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[#] Tue Jan 14 2020 10:55:05 EST from zooer

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Police footage of George Michael's arrest.

[#] Sun Feb 02 2020 09:25:09 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Hey, that's the original uncut footage, isn't it.

[#] Fri Mar 06 2020 09:38:45 EST from zooer

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Yes, it is older so the police body cams required a full film crew at the time.


Speaking of which, good news!


[#] Thu Sep 10 2020 18:02:26 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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So I guess everyone has finally figured out that Netflix is pro-pedophilia, now that their child porn show is actually airing.

[#] Fri Sep 11 2020 11:54:41 EDT from nonservator

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I'm running out of Silicon Valley organs to boycott.

[#] Mon Oct 12 2020 15:46:46 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Thought for the day

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Thought for the day.

The Olsen Twins are 34 years old.

The entire world, with no exceptions anywhere, agreed that the correct choice for them would have been to start doing pr0n the moment they turned 18.  They didn't.  Now they're pushing 40 and they're really not cute at all.

What a wasted pair of lives.

[#] Sun Nov 08 2020 17:10:29 EST from zooer

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Joe Biden's win kills Alex Trebek. 

[#] Sun Nov 08 2020 17:43:03 EST from LoanShark

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Oof. I really liked Trebek. He was a true gentleman. Never once snarked at a contestant who made a stupid mistake.

Had I been the host, I would have snarked as such, on the regular, despite the fact that most of the contestants are better with trivia than I

[#] Sun Nov 08 2020 19:46:57 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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Sun Nov 08 2020 17:10:29 EST from zooer @ Uncensored

Joe Biden's win kills Alex Trebek. 

It sucks to live in a world where Biden outlived Alex Trebeck long enough to make Kamala Harris President. 

[#] Sat Nov 14 2020 11:34:33 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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So apparently there was some sort of cheezy pop Christmas song in the

1980's that was about an organ transplant gone horribly wrong. And

I'm just really disappointed that no one actually got the joke.

[#] Sat Nov 14 2020 13:48:40 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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Sat Nov 14 2020 11:34:33 EST from IGnatius T Foobar @ Uncensored
So apparently there was some sort of cheezy pop Christmas song in the

1980's that was about an organ transplant gone horribly wrong. And

I'm just really disappointed that no one actually got the joke.

Ah. Took me a moment, but tu tienes mi corazon por la ultima navidad, ahora. 


[#] Sun Nov 22 2020 23:43:04 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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The Animaniacs is not a total disaster. Mostly, it was quite good - especially if you go into it wide awake that there are no sacred cows in the current zeitgeist that they're not going to try and tip. 

It'll probably fail because of that, because outrage culture is so pervasive across the spectrum, today. This is why we can no longer have nice things. 


[#] Sun Nov 29 2020 20:41:19 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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I loved Animaniacs ... I was actually not getting my hopes up because comebacks tend to disappoint (Bloom County for example ... the comeback was completely terrible).

[#] Mon Nov 30 2020 09:25:46 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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Sun Nov 29 2020 20:41:19 EST from IGnatius T Foobar @ Uncensored
I loved Animaniacs ... I was actually not getting my hopes up because comebacks tend to disappoint (Bloom County for example ... the comeback was completely terrible).

The last episode we watched was uneven. It was mostly a pro gun control skit - and it was done with such a weak metaphor that they kind of addressed it in their own meta way, which was kind of the funniest part of the skit. It wasn't terrible - it was more like they didn't really know what to do with it. There were some good highlights, and the metaphor/analogy was easy to ignore. Taken just as a skit with no larger meaning, it wasn't as bad. The idea that they were trying to make a message pulled down the episode overall, not because I disagree with the message, although I do - but because the metaphor didn't work very well. 

Then Thanksgiving happened, and we haven't watched an episode since. Maybe tonight we'll pick it back up. 

[#] Wed Dec 30 2020 16:30:30 EST from zooer

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Maryann has passed away!  (From COVID-19)

Ginger is the only surviving member of Gilligan's Island.

[#] Wed Dec 30 2020 20:51:45 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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Ginger outlived EVERYONE?

There is probably a joke in there along the lines of what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

Wed Dec 30 2020 16:30:30 EST from zooer

Maryann has passed away!  (From COVID-19)

Ginger is the only surviving member of Gilligan's Island.


[#] Wed Dec 30 2020 20:53:02 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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We finished the season. Some of it was downright weird, some of it was annoying, but overall, I feel like they hit their mark. ("We have to be edgy enough to attract modern audiences that are our target market, but not edgy enough to offend their fathers, who are also our target market.")

Sun Nov 29 2020 20:41:19 EST from IGnatius T Foobar
I loved Animaniacs ... I was actually not getting my hopes up because comebacks tend to disappoint


[#] Thu Dec 31 2020 07:19:53 EST from nonservator

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The only current show I was watching was Better Call Saul, and I can't even be excited about anticipating the final season. I just want Hollywood to burn to the ground and for the earth to be salted.

[#] Thu Dec 31 2020 14:18:19 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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Better Call Saul has the same problem that a lot of AMC series have. They have irregular seasons that have huge breaks and you end up falling behind or forgetting. AMC is like that really talented, but absent minded and flightly artist you know who gets you excited about something, gets half way through it, then disappears onto some other project... and by the time they come back around, you've lost interest. 


Thu Dec 31 2020 07:19:53 EST from nonservator

The only current show I was watching was Better Call Saul, and I can't even be excited about anticipating the final season. I just want Hollywood to burn to the ground and for the earth to be salted.


[#] Wed Jan 06 2021 13:44:54 EST from triLcat

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I started watching Doc Martin recently. It's cute :)

Outlander is my truest love at the moment.


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