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[#] Thu Mar 14 2024 11:58:04 UTC from mkuhn

Subject: Citadel 996 Easy Install on Debian System aborts

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I am running Citadel 996 on an Odroid C2.  While upgrading Citadel to a newer version with Easy Install, the installation aborts during the "Installing Citadel" process.  Could you point me in a direction that helps me to solve the issue?




 Installing Citadel...


Running the configure script to create


Testing for OpenSSL...

Testing for iconv...

iconv.h is present and requires no additional libraries

Testing for lresolv...

Testing for lintl...

Testing for lcrypt...

# is generated by configure

CTDLDIR := /usr/local/citadel

CC := gcc

CFLAGS :=  -I/usr/local/ctdlsupport/include  -g -DHAVE_OPENSSL -DBUILD_ID=\"24074\" -DCTDLDIR=\"/usr/local/citadel\"  -I/usr/local/ctdlsupport/include  -g

LDFLAGS := -L/usr/local/ctdlsupport/lib -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/usr/local/ctdlsupport/lib  -lssl -lcrypto -lz

LRESOLV := -lresolv



CHKPW := chkpw chkpwd




gcc -I/usr/local/ctdlsupport/include  -g -DHAVE_OPENSSL -DBUILD_ID=\"24074\" -DCTDLDIR=\"/usr/local/citadel\"  -I/usr/local/ctdlsupport/include  -g -L/usr/local/ctdlsupport/lib -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/usr/local/ctdlsupport/lib  -lssl -lcrypto -lz utils/ctdldump.c server/backends/berkeley_db/berkeley_db.o server/backends/common/database.o -lcitadel -lz -ldb -lpthread -o ctdldump

/usr/bin/ld: /usr/local/ctdlsupport/lib/libdb.a(os_yield.o): in function `__os_yield_ctdl':

os_yield.c:(.text+0xc4): undefined reference to `pthread_yield'

collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

gmake: *** [Makefile:60: ctdldump] Error 1


[#] Fri Mar 15 2024 19:28:04 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Citadel 996 Easy Install on Debian System aborts

[Reply] [ReplyQuoted] [Headers] [Print]

I am running Citadel 996 on an Odroid C2.  While upgrading Citadel
to a newer version with Easy Install, the installation aborts during
the "Installing Citadel" process.  Could you point me in a direction
that helps me to solve the issue?

What operating system are you running on your Odroid? Is it Ubuntu, Fedora, Arch, Armbian ... and what version?

[#] Sat Mar 16 2024 06:46:32 UTC from mkuhn

Subject: Re: Citadel 996 Easy Install on Debian System aborts

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I am on Debian Bookworm (dietpi)

[#] Mon Mar 18 2024 11:18:52 UTC from wfischer

Subject: Modifying file structure

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I am running Citadel on a Raspi. I would like to keep the installation on its SD card but would like all the data (mail contents, ...) to be stored on an external USB SSD. Can I change the file structure in an installed system or only at compile time?

[#] Mon Mar 18 2024 13:54:27 UTC from stormytramp

Subject: Just Started Getting BDB 2055 Locks error and error 12 of bdb fetch

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I have 13GB attached to system and the server is core dumping with 8500+ log filees. Started this morning

on 996


[#] Mon Mar 18 2024 19:25:44 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: Just Started Getting BDB 2055 Locks error and error 12 of bdb fetch

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LG answered your question a few posts above.  

Mon Mar 18 2024 09:54:27 EDT from stormytramp Subject: Just Started Getting BDB 2055 Locks error and error 12 of bdb fetch

I have 13GB attached to system and the server is core dumping with 8500+ log filees. Started this morning

on 996



[#] Mon Mar 18 2024 19:38:51 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Citadel 996 Easy Install on Debian System aborts

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I am on Debian Bookworm (dietpi)

Unfortunately I don't have a "dietpi" system to test on. I did try it on regular Debian, the latest version (bookworm) on an ARM system and it completed the build without that error.

You might try running the Docker version instead of building the Easy Install.

[#] Mon Mar 18 2024 19:39:58 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Modifying file structure

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I am running Citadel on a Raspi. I would like to keep the
installation on its SD card but would like all the data (mail
contents, ...) to be stored on an external USB SSD. Can I change the
file structure in an installed system or only at compile time?

Sure, that's pretty easy. The database is in /usr/local/citadel/data and you can just make that a symbolic link to a location on your SSD. Or if that's the only thing on your SSD then you can simply mount it there.

[#] Tue Mar 19 2024 10:21:11 UTC from wfischer

Subject: Re: Modifying file structure

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Thanks. In the meantime, however, I have decided to re-install Citadel directly on the SSD. In this course I discovered that in the installation script there are errors. Towards the end of the script there are absolute paths rather than the symbolic ones defined in the customizable section in the beginning. The script also does not overwrite existing systemd entries. If these have not been properly deleted before the installation won't work.

[#] Tue Mar 26 2024 16:58:45 UTC from sroland81

Subject: Newbie questions

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Hi, i managed to install Citadel docker image and created a few accounts. But i'm having this problem/questions

1) Can i change the language of the platform? It only shows English option.

2) I cannot update the Login icon, when i upload it, it says it Cannot open image/hello, Not such file or directory, the same with the logout logo

3) Is there any guide on configuring the News server?

Thank you all, it is great to be here.


Best regards.

[#] Mon Apr 01 2024 05:04:12 UTC from punkygdog

Subject: new install webmail says invalid recipient

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I have successfully installed citadel as a local only server at the moment, i am able to get incoming mail from my production server, however, when i try to send an email to my production server, the citadel server rejects it as an invalid recipient. 


i am lost, any ideas how to correct this error? I am sure it is a setting i missed somewhere


[#] Mon Apr 01 2024 22:43:04 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Newbie questions

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3) Is there any guide on configuring the News server?

The NNTP server was an experimental addition to the system. It is read-only, unmaintained, and unsupported.

[#] Mon Apr 01 2024 22:43:53 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: new install webmail says invalid recipient

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I have successfully installed citadel as a local only server at the
moment, i am able to get incoming mail from my production server,
however, when i try to send an email to my production server, the
citadel server rejects it as an invalid recipient. 

Are you using the same email domain on your local and remote servers?

If so, then Citadel will look at its own directory to determine what is and is not a valid address.

[#] Mon Apr 01 2024 22:57:41 UTC from punkygdog

Subject: Re: new install webmail says invalid recipient

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I don't think so, hmailserver runs on a windows 10 machine using while citadel server runs on a different box under linux mint.

i do have a domain alias setup for my domain, do i need to remove it?

[#] Tue Apr 02 2024 10:29:21 UTC from keips

Subject: Correct syntax for Smart Hosts

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I've installed Citadel on a Raspberry Pi 3B+ and seem to have done so correctly since I can receive mails.

Alas, probavly becuase I don't have a static IP and my ISP gives me random public address, outcoming mails are rejected by every recipient I tried (gmail, outlook, others..)

I read a bit here and there and it seems I might be able to avoid these blocks though a 3rd party SMTP service, so I chose Brevo.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm supposed to add their host ( under "Administration" -> "Domain names and Internet mail configuration" -> "Smart hosts" on the web interface of my citadel setup, right?

Problem is the host requires authentication via a login: user@domain.tld and a password: password (these are placeholders) and port:587.

Tried some combination but can't get throgh anything at Brevo, their log is empty. I'm wondering if there might be some sort of specific syntax for I don't know the user being an email address... maybe?

Found these two guides but I'm not sure about what to input exactly or if there's another way tinkering maybe a config file manually on the Pi?

Any help would be greatly appriciated!


Thanks for hearing me out.

[#] Tue Apr 02 2024 17:03:26 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Correct syntax for Smart Hosts

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Problem is the host requires authentication via a login:
user@domain.tld and a password: password (these are placeholders) and

Try it like this:


Let me know if that worked and if so I'll add it to the docs; if not we'll find another workaround.

[#] Tue Apr 02 2024 21:09:38 UTC from keips

Subject: Re: Correct syntax for Smart Hosts

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Worked like a charm!

I was on the right track: if the username is complete mail address the first @ that is find on the string is the one that is supposed to be followed by the host name.

If this is the case, yes the first @ needs to be replaced with %40

Please note that in your line you forgot the ":password" part, be sure to include that in the documentation should you decide to insert the workaround in there.

Other than that, thank you very much for the help!

[#] Tue Apr 02 2024 22:06:35 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Correct syntax for Smart Hosts

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I have updated with the above information.
If you could check that to see if it matches your experience I would be grateful.
Thank you for being a partner in developing a solution, and thank you for using Citadel. Please spread the word.

[#] Wed Apr 03 2024 16:59:25 UTC from keips

Subject: Re: Correct syntax for Smart Hosts

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the documentation checks out, seems clear enough and the line to add mirrors what I have used.

Least I could do, thanks again and I would be happy if this solves another's issue.


[#] Fri Apr 05 2024 20:38:36 UTC from Kurisu

Subject: DH Parameters?

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Hey everyone,

Setting up a fresh Citadel on Ubuntu and I've got things about back to how they were a few months ago when I did a previous test -- webcit is good, got tls for webcit, and have systemd set to run the citadel text mode client when one telnets into the system.

This works, but I get an error message (that also appeared in my previous Debian test): Can't generate DH parameters: modulus too small . This message displays after "attaching to server" but before the [localhost:504] . Best I can gather is that it relates to a concept known as Denavit–Hartenberg parameters  -- something I'm certainly not familiar with nor do I see in the citadel documentation. These only appear when the citadel client on my system is connecting to the local  citadel server or a non-local server (like here at uncensored) - I do not see it if I use citadel-client from a WSL Ubuntu install, which makes me wonder if this is something to do with the text mode client proper? I don't know.

Toggling the only citadel.rc option which makes sense to me to relate to this, the one regarding encryption, changes nothing, so my somewhat novice self is in the dark. Help on understanding and, even better, resolving this is, of course, appreciated.

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