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I guess these guys really like soccer.
Ich hab eine Fahne - ich setze sie in Brand!
I've got a flag - I set it on fire.
this video is really fucking cool.
It's pretty obvious that the New York Yankees are going to win the World Cup like they do every year.
All I know is that I've never seen Stanley at a hockey game. And sometimes
I really think those hockey players ought to take a few cues from The Great
Big Book Of Everything.
Hmmph. Toldya. The Yankees wouldn't have blown their lead against Portugal in the last 20 seconds of the game.
Or just subject all of them to the same violence aversion therapy as was done in Clockwork Orange. Sorry, not real I know, but a fun thought.
Yup. Did you know that the violence endorsement organization known as the NFL is a NON PROFIT?
All the zillions of dollars they bring in showing a bunch of dumb jocks, and they are a NON PROFIT.
So what about Sandoval on the Red Sox? How's he doing at this point in the new season?
Red Sox can bring on as many Sandovals as they want ... they still won't beat
the Yankees :)
Yanks be on the rebound? Yeah, I guess the soX have something to be worried about! :)
The Red Sox might need a few pitchers to go along with their offense.. Perhaps
a trade with the Mets?