri Jul 05 2024 19:36:15 UTC from SouthernComputerGeek

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I advocate a return to America as it was in the 20th century shortly after the 19th was enacted, minus the segregation. Does that sound bad to you?

Fri Jul 05 2024 15:33:00 EDT from Nurb432

Or, how about if a women wears pants.. Or gets to vote... Or speaks out of turn... How far back in time do you want to go?


[#] Fri Jul 05 2024 19:40:51 UTC from SouthernComputerGeek

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I suppose you are one of those idiots that thinks America was a totalitarian hellhole until the Supreme Court made a bunch of mushroom fueled decisions in the late 20th century, Nurb?

[#] Fri Jul 05 2024 19:42:03 UTC from SouthernComputerGeek

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You do realize our national motto is "In God We Trust" don't you?

[#] Fri Jul 05 2024 19:44:30 UTC from SouthernComputerGeek

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Nurb is clearly more of a Democrat than he would like to admit.

[#] Fri Jul 05 2024 19:50:56 UTC from SouthernComputerGeek

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For the longest time America was a de facto Christian nation. And yet we had freedom of religion. Those things are not mutually exclusive.

[#] Fri Jul 05 2024 19:51:13 UTC from Nurb432

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Not sure what i said would imply that.  But to be clear, i do think we were far more free in the beginning, and slowly over the generations that has been eroded, for a variety of reasons and a number ways. Was it ever perfect? No, of course not, and there were things that needed fixing. Nothing ever is perfect, but restricting freedoms based on some stupid opinion is never the answer.  More freedom, for everyone, is always the answer.

Not surprised tho about the mushroom comment. Figured you were against that too. Um, am I even allowed to discuss psychedelic drugs, or is that also banned speech in your world, since im sure it violates your concept of offensive?

Fri Jul 05 2024 15:40:51 EDT from SouthernComputerGeek

I suppose you are one of those idiots that thinks America was a totalitarian hellhole until the Supreme Court made a bunch of mushroom fueled decisions in the late 20th century, Nurb?


[#] Fri Jul 05 2024 19:56:04 UTC from SouthernComputerGeek

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Oh you want to legalize drugs. Look at the liberal hellholes where that has been tried, they are in shambles.

Fri Jul 05 2024 15:51:13 EDT from Nurb432

Not surprised tho about the mushroom comment. Figured you were against that too. Um, am I even allowed to discuss psychedelic drugs, or is that also banned speech in your world, since im sure it violates your concept of offensive?



Discussing drugs is speech and like I keep saying I am FOR freedom of speech. I simply correctly stated that pornography is free speech because it is not speech.

[#] Fri Jul 05 2024 19:56:44 UTC from SouthernComputerGeek

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Fri Jul 05 2024 15:56:04 EDT from SouthernComputerGeek

Discussing drugs is speech and like I keep saying I am FOR freedom of speech. I simply correctly stated that pornography is free speech because it is not speech.

*I simply correctly stated that pornography is NOT free speech because it is not speech.

[#] Fri Jul 05 2024 19:56:50 UTC from Nurb432

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Yes. Does not make it correct, similar to my statement about unconstitutional laws. They may exist, but does not make them correct.. And 'which god'? But that is a topic or anther room, not here. 

And i clearly remember it being explained to us in grade school while saying the pledge we did not have to speak of imaginary creatures if we didn't want to, with no repercussions. And why it was this way.  Freedom of speech. Separation of church and state. The first amendment. See how it works and ties together?

Fri Jul 05 2024 15:42:03 EDT from SouthernComputerGeek

You do realize our national motto is "In God We Trust" don't you?


[#] Fri Jul 05 2024 19:59:52 UTC from SouthernComputerGeek

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Tell me the "establishment of religion" that it respects.

Fri Jul 05 2024 15:56:50 EDT from Nurb432

Yes. Does not make it correct, similar to my statement about unconstitutional laws.

Fri Jul 05 2024 15:42:03 EDT from SouthernComputerGeek

You do realize our national motto is "In God We Trust" don't you?



[#] Fri Jul 05 2024 20:00:36 UTC from Nurb432

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I mentioned my feelings about that above. 

Adults, between adults, do whatever the hell you want.  As long as its not in public and does not effect the rest of us. I compared it to current DWI/PI type laws. Most of the places 'it was tried' as you say, did not have the same level of restrictions. And  beyond that, the lack of any enforcement ( or even encouragement of breaking law ) is the real issue in those areas. 


Fri Jul 05 2024 15:56:04 EDT from SouthernComputerGeek

Oh you want to legalize drugs. Look at the liberal hellholes where that has been tried, they are in shambles.



[#] Fri Jul 05 2024 20:02:30 UTC from Nurb432

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Against any speech, you are against the concept. Period. You are an authoritative ***, hiding behind the term freedom, pretending.


Fri Jul 05 2024 15:56:04 EDT from SouthernComputerGeek


Discussing drugs is speech and like I keep saying I am FOR freedom of speech. I simply correctly stated that pornography is free speech because it is not speech.


[#] Fri Jul 05 2024 20:03:01 UTC from SouthernComputerGeek

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Why do you atheists always confuse 'establishment of religion' with 'religion'?

[#] Fri Jul 05 2024 20:04:28 UTC from SouthernComputerGeek

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Pornography is not speech. How do you not understand that?

Fri Jul 05 2024 16:02:30 EDT from Nurb432

Against any speech, you are against the concept. Period. You are an authoritative ***, hiding behind the term freedom, pretending.


Fri Jul 05 2024 15:56:04 EDT from SouthernComputerGeek


Discussing drugs is speech and like I keep saying I am FOR freedom of speech. I simply correctly stated that pornography is free speech because it is not speech.



[#] Fri Jul 05 2024 20:05:28 UTC from Nurb432

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damned spell/typo heck  ->  authoritarian ***

Fri Jul 05 2024 16:02:30 EDT from Nurb432

Against any speech, you are against the concept. Period. You are an authoritative ***, hiding behind the term freedom, pretending.



[#] Fri Jul 05 2024 20:06:59 UTC from SouthernComputerGeek

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No, you are a Democrat pretending to be a Republican.

Fri Jul 05 2024 16:05:28 EDT from Nurb432

damned spell/typo heck  ->  authoritarian ***

Fri Jul 05 2024 16:02:30 EDT from Nurb432

Against any speech, you are against the concept. Period. You are an authoritative ***, hiding behind the term freedom, pretending.




[#] Fri Jul 05 2024 22:04:09 UTC from nonservator

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I'm not "conservative" because "conservaitves" are useless. (If 'the right" have been in charge of the American government for nearly twice as long as their opposition, why does the shitlib position always win, on every issue?) I'm not Republican, because Republicans are cowards - standing athwart the train tracks of history, yelling "Not in the face!" (Whenever a Republican announces he or she is "voting their conscience", it's so puzzling and mysterious how almost every single time their "conscience" is forcing them to vote against a supposedly conservative position. If a Democrat "votes their conscience" and goes against the herd, they're expelled from the party - see Zell Miller for just one of countless examples.)

Conservatives, as Sam Francis put it, are "beautiful losers" who wil be marched to the gas chamber while screeching about "MUH CONSTITUTION!" Their insistence on "principles" - and the avoidance of culture - is why the shitlibs and neocons were able to infiltrate and control virtually every institution that leaned even a little to the right.

Democrats are CNN: Actively and openly spreading lies and propaganda. Republicans are Fox: Portraying theselves as an "alternative" while viciously attacking anyone to the right, in order to prevent genuine populist and conservative parties or organizations from forming.

Conservatism is a sucide pact: Choose the identity politics of the left, or the moral high ground of "individualism". Either be moral and lose, or give up your morals for some tiny chance at winning. The left rely on the fact that most people who oppose them also place a high value on morality. Conservatives only exist because they serve as an electric fence to prevent people from actually seeing or crossing over to the right.

There is a part of the conservative sphere that has always felt populism is the ultimate sin, that only the Left should be allowed to fight culture wars, and that any genuine conservative grassroots movements should be immediately run down with rhetorical lawn mowers.

The Republican Party has provem impossible to reform, for the same reason Washington itself is beyond reform: When leaders are so corrupt they need reform forced upon them, it should be self-evident they're so corrupt they'll find a way to thwart any attempted reform.

Republicans are the ones who refused to take action on China beyond some BS tariffs. They passed sweeping draconian measures because of COVID, but then balked when people who were legally banned from working asked for government assistance. They balked at healthcare reform while giving billions in bailouts to insurance companies. They "shut down the governmentnt" and denied COLA raises, but exempted themselves from pay stoppages and gave themselves raises. They exempt themselves from insider trading laws, they routinely porkbarrel bullshit infrastructure projects into random bills for political kickbacks, they give absurd tax breaks to companies like Walmart and Amazon to the point that a half trillion dollar company pays a functional tax rate of zero percent - all while wages stagnate, our cost of living increases, and corporate execs funnel more money out of the US to their developing market mutual funds and offshore accounts. But why, oh why would anyone vote for that ill-mannered vulgarian Trump over their immaculate principled perfection? "Forsooth, he is not even a Real Conservative!" Okay, name one thing these useless tax-sucking backstabbers have managed to conserve. I won't hold my breath.

The neoliberals and neocons have the vast majority of Western media, academia and basically all corporations. The right has One America Network, Right Side Broadcasting Network, some podcasts, and mypillow dot com. "How many divisions does the Pope have?" LOL!

The one thing "conservatives" have managed to conserve is the ability of the Republican Party to faithfully serve as an escape valve for white peoiple. The sooner that lie collapses, the better.

[#] Fri Jul 05 2024 22:06:05 UTC from nonservator

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For a while there, when most Silicon Valley platforms wanted to ban you from using their service, they would come to you with vague weasel words that boiled down to: "This can all be over if you'll just confess and proclaim your guilt." It's libertarian paternalism combined with Maoist struggle sessions, and it's even more ironic, hilarious and disgusting because every major Western social media company was founded using taxpayer money funneled into black budget tech projects whose goal was to produce spying tools that would gather every bit of information that people willingly put online. Facebook sells access to your "direct" messages (notice, they very specifically don't call them private), as well as posts you've supposedly limited access to, and even images that you've uploaded but haven't yet posted. Google sells - hell, gives! - their media partners access to your browsing history.  These folks have some balls calling their companies "private", especially when they make all their damn money selling our personal info on top of it.

So yeah. FUCK libertarians.

[#] Fri Jul 05 2024 22:19:46 UTC from Nurb432

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Myself, as i see modern US politics. Its a uni-party.  Everything is in name only to split the funding and provide distraction to the serfs.. The "circus" 

Been that way a long time. Before any of us were around.


Sure a few outlier nutcases, but the 'system' is one unit.

Fri Jul 05 2024 18:04:09 EDT from nonservator

I'm not "conservative" because "conservaitves" are useless.


[#] Sat Jul 06 2024 01:16:24 UTC from zelgomer

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Well this room has been quite a ride. Now if you'll all excuse me, I will be spending my Friday evening enjoying some lucious "free speech."

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