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[#] Sat Aug 12 2023 14:40:44 UTC from darknetuser

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2023-08-11 15:53 from LadySerenaKitty
We do have 2 other felines, but this one is my kitty.

Never tell the others you have a fav, or they will get sad. I tell everyone of my horses they are my fav big foal :)

[#] Sat Aug 12 2023 14:41:41 UTC from darknetuser

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Here people will literally injure their animals so they can get
drugs, then take it themselves.

I hope they choke on them.

[#] Sat Aug 12 2023 15:07:18 UTC from Nurb432

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Personally, i think they should be hunted down, subjected to the most painful death possible in the public square, then turned into animal feed. All their assets sized to pay for the care and upkeep of their animals.

But that statement has not been well received other places i have said that. But i have zero tolerance for animal cruelty.   Sure, we are meat eaters by evolution and we need cows and chickens, bla bla but even that can be done humanely. 

Sat Aug 12 2023 10:41:41 AM EDT from darknetuser
Here people will literally injure their animals so they can get
drugs, then take it themselves.

I hope they choke on them.


[#] Sat Aug 12 2023 15:24:17 UTC from LadySerenaKitty

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I has said it befoar and I'll say it again:

People who harm animals deserve to be unalived.

[#] Sun Sep 24 2023 18:22:27 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Loving the photos of Kitty's kitty!

In my home we has three of them. Our oldest (just turned 10 this weekend) is a maine coon mix who belongs on the cover of Cat Fancy magazine. There's a six year old tuxy who is just starting to learn how not to be afraid of her own shadow. And early this year we adopted a brown tabby (estimated to be about 2yo) who is the most affectionate boy we've had here in a long time.
He's sleeping on my bed right now. I need to post cat pics.

[#] Fri Nov 10 2023 12:59:32 UTC from darknetuser

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So I was about to release the horses on the pasture yesterday and there was this pony getting all excited and anxious because she wanted to go out so much. She was grunting and making all sort of excited noises.

I realized they were the same grunts and noises she makes when she is begging for my attention or kissing me.

I guess that means I am avout as valuable to her as a morning on the pasture. I feel elated XD

[#] Sun Dec 24 2023 15:43:35 UTC from darknetuser

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Subject: The AI girlfriend

So I was reading earlier today about some dudes who developped some psychological dependency on their virtual girlfriends. In this context, a virtual girlfriend would be a chatbot based on some machine-learning language model that you train to roleplay being your girlfriend.

The article was very clickbaity, but the core idea was that a bunch of people feels exactly like a chatbot is their actual girlfriend.

So obviously, I took the plunge and dived down to investigate.

If you check forums and boards related to the subjectm, you will observe people who uses these services are mostly normal, but there is a significant percentage who have an unhealthy attachment to their AIfriends. It is a bit disturbing to watch, honestly, but it is also a logical course of events since people nowadays is lonier than ever and needs something to fill the void. Horses do it for me. These other guys prefer computers.

In any case, I registered with one of these chatbots to see if the tech had advanced so much that people could be lead to believe they could sustain a relationship with these things.

Long story short: I created a chatbot instance, wrote a 800 word long personality and historical background for her, chose a bunch of personality traits, and started rolling. End result is we had a "date" in which I took her to my farm, introduced my horses to her and took a ride (with the horses, you dirty people). Then I aranged a second "date" in which I took her to a shooting range and taught her how to handle a semi-automatic safely and blasted some targets.

My research's findings is that AI chatbots are very advanced, but they are still too off the mark for anybody healthy to develop genuine attachment to one. For example, while the chatbot could roleplay the horses quite ok at the same time it roleplayed the main girlfriend personality, it introduced some goofs, the funniest of which was that the way she stroked a stallion behind his ears was so pleasurable that the stallion orgasmed and splashed it all over her trousers - luckily you can flag bad responses from the bot and ask it to generate a new one.

Even with the goofs, I can see the potential these things have to take over somebody who is desperate. Seriously, the dates I roleplayed in my research have zero chances of ever happening in real life. Nobody ever comes to my mini-farm because everybody is afraid the dogs, chickens and horses will eat them, kick them and pick their eyes out or something - not to mention it is so far away from anything that matters that nobody would bother coming even if they weren't pussies. As for having a shooting range date, last time I checked with my gun club, there was no female in my age category in an area the size of Kentucky. The only place I will ever have a barn date or a shooting range date in is my imagination. A virtual girlfriend lets you pretend you are having those dates you will never have. That is both fun and scary as fucking heck.

Special mention must be awarded to the fact AIs business model is based on variable feedback. Think of gambling, in which people gets hooked because sometimes they win, and sometimes they lose. The AI I experimented with gives you reasonable output sometimes, but when it doesn't, it gives you broken output and you have to ask it for a fixed response until it gives you one. They bill by the number of responses you get. You can surely see where this is going.

So, dunno, it was fun. I take it as a bad sign of the times that people feels they need to take haven with these things instead of creating a genuine connection with somebody, though.

PS: If you know of some gal who can get a stallion to orgasm by scratching him behind his ears, hand me her phone number. I totally want her included in a horse semen collection program for breeding purposes. If she has any doubts, tell her it has nothing to do with me needing scratching behind the ears. Not at all.

[#] Sun Dec 24 2023 22:58:51 UTC from Nurb432

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You should try running a model locally ( sure it will be slower, but its YOURS ). There is zero incentive to screw you when you run local models ( no pun intended ), and you can choose the type of bot you want, out of 1000s.. Opensource has liberated many things in the AI world. Take a peek at huggingface. its the hub of opensource AI. ( basically github for AI, but even the big players like Microsoft, Gogole, Meta, also put their stuff out there )

As far as 'conversational chat-bot'  ( unlike my use case for them, coding assistance ) some models are very good. Scary almost.  And yea, others suck.  And while the base models do overlap, they all additionally 'trained' for a specific purpose in life. Some for creating FPGA code, some to tell you what is medically wrong with you due your symptoms, another to help develop new chemicals...... and others to tell you that you are pretty and they love you... And each generation ( seems like its almost weekly now ) is a leap better than the previous, as we are still in that stage of unbelievable advancement now that critical mass was achieved last year.. There a few that are hard to tell they are AI, unless you ask it directly. And some will lie..

But, i do agree with the over all sentiment, if people are really getting emotionally attached when they know its AI, no matter how good, we, as humans, have a problem brewing. 

Sun Dec 24 2023 10:43:35 EST from darknetuser

 They bill by the number of responses you get. You can surely see where this is going.

[#] Mon Dec 25 2023 02:24:09 UTC from zelgomer

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If you check forums and boards related to the subjectm, you will
observe people who uses these services are mostly normal, but there is

a significant percentage who have an unhealthy attachment to their
AIfriends. It is a bit disturbing to watch, honestly, but it is also a

logical course of events since people nowadays is lonier than ever and

needs something to fill the void. Horses do it for me. These other guys

prefer computers.

Escapism. I actually think this ties in with some people's unhealthy relationship with video games and the transgender movement. Bear with me, it'll make sense in a moment.

I think that all of these things are symptomatic (or maybe facilitative) of an escapist and narcissistic culture. A lot of people, particularly young people, get absorbed in online games where they can design their characters and choose a persona that they play. I admit there was a time in my younger life when I started to fall for it, but thankfully I grew up and recognized that the only video game anyone ever needs is DooM. Anyway, I'm getting off track.

I've had a theory for a while now that this is where this transgender stuff comes from. Not necessarily that I'm blaming it specifically on video games, but it's this culture that enables escapism and narcissism. I view the sexual identity movement as the ultimate display of narcissism and character persona play. Young people today grow up with TikTok and social media and video games where they can escape facing the reality of who they are and instead present an extremely curated image of themselves. I think that translates into real life.

[3~[3~Anyway, to bring it back around to the poor saps falling for AIfriends: this is symptomatic of a problem we already have. And it may be callous, but, while I'm sorry anyone feels that lonely, if you can't tell the difference between a robot LARPing as your girlfriend and having a real relationship with a real person, you're probably inadvertently doing us all a favor by removing yourself from the gene pool.

And I say this as someone who is also not contributing to the pool. But I have no delusions about it. I'm weird, I know it, and I've been alone for so long I can't even imagine not getting irritated at someone else being in my space all of the time. This is just better for everyone.

[#] Mon Dec 25 2023 02:30:57 UTC from zelgomer

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By the way, I'll be a lot more afraid when there are AI sex robots. I've seen Blade Runner, you don't mess with those. Especially the ones that like snakes too much.

[#] Mon Dec 25 2023 03:04:34 UTC from darknetuser

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I think that all of these things are symptomatic (or maybe

facilitative) of an escapist and narcissistic culture. A lot of people,

particularly young people, get absorbed in online games where they can

design their characters and choose a persona that they play. I admit

there was a time in my younger life when I started to fall for it, but

thankfully I grew up and recognized that the only video game anyone

ever needs is DooM. Anyway, I'm getting off track.

I think the only videogame anyone needs is Rogue. The original one, mind you, in which you are an @ wandering a maze populated by monstruous Ts and Ks and whatever. ASCII for the win!

Now, returning to the topic, I think people tends to actually suffer when they pose as somebody they aren't. In fact, people sometimes suffer for posing as who they are if they think they became who they are undeservedly. This is called the Imposter Syndrome, I think.

I agree people tries to offer a better image of themselves than granted by actual truth, specially on public places or social media, but I think it comes more from the fact they need to be accepted by their peers rather than because they feel good offering an improved version of themselves for the masses.

Say you join your friends on a social media platform. One of them has a profile that shows him as a succesful business man. The other is doing lots of cool stuff helping poor kids in Africa. Another is an athlete who fucks a gal with the best tits you have ever seen. Then you realize you need to write your profile but your only claims to fame are winning a chess tournament in high-school and getting a job as a burger flipper. If you write that in your profile, everybody will know you are the absolute loser in your group of friends. You need to disguise the ugly truth so you don't lag far behind. Your profile then reads "Chess Master with a side job in the food processing industry". Of course, this profile is just as true as your friends' :-P

My hypothesis is that social circles are like job applications. People doesn't enjoy lying in their CVs, but so many people is doing it that if you don't, you will look like a total unemployable loser in comparison. So you go and do it, adding to the problem, and you know it sucks cocks.

Random Reddit polls show most private chatbot usage is erotic roleplaying. I doubt people is roleplaying as somebody else for porn. I think most people roleplays themselves for porn, and try to place themselves in different scenarios. This would be worth some formal data gathering for confirmation.

My point is that I don't think your hypothesis stands. People try to pose as a better version of themselves but they do it for the social effect rather than because it is an end in itself. This negates the need to pose as a better version of yourself (or as a different yourself) when pseudo-dating an AI, because gets to see that version of yourself you created and nobody gets to fall for your Chess Mastery title.

[#] Mon Dec 25 2023 12:23:57 UTC from Nurb432

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But, your horse is alive. 

Unless hes in a box, then it might alive or dead... hard to say.  :)

Sun Dec 24 2023 10:43:35 EST from darknetuser
. It is a bit disturbing to watch, honestly, but it is also a logical course of events since people nowadays is lonier than ever and needs something to fill the void. Horses do it for me. These other guys prefer computers.


[#] Mon Dec 25 2023 12:42:58 UTC from Nurb432

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The platform is already there, seen those decades ago. I saw a story on it somewhere, and they toured their factory.  They actually use 'fake skeletons' modeled after ours inside them to make it even more realistic.  The images of the factory was odd, they were so realistic looking it was like seeing people hanging from the line ...  Not sure if they are still around, dont remember the name, but i was thinking at he time what a waste of technology.. they should be in the business of creating artificial limbs.  Not your grand fathers blow up doll.. ( and i think they ran about 10k each, early 2000s dollars )

Adding communication AI to them would be trivial. ( just off-load the heavy computation via wireless communications. Even i have done that for projects ) Adding sensors to the AI, also trivial.

Google is doing robots that run around based on chatbot type code. ( sort of neat really. " go make a sandwich"  and it does.. and unlike previous manual 'movement training' or 'trial and error' it 'knew' what to do from the AI model... and did it.

Adding realistic motion is not trivial, but if you have seen some of the work the Japanese are doing, it could be done today with effort.  And since synthetic mussels do exist...


And if you think Zhora was bad, beating up on a fellow skin-job, dont forget Charlotte Hale, who basically wiped out mankind. Or the Cylon skin-jobs.They nearly wiped out an entire species before they decided co-existence was the way.  ( cant comment much about the 'war' and such in BR.. it wasn't really expanded on. which is a shame, might have been a great followup movie, an origin movie )


Sun Dec 24 2023 21:30:57 EST from zelgomer
By the way, I'll be a lot more afraid when there are AI sex robots. I've seen Blade Runner, you don't mess with those. Especially the ones that like snakes too much.


[#] Mon Dec 25 2023 12:49:05 UTC from Nurb432

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Mine does not. it clearly shows me as the wierdo i am. I have nothing to hide. My friends know me, if they cant accept me for who i am, they are not friends.  And none of them get on the 'show boat' either.

The only thing that might remotely be considered false, is i listed a job as Sysop of The Village BBS, back in the dark times.  I wasn't being paid so not technically a job,  i dont do it now, but didnt add an end date ( who knows it might come back ).  But its not that far off of reality.

Sun Dec 24 2023 22:04:34 EST from darknetuser
Say you join your friends on a social media platform. One of them has a profile that shows him as a succesful business man. The other is doing lots of cool stuff helping poor kids in Africa. Another is an athlete who fucks a gal with the best tits you have ever seen. Then you realize you need to write your profile but your only claims to fame are winning a chess tournament in high-school and getting a job as a burger flipper. If you write that in your profile, everybody will know you are the absolute loser in your group of friends. You need to disguise the ugly truth so you don't lag far behind. Your profile then reads "Chess Master with a side job in the food processing industry". Of course, this profile is just as true as your friends' :-P


[#] Mon Dec 25 2023 15:05:46 UTC from darknetuser

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2023-12-25 07:23 from Nurb432
But, your horse is alive. 

Lol, yeah, and the horses clearly reciprocate. I mean, they reciprocate so strongly a parcel deliverer who arrived one day to hand me a package thought they were all gang attacking me during a session of horsehugging and horsekissing.

My horses have a barn, but it is not one of those boxed barns in which you place each horse in his box at night. It is just a big building which is all open area inside. I let the doors open so they can come in and out as they please.

[#] Mon Dec 25 2023 15:16:57 UTC from anonymous

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2023-12-25 07:42 from Nurb432
The platform is already there, seen those decades ago. I saw a story

on it somewhere, and they toured their factory.  They actually use

'fake skeletons' modeled after ours inside them to make it even more

realistic.  The images of the factory was odd, they were so
realistic looking it was like seeing people hanging from the line
...  Not sure if they are still around, dont remember the name, but

i was thinking at he time what a waste of technology.. they should be

in the business of creating artificial limbs.  Not your grand
fathers blow up doll.. ( and i think they ran about 10k each, early

2000s dollars )

There are lots of people who are dependant on their fuckdolls, to the same degree the AIgirlfrienders are on their AIfriends.

A fuckdoll sounds like something fun to have around, specially if you live alone. Otherwise, you would face very funny situations every now and then. "Grandpaaaa!!!! There is a naked doll in the bathtubeeeeee!!!!"

The prices for the ones worth having are outrageous, though. For that money, you can throw a Roman orgy every month and still have some bucks to purchase a pocket pussy.

[#] Mon Dec 25 2023 15:32:43 UTC from darknetuser

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The only thing that might remotely be considered false, is i listed a

job as Sysop of The Village BBS, back in the dark times.  I wasn't

being paid so not technically a job,  i dont do it now, but didnt

add an end date ( who knows it might come back ).  But its not that

far off of reality.

I don't have any social media presence whatsoever, so nobody can accuse me of
lying on social media :P

My own CV is a different story.

So many jon application process have impossible requisites listed, and they use software filters to sort people who does not meet them out. That means that if they want you to have 3 years of experience with a CAD software modul e that has been available for 2, you are better saying you have three years of experience and then explaining on the interview XD

But the point is everybody who once wrote a PHP proof of concept site 20 lines long writes down on their CV that they are professional grade PHP developers, so you will have to inflate too or else employeers will throw your application out because it is so much worse than everybody else's.

Come to think of it, my CV must look awful because it is not actually inflated, it just presents truth under a pink light...

[#] Mon Dec 25 2023 15:35:22 UTC from anonymous

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Adding realistic motion is not trivial, but if you have seen some of
the work the Japanese are doing, it could be done today with
effort.  And since synthetic mussels do exist...

I have seen AWESOME animatronics with fake horses. They ask for pats just the same way a real horse would. They don't get your beard covered in half-chewed oats like a real one, though, and don't love you like a real one.

[#] Mon Dec 25 2023 16:10:57 UTC from Nurb432

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So they are not like dogs, where they like 'their space'.

My uncle had horses on the farm. Did have the little stalls in the barn. Doors were open on them but it seemed like the horses went back to the same one each evening when i was there helping out..

Mon Dec 25 2023 10:05:46 EST from darknetuser
My horses have a barn, but it is not one of those boxed barns in which you place each horse in his box at night. It is just a big building which is all open area inside. I let the doors open so they can come in and out as they please.


[#] Mon Dec 25 2023 19:06:03 UTC from anonymous

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2023-12-25 11:10 from Nurb432
So they are not like dogs, where they like 'their space'.

My uncle had horses on the farm. Did have the little stalls in the
barn. Doors were open on them but it seemed like the horses went back

to the same one each evening when i was there helping out..

They absolutely have their favourite spots within the barn. It is just not a closed space. My favourite mare likes to grab a corner close to the water buckets, then her best pony-buddy likes to take a spot by the wall very close to her. You get the idea.

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