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[#] Sun Aug 25 2024 16:48:56 EDT from darknetuser

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I hope this makes more people move to SubscribeStar, because Jack
Conte is kind of a sleazebag anyway.

This sis the first time I hear of subscribestar. I will have to look it up. Thanks.

[#] Fri Aug 30 2024 15:41:12 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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This sis the first time I hear of subscribestar. I will have to look it up. Thanks.

Yeah, they do the same thing as Patreon but they don't cave in to cancel culture.

[#] Mon Sep 23 2024 11:58:30 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: I dub thee ... the Franklin Ace 3588

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As many of you know, the home server I built earlier this year bears the hostname "kremvax" as a nod to the fictitious computer that supposedly brought UseNet behind the iron curtain in the 1990s. I also have a development machine called "franklin" because it was once located near Franklin, IN. But it's here now.

I have decided that "franklin" is now named after the computer that was a better Apple than anything Apple ever made: the Franklin Ace 1000. Back in the day, one of my friends had a Franklin, and it really was a better experience.
It had a full size, full motion keyboard. It had more memory and the language card built in. It had lower case characters long before Apple had them. Unfortunately, it also ripped off Steve Wozniak's ROMs so they got sueballed out of existence.

My computer back then was a Commodore 64 (a TI-99 and an S-100 with CP/M before that) but my Apple-using friends switched to Amiga around the same time I did. I probably should have bought an Apple after they were obsolete but before they were retro.

[#] Mon Sep 23 2024 13:36:10 EDT from Nurb432

Subject: Re: I dub thee ... the Franklin Ace 3588

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I remember those.   But we were more of of an Atari and Commordore area than Apple or Tandy so never really saw in person when it was new.

In the late 90s a friend ran across one they had in a box, forgot to ask me first before it was gone.  I still had my retro collection, would have been nice to have.

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