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[#] Thu May 23 2024 07:59:18 UTC from luisgo

Subject: Re: Citadel 1000

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Thank You. It worked. I was putting the domain in another place.

[#] Thu May 23 2024 16:16:57 UTC from luisgo

Subject: Denied IP List.

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Only to know. Beyond RBL hosts there are some way to make a Denied IP list?



RBL hosts
(hosts running a Realtime Blackhole List)


SpamAssassin hosts
(hosts running the SpamAssassin service)


ClamAV clamd hosts
(hosts running the ClamAV clamd service)


Masqueradable domains
(Domains as which users are allowed to masquerade)

[#] Thu May 23 2024 16:42:25 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: Denied IP List.

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I cant answer that ( others can, and will ) but worst case you could just run your own DBL list that you control. 

Not that i have done, but i hear its not all that hard. 

[#] Fri May 24 2024 21:41:03 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Denied IP List.

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Only to know. Beyond RBL hosts there are some way to make a Denied IP

Not in Citadel itself. If I want to block specific sources I just use iptables for that.

[#] Mon May 27 2024 19:55:05 UTC from luisgo

Subject: sendmail for logwatch.

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Dear All,

I want to to generate reports with logwatch and send by email (the reports). My previous Email server provided a sendmail that replaced the original sendmail.

Does Citadel provide something equal to that? Or which the procedure to implement that in Citadel?

Or Citadel has a diferent name for sendmail?


Luis Gonçalves.

[#] Mon May 27 2024 19:56:35 UTC from luisgo

Subject: sendmail for logwatch.

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Dear All,

I want to to generate reports with logwatch and send by email (the reports). My previous Email server provided a sendmail that replaced the original sendmail.

Does Citadel provide something equal to that? Or which the procedure to implement that in Citadel?

Or Citadel has a diferent name for sendmail?


Luis Gonçalves.

[#] Tue May 28 2024 05:38:34 UTC from luisgo

Subject: Re: sendmail for logwatch.

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Mon May 27 2024 15:56:35 EDT from luisgo Subject: sendmail for logwatch.

Dear All,

I want to to generate reports with logwatch and send by email (the reports). My previous Email server provided a sendmail that replaced the original sendmail.

Does Citadel provide something equal to that? Or which the procedure to implement that in Citadel?

Or Citadel has a diferent name for sendmail?


Luis Gonçalves.

[#] Wed May 29 2024 08:09:03 UTC from luisgo

Subject: Install the Citadel.

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Good Morning (here),

There is any way to have the Citadel server loaded but not receiving and sending emails (irresponsible) during the setup of the accounts etc?

With Easy Setup.

I want to install the Citadel and do not have problems of rejecting emails etc: Just making the incoming emails on hold.


Luis Gonçalves.


[#] Wed May 29 2024 11:19:23 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: Install the Citadel.

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Might be a dumb idea, but just block the ports during the install?  ( personally anything i install new or update i take it totally off the internet until its ready to go live again.... )

[#] Wed May 29 2024 13:26:50 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Install the Citadel.

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That is indeed the answer, just set up a couple of rules blocking it from talking to the network.

[#] Thu May 30 2024 08:58:12 UTC from cjonline

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there is a bug in WEBCIT front end.. if a pipe"|" is in the subject field it causes an error with permissions when trying to send.  Once removed it works.





[#] Thu May 30 2024 08:59:28 UTC from cjonline

Subject: WebCit Version:1000 subject line bug.

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there is a bug in WEBCIT front end.. if a pipe"|" is in the subject field it causes an error with permissions when trying to send.  Once removed it works.




[#] Thu May 30 2024 14:08:17 UTC from luisgo

Subject: Re: Install the Citadel.

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Wed May 29 2024 07:19:23 EDT from Nurb432 Subject: Re: Install the Citadel.

Might be a dumb idea, but just block the ports during the install?  ( personally anything i install new or update i take it totally off the internet until its ready to go live again.... )

What I undertood from practice is that I do not need to open ports with firewalld to use the ports needed by Citadel. Citadel open them. Am I right?

Or I need to open them before use Citadel?

If I am right how I block the ports?

What I understand from you is that I can only not open the ports, no? And they are blocked, no?

Could you please provide some link how to do it?

[#] Thu May 30 2024 14:24:15 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: Install the Citadel.

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its all based on your network setup. 

Thu May 30 2024 10:08:17 EDT from luisgo Subject: Re: Install the Citadel.

 Could you please provide some link how to do it?


[#] Thu May 30 2024 15:13:37 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Install the Citadel.

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What I undertood from practice is that I do not need to open ports
with firewalld to use the ports needed by Citadel. Citadel open them.

Citadel will not configure your firewall.

If you are interested in using something like `firewalld` to open and close ports on your Citadel host, that is absolutely what those tools are for, but Citadel Server does not interact with them. You might try finding a `firewalld` forum and asking there. (I don't use that tool so I don't have an answer.)

[#] Thu May 30 2024 15:14:04 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: WebCit Version:1000 subject line bug.

[Reply] [ReplyQuoted] [Headers] [Print]

there is a bug in WEBCIT front end.. if a pipe"|" is in the subject
field it causes an error with permissions when trying to send.  Once
removed it works.

Thanks for the bug report, we'll have a look at that.

[#] Fri May 31 2024 09:10:30 UTC from luisgo

Subject: Problems with SSL certificates.

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Dear All,

I am having problems with ssl Keys in Citadel. (see please the picture below)

I am migrating from Centos 7 to Centos 9.

I am using the keys of Apache of Centos 7 in Citadel Centos 9.

Can someone help me?

Must I reissued the Keys with different settings?


Luis Gonçalves.






[#] Fri May 31 2024 10:42:45 UTC from luisgo

Subject: Re: Problems with SSL certificates.

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I generate new keys with the Centos 9. Aand reissued in the provider.

[#] Fri May 31 2024 13:03:13 UTC from luisgo

Subject: Problems configuring Thunderbird

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Dear All,

I managed to access the Web interface through SSL. It was the citadel.cer that did not have the full chain. I put first the certificate a next the remainer of the chain. I generated a 2048 Key.

But I only achieve to configure Thunderbird full open. I do not found way to configure StartTLS and TLS. And I suppose I have some experience of this. It gives something of Handshake problem or version o TLS.

Some help needed.


Luis Gonçalves




[#] Fri May 31 2024 13:04:23 UTC from luisgo

Subject: Re: Problems configuring Thunderbird

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Fri May 31 2024 09:03:13 EDT from luisgo Subject: Problems configuring Thunderbird

Dear All,

I managed to access the Web interface through SSL. It was the citadel.cer that did not have the full chain. I put first the certificate a next the remainer of the chain. I generated a 2048 Key.

But I only achieve to configure Thunderbird full open. I do not found way to configure StartTLS and TLS. And I suppose I have some experience of this. It gives something of Handshake problem or version o TLS.

Some help needed.


Luis Gonçalves




I do not found way to configure StartTLS and SSL.

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