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[#] Sun Feb 04 2024 18:43:22 EST from darknetuser

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2024-02-04 18:39 from Nurb432
As long as they dont eat me, id not care.  So if i dont, im sure
there are other people :) 

If you convince Xena to show up for a boardgame orgy, you are also invited :P

The only lady who wanted to come here pay a visit was a friend's girlfriend. My friend didn't let her.

[#] Tue Feb 06 2024 19:43:17 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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I just want an Amish girl without having to become Amish myself

We all do, sweetie.

[#] Sun Mar 24 2024 14:27:07 EDT from darknetuser

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Last week I told my friends I missed raising a foal in my mini-farm. I am not going to post the jokes that ensued.

Yesterday somebody in town brought a new stallion to a pasture 15 minutes away on foot from my main horseyard. I immediately paid a visit because having an equine in town and not knowing him is unacceptable. He is such a cool dude who wanted so much rubbing on the neck. He didn't want to let me go.

I thought he would make for a great stallionfriend for my favourite mare. It must be fate or something.

Lol I need help XD

[#] Fri Apr 12 2024 13:37:57 EDT from darknetuser

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So, one of my oldest dogs managed to hurt himself while playing wild games with the other dogs. Nothing serious, but you could tell he was hurting yesterday.

The dogs usually sleep in my bedroom with me at night, but I thought this old guy would be better if left alone for a while, so I had him sleepn in my mother's bedroom with one of the other old, easy going dogs.

We have this puppy who arrived home recently. We call her Little Coconut on IRC. Last night she had trouble sleeping. She would lay right next to the spot the old dog usually takes and cry because he wasn't there.

So much fucking cry.

Old dog is fine this morning, thanks for asking :-)

[#] Fri Apr 12 2024 13:41:45 EDT from Nurb432

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Fri Apr 12 2024 13:37:57 EDT from darknetuser

Old dog is fine this morning, thanks for asking :-)


[#] Fri Apr 12 2024 19:35:12 EDT from zelgomer

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Coconut on IRC. Last night she had trouble sleeping. She would lay
right next to the spot the old dog usually takes and cry because he
wasn't there.

Animals is good people

[#] Fri Apr 12 2024 19:48:07 EDT from Nurb432

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My old dog.  When she was perhaps 2 or 3 we rescued a tiny kitten out in the weeds in the park that she discovered, as the weeds were taller than the cat.  ( well actually 2 kittens, but the brother was adopted by a friend of ours )

She basically raised that cat as her own, and they were attached at the hip.  When the cat was 5, she got sick and didnt survive.  For months any time the dog saw a large black cat during walks she'd about tear my arm out to get to it.   Other cats, 'eh whatever'.  I never expected that, i should have planned ahead better. Next time we lost one of her cat friends i made sure to take her to the vet with me. Its hard, but at least she knew.      She actually sat there beside me and watched. When he stopped breathing she started whimpering..   But, at least she knew why he didnt come home with us and wasn't looking for him every time we went outside.  And having her with me, was a good thing for me. 

its times like that i really wish i could talk to them.


Had another cat, who was attached to my first wife's cat like you would not believe.  They up and vanished few years later, and he was never the same after losing his 'mate'.. ( well, neither of us really, but this is about the animals, not me )

Fri Apr 12 2024 13:37:57 EDT from darknetuser
. She would lay right next to the spot the old dog usually takes and cry because he wasn't there.


[#] Mon Apr 15 2024 15:46:46 EDT from darknetuser

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She basically raised that cat as her own, and they were attached at
the hip.  When the cat was 5, she got sick and didnt survive.  For

months any time the dog saw a large black cat during walks she'd
about tear my arm out to get to it.   Other cats, 'eh whatever'. 

So much cry :(

It is the same thing with horses. If you lose one, you need to let the others know or they freak out.

[#] Thu Oct 17 2024 08:32:09 EDT from darknetuser

Subject: Advanced matchmaking tactics

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I am sure you are familiar with the feeling of having every lady try to get her daughter or grand-daughter marry to you (if not, you are so lucky). Actually, this is not something that happens to me every day but it happens often enough for it to be a thing.

What happens is that ladies used to try very crude tactics for setting me up, but last lady at $job[1] tried somethign new and I am afraid these ladies could be evolving. Instead of showing me a picture of her daughter, he showed to me a picture of her horse, and of the runnaway horse she had brought home during a storm, and of the horse she met the other day...

Damn, I am scared they might get advanced enough to beat me one of these days.

[#] Thu Oct 17 2024 08:40:15 EDT from Nurb432

Subject: Re: Advanced matchmaking tactics

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at least they took the time to investigate the situation and adapted. 

Thu Oct 17 2024 08:32:09 EDT from darknetuser Subject: Advanced matchmaking tactics
I am sure you are familiar with the feeling of having every lady try to get her daughter or grand-daughter marry to you (if not, you are so lucky). Actually, this is not something that happens to me every day but it happens often enough for it to be a thing.

What happens is that ladies used to try very crude tactics for setting me up, but last lady at $job[1] tried somethign new and I am afraid these ladies could be evolving. Instead of showing me a picture of her daughter, he showed to me a picture of her horse, and of the runnaway horse she had brought home during a storm, and of the horse she met the other day...

Damn, I am scared they might get advanced enough to beat me one of these days.


[#] Fri Oct 18 2024 20:04:32 EDT from zelgomer

Subject: Re: Advanced matchmaking tactics

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You should start feeding them false info and see how weird it gets. If you can get an old lady to show you photos of her granddaughter in a sheep costume with clown makeup, you win.

[#] Sat Oct 19 2024 17:13:23 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Advanced matchmaking tactics

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these ladies could be evolving. Instead of showing me a picture of her

daughter, he showed to me a picture of her horse, and of the runnaway

Please explain why you'd be against gaining a potential mate who loves horses as much as you do?

[#] Sat Oct 19 2024 17:55:09 EDT from darknetuser

Subject: Re: Advanced matchmaking tactics

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2024-10-18 20:04 from zelgomer
Subject: Re: Advanced matchmaking tactics
You should start feeding them false info and see how weird it gets. If

you can get an old lady to show you photos of her granddaughter in a

sheep costume with clown makeup, you win.

That sounds like fun, but that would require me to change my public lifestyle quite a bit. I would have to remove all my horse figurines from the desk, change the pferdefreunde mug for a sheep mug, that sort of thing.

For those who don't know, Pferdefreunde is a German toy brand for horse themed products. They used to sell lots of mugs and glasses with horse pictures on them and for some reason people started giving those to me as birthday presents or in other ocassions, so I have quite a bit of those.

[#] Sat Oct 19 2024 18:16:04 EDT from darknetuser

Subject: Re: Advanced matchmaking tactics

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Please explain why you'd be against gaining a potential mate who loves

horses as much as you do?

My first reaction was posting "because I don't like women," but considering the circumpstances it would be intrepretated under a very weird light.

I'd certainly have a use for a woman in my life but I am yet to know one that would be a possitive in my life rather than a hindrance. Relationships come with an extremely high opportunity cost and most gals around here expect you to waste a lot of your disposable income on them. Meanwhile I am busy building up my economy so I can retire from The System by the time I am 40 and seclude into farming life before society goes too bad.

What I mean with this is since most people are useless NPCs and women are people cut out from the same pattern, my default reaction is pursuing a relationship with one is not worth pulling a single minute aside and away from my most important goals. The fact most relationships I know are badly botched kind of reinforces this idea. Getting into a long term relationship by sacrificing my current objectives only to discover 7 years later I am stranded with a woman I don't like, a mortage and 2 children is not my idea of success.

Another thing worth commenting: most horsegals I have given a try liked the sporting aspect of horsemanship only, but they didn't give a damn about the horses themselves. That is a real turn off, because I am quite the opposite. A clumsy lame good-for-nothing horse is fine for me as long as she is willing to play bite-bite games.

I really wish I could find somebody to build a farm and a family together, but I am realistic.

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