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[#] Sat Jul 29 2023 14:45:56 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Citadel not offering TLS

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Try port 587 instead of port 25. Citadel doesn't advertise TLS on port 25 because if the certificate isn't valid, a lot of senders will refuse to deliver mail at all. And the SMTP service has no way of determining whether the certificate is valid.

[#] Tue Aug 01 2023 16:56:57 EDT from eaksystem

Subject: citadel and rocket chat

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how to use rocket chat with citadel.

[#] Tue Aug 01 2023 18:07:26 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: citadel and rocket chat

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how to use rocket chat with citadel.

Please provide more information, as it is not likely most of us know what "rocket chat" is.

[#] Wed Aug 02 2023 10:31:23 EDT from Nurb432

Subject: Re: citadel and rocket chat

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Only one i know if is a independent chat platform..

Tue Aug 01 2023 06:07:26 PM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar Subject: Re: citadel and rocket chat
how to use rocket chat with citadel.

Please provide more information, as it is not likely most of us know what "rocket chat" is.


[#] Thu Aug 03 2023 09:51:57 EDT from RobW

Subject: Smart Host

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I have to relay all my outbound email. But several smtp-providers have an AtSign in the username, but that is not in Citadel.

How can I use something like this in the Smart Host settings:





[#] Thu Aug 03 2023 17:25:37 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Smart Host

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How can I use something like this in the Smart Host settings:


The above happens to be *exactly* the syntax you want to put in the "smart host" field.

Any valid SMTP URL is accepted.

[#] Tue Aug 08 2023 02:49:39 EDT from p.agsten

Subject: Citadel Server stopped working - created huge amount of db logs

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Hello All,

this morning I realized my Linux server was playing up. When checking I found the file system was full. Cause was that citadel last night started to created some hundreds of GBytes worth of db translaction log files (log.XXX). Restarting Citadel did not help, it is not updating the actual db files (cdb.XX) Given the huge amount of data now I also do not have sufficient maneauvring space on the machine to add a backup in parallel. Deleting the tranlogs also does not seem a good idea. Of course I doubt that I would have recieved that amount of mails over night anyway so looks like some sort of internal problem.

Any idea what could have caused this? The mail log does not show errors as far as I can see, just normal mail processing.

Is there a way to manually apply the tranlogs before starting citadel in the hope this solves the issue?

Any ideas are very welcome.


[#] Tue Aug 08 2023 21:26:26 EDT from OBeardly

Subject: systemd / compile from source / Berkeley DB

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I know Citadel chose to migrate to systemd back in 2019. I run a systemd free system. I wanted to compile but I see Citadel requires BerkeleyDB. I was under than assumption that BerkeleyDB was no longer maintained. Can someone please clarify for me? I did check the FAQ and saw nothing in there referencing BerkeleyDB. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

[#] Wed Aug 09 2023 10:41:02 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: systemd / compile from source / Berkeley DB

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Berkeley DB is maintained and supported, and Citadel does use it. It's not maintained by your operating system's repository anymore, but not to worry -- both the Docker container and the Easy Install build will install it for you.

Citadel does not "strictly" require systemd, but if you use something else then you'll need to set up your own startup scripts.

By the way ... we are in the process of shoring up the abstraction layer for the storage backend so that we can migrate away from Berkeley DB. We've done this before -- we moved from GDBM to BDB about 25 years ago. This time we're writing a sort of pluggable driver system like OpenLDAP has.

[#] Thu Aug 10 2023 10:46:04 EDT from OBeardly

Subject: Re: systemd / compile from source / Berkeley DB

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That's awesome to hear. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help. I'm not a coder, but I was previously a Unix/Linux Systems Administrator. Also, I would be happy to support financially if it is needed. I run a package mirror for the Devuan project. Happy to help out here to as I can. 

[#] Thu Aug 10 2023 13:57:02 EDT from p.agsten

Subject: Re: Citadel Server stopped working - created huge amount of db logs

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Eventually resolved the issue by restoring last known good backup. It was 47k tranlog files so I felt even if I had a way of applying them manually this would take ages. I am just wondering whether this was a technical glitch or some kind of attack. Would be good to hear if anyone else experienced this in the past and might have gotten to the bottom of it.


Tue Aug 08 2023 02:49:39 EDT from p.agsten Subject: Citadel Server stopped working - created huge amount of db logs

Hello All,

this morning I realized my Linux server was playing up. When checking I found the file system was full. Cause was that citadel last night started to created some hundreds of GBytes worth of db translaction log files (log.XXX). Restarting Citadel did not help, it is not updating the actual db files (cdb.XX) Given the huge amount of data now I also do not have sufficient maneauvring space on the machine to add a backup in parallel. Deleting the tranlogs also does not seem a good idea. Of course I doubt that I would have recieved that amount of mails over night anyway so looks like some sort of internal problem.

Any idea what could have caused this? The mail log does not show errors as far as I can see, just normal mail processing.

Is there a way to manually apply the tranlogs before starting citadel in the hope this solves the issue?

Any ideas are very welcome.



[#] Sat Aug 19 2023 17:51:45 EDT from sentinel

Subject: Citadel Easy Installation

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The documentation says the Citadel installation will take a while. Should it take a long time when it reaches the point where it says "Restarting Citadel server to apply changes"? If so, I can continue to be patient. Otherwise, do you have any tips as to what I should do if it has truly frozen at this stage? I'm not sure where to go to find logs to show what has transpired so far.

[#] Sat Aug 19 2023 20:58:07 EDT from sentinel

Subject: My installation gets stuck

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Can you please help me know how to troubleshoot my problem?

I have used the curl | bash command to install the citadel server.

I have used the default settings except the administrator name and password. 

I get the following and it stops. I can't find where the logs are kept to review the logs to see why it stops. Can anyone help me?

Restarting Citadel server to apply changes


I have tried this three times and it stops here every time.

Thank you for any help you can offer.



[#] Wed Aug 23 2023 11:52:49 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: My installation gets stuck

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Try the container version instead. It's easier to maintain.

[#] Sun Aug 27 2023 02:22:47 EDT from LadySerenaKitty

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So a couple days ago Citadel failed to auto-reload the cert files, so I decided to try "doas service citserver restart" but that ended up with an "Unexpectedly terminated" message in the Aides room (also does Citadel not maintain its pid file?).

Now the database is all goobered up!  All mew messages don't show up in my mail clients and in WebCit they're just ERROR: #


wtf happened?  db_recover and aren't doing shit to correct this.  kinda missing some important messages here!

[#] Sun Aug 27 2023 04:40:20 EDT from LadySerenaKitty

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Apparently after using, firing up citserver again just re-corrupts it?  dafuq?

Can we just move to MariaDB instead of whatever this is?

[#] Sun Aug 27 2023 14:11:09 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Follow along in the development room and you'll see that I am working as fast as possible to set us up for backends other than Berkeley DB. In other news, the most recent commit fixes the problem some people have been having with the Berkeley DB backend, so we have two ways to win. Believe me, I am as frustrated as you are, and Citadel is my pride and joy so it WILL be addressed.

[#] Sun Aug 27 2023 14:27:56 EDT from LadySerenaKitty

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Okay but it also isn't building on FreeBSD.  I'll post a FreeBSD VM guide so you can set up a VM and do local testerings.

Sun Aug 27 2023 14:11:09 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
Follow along in the development room and you'll see that I am working as fast as possible to set us up for backends other than Berkeley DB. In other news, the most recent commit fixes the problem some people have been having with the Berkeley DB backend, so we have two ways to win. Believe me, I am as frustrated as you are, and Citadel is my pride and joy so it WILL be addressed.


[#] Sun Aug 27 2023 16:27:23 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Will do. I'll do that as soon as I figure out the deadlock issue that is appearing on my load test system. This current version of the backend is exceptionally stable and I want to get it out to everyone.

[#] Mon Aug 28 2023 17:11:18 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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As of right now, Uncensored is now running on what will hopefully become the next release version of Citadel.

I'm getting MUCH more reliable database performance, and we're working on fixing the FreeBSD compatibility issues.

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