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[#] Mon Nov 16 2020 10:07:45 EST from LoanShark

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My wife put strawberry boba in her froyo tonight. I asked her what it
tasted like, she offered me a bite. I hesitated. Like the boba is
what is going to give me the Covid if she had it. 

If you're already living together and both asymptomatic, might as well keep sharing glasses. The disease is highly transmissible in the aggregate, but can be surprisingly difficult to transmit in individual cases.

I was pretty careless at first. I was at the office, at bars, while infectious. Don't know of anyone who got it from me. Not even my girlfriend, who was extensively exposed to me, she had no symptoms and eventually tested negative for antibodies as well.

As the covid-induced anxiety and mini-depression and delirium set in, I was *full of guilt*.

[#] Mon Nov 16 2020 12:44:01 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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Evidently Fauci is starting to trumpet the "cancel Christmas" bandwagon. 

[#] Tue Nov 17 2020 09:12:54 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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My wife put strawberry boba in her froyo tonight. I asked her what it
tasted like, she offered me a bite. I hesitated. Like the boba is

As mentioned in the food room, I found boba to be positively disgusting in tea. It might be better in froyo (unless it is cursed). I do like tapioca pudding.

[#] Wed Dec 02 2020 17:41:00 EST from zooer

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Emojis.  I didn't think any adult would use them, I thought they were made for and used by 13 year old girls.  Apparently they are very popular.

Chrome now has an Emoji section in the right click menu.

My Android's Swift keyboard has emojis on the keyboard and you can't rid the interface of these awful things. 

[#] Thu Dec 03 2020 18:41:56 EST from Nurb432

Subject: arrgh my tooth - freaking virus

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Sitting at the endodontist's office, getting a root canal due to a dumbass piss-poor dentist who messed up my tooth.. 1/2 way thru " welp, i have run out of time, you will have to come back next week.. "   wtf!


its the fault of COVID "we have to keep the schedules to maintain a certain number of patients in the office at once" 

[#] Thu Dec 03 2020 22:04:35 EST from zooer

Subject: Re: arrgh my tooth - freaking virus

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That is a dick move right there.  Almost seems like it was done on purpose.

[#] Fri Dec 04 2020 08:25:05 EST from Nurb432

Subject: Re: arrgh my tooth - freaking virus

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I donno, to be fair he was struggling. ( due to previous dentist's so called 'work' ) and I do know that business around here have 'max capacity' rules again at a state level, since last month.

Entire thing is damned frustrating and shouldn't have had to happen anyway, and then to have the covid crap get involved to make my day miserable too..   arrgh.

Thu Dec 03 2020 22:04:35 EST from zooer Subject: Re: arrgh my tooth - freaking virus

That is a dick move right there.  Almost seems like it was done on purpose.


[#] Fri Dec 04 2020 09:41:30 EST from ParanoidDelusions

Subject: Re: arrgh my tooth - freaking virus

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Fri Dec 04 2020 08:25:05 EST from Nurb432 Subject: Re: arrgh my tooth - freaking virus

I donno, to be fair he was struggling. ( due to previous dentist's so called 'work' ) and I do know that business around here have 'max capacity' rules again at a state level, since last month.

Entire thing is damned frustrating and shouldn't have had to happen anyway, and then to have the covid crap get involved to make my day miserable too..   arrgh.

Thu Dec 03 2020 22:04:35 EST from zooer Subject: Re: arrgh my tooth - freaking virus

That is a dick move right there.  Almost seems like it was done on purpose.

I don't feel like you get to start a root canal and call it suspended half-way through. 

That is like half-way setting a fractured bone. 

Or like, as an IT engineer, half-way fixing a production down issue on a mission critical enterprise server and then going, "Well, that is my 8 hours... I'll be back on Monday to fix the rest of it." 



[#] Fri Dec 04 2020 11:53:27 EST from Nurb432

Subject: Re: arrgh my tooth - freaking virus

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I guess since i wasn't in pain it wasn't a 'must finish now' event. It was preemptive. 


I also had no idea what to expect this morning, figured i now would have pain since he screwed with the roots, but no.. just normal soreness of my jaw being chewed on, and my mouth wide open for an hour.


[#] Fri Dec 04 2020 13:28:24 EST from ParanoidDelusions

Subject: Re: arrgh my tooth - freaking virus

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Maybe he got the root extracted. Once the root is out, I guess there isn't anything to cause the kind of pain that is associated with needing a root canal. 

Fri Dec 04 2020 11:53:27 EST from Nurb432 Subject: Re: arrgh my tooth - freaking virus


I guess since i wasn't in pain it wasn't a 'must finish now' event. It was preemptive. 




[#] Fri Dec 04 2020 14:33:58 EST from Nurb432

Subject: Re: arrgh my tooth - freaking virus

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Was a molar so there were 4 ( or 5.. i had one with 6 ).  But if he got that far, it should have been trivial to close it up an send me on my way to get a new crown created. 


But i wasn't able to see what he was doing. No mirrors on the ceiling. ( i had a dentist who did that for you. )

[#] Fri Dec 04 2020 15:40:23 EST from ParanoidDelusions

Subject: Re: arrgh my tooth - freaking virus

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Yeah. None of this makes sense to me. I'd get a new dentist if my dentist got half-way through a root canal and said, "times up." 


Fri Dec 04 2020 14:33:58 EST from Nurb432 Subject: Re: arrgh my tooth - freaking virus

Was a molar so there were 4 ( or 5.. i had one with 6 ).  But if he got that far, it should have been trivial to close it up an send me on my way to get a new crown created. 


But i wasn't able to see what he was doing. No mirrors on the ceiling. ( i had a dentist who did that for you. )


[#] Fri Dec 04 2020 16:56:25 EST from zooer

Subject: Re: arrgh my tooth - freaking virus

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Was it the dentist or the endodontist? Are they the same with specialized training?

[#] Sat Dec 05 2020 08:30:12 EST from nonservator

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I'm going on a year overdue for a teeth cleaning, and have also had to postpone having a wisdom tooth removed. Fuck the hysterical, pants-wetting, anti-common sense, anti-science BULLSHIT CORONA PANIC.

[#] Sat Dec 05 2020 12:47:31 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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Where are you that dentistry can't be performed? 

I swear - I was just kidding around when I was calling New York an occupied State and Arizona a Free State - but, it is actually sounding more and more like the truth. 

Sat Dec 05 2020 08:30:12 EST from nonservator

I'm going on a year overdue for a teeth cleaning, and have also had to postpone having a wisdom tooth removed. 


[#] Sat Dec 05 2020 22:30:10 EST from LoanShark

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2020-12-05 12:47 from ParanoidDelusions
Where are you that dentistry can't be performed? 

I swear - I was just kidding around when I was calling New York an
occupied State and Arizona a Free State - but, it is actually
sounding more and more like the truth. 

Certainly not New York. I got some dentristry done, and I fricking live here.

[#] Sun Dec 06 2020 07:49:37 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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My daughter, who is a Native Born Californian, spent most of her formative years in Ohio, then moved to Chicago for school, only to have her first Semester upended by Covid-19 and the 2020 election - was raised on digital communities like Twitter and has very left leaning sympathies. 

After a second semester in a very authoritarian, locked down, scared-of-its-own-shadow Chicago, has decided to opt for online learning for her 3rd semester. 

And is also far less argumentative when Dad suggests that the policies of the Left on Covid are neither healthy nor productive. 

I see a glimmer of hope in this. The people who live in Blue cities and Blue States all talk and sound like people in an occupied territory. They're miserable, afraid, their lives are terribly disrupted, they worry about holiday gatherings and school and warn people "don't come here!" 

I was listening to two Californian DJs who couldn't understand why people would suggest visiting California as tourists. 

But, these people don't come to Red States and cities. They don't see us mostly living our lives as normal. We're certainly restricted in our regular daily living routines. We wear masks, we socially isolate, we don't have major league sporting events or concerts and other festival events have all been cancelled. 

But we don't live our lives as if the angel of death has just passed over Egypt, painting a symbol in Lamb's Blood on every Grandfather and Grandmother's door. 

When she first got back, she was afraid to eat outside, with the table on each side of us closed, at In-N-Out. After a few weeks of this, she is still very nervous - but she is starting to suspect that she has been scammed. 

Today my wife and I had a couple of drinks at the local pub. Traffic is down - and we chose to drink outside in the open area patio seating rather than indoors. But at least there is a semblance of normality there. 

I can't imagine what it is like to live in one of the Blue cities where the constant lockdown and militant mask mandates make it feel like you're living at the tail end of the Zombie apocalypse. It must be horrible on your mental well being. 


Sat Dec 05 2020 22:30:10 EST from LoanShark

Certainly not New York. I got some dentristry done, and I fricking live here.


[#] Sun Dec 06 2020 07:54:49 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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I remember the first lockdown, the toilet paper shortages, then during the height of the rioting, the curfews. 

That felt very dark and joyless, very unprecedented, and was surreal, being an essential worker, driving into the office on nearly deserted streets. Phoenix is one of the most heavy airspaces in the United States - and the skies were almost entirely empty for weeks. It felt like the world was ending.  


I feel like living in New York or Chicago or L.A. right now must be like that - constantly. 

It must be something like growing up in Cold War East Berlin was. It must be terrible for the psychological health of the people living that reality. 

[#] Sun Dec 06 2020 17:40:29 EST from Nurb432

Subject: Re: arrgh my tooth - freaking virus

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endodontist, so once hes done i go back my regular dentist to build a new crown.

Yes, they are the specialists. 

Fri Dec 04 2020 16:56:25 EST from zooer Subject: Re: arrgh my tooth - freaking virus

Was it the dentist or the endodontist? Are they the same with specialized training?


[#] Sun Dec 06 2020 17:58:23 EST from Nurb432

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Im also essential, but thankfully my location is not. So we got sent home to work back in March. I may go back in spring, i may not.  Some in my org are not ever coming aback to office. others are part time in / out ( i may end up that way, 50% in office )

Being process and app support on servers that are now in another state ( before were on VMS ) technically no matter what i do its remote.  In the old days i supported VMware hardware back when we were a smaller organization, but no longer part of that team. So, it dont matter if im at my desk or Mars, its all the same.

Sure, it makes training cases harder, and some meetings but its not *required* for us to be face to face.

Back to shortages, we had meat and basic stuff like flour shortages. It was rather depressing to go into the local super store and just stand and stare at empty shelves " will we get to eat meat this week? "  This is freaking America, we dont live like this...   We also had some minor riots up in town. Drug store was burnt 3 times in a row...

I dont look forward to what is coming. i fear this last spring will look like a kids game in comparison. 


Sun Dec 06 2020 07:54:49 EST from ParanoidDelusions

I remember the first lockdown, the toilet paper shortages, then during the height of the rioting, the curfews. 

That felt very dark and joyless, very unprecedented, and was surreal, being an essential worker, driving into the office on nearly deserted streets. Phoenix is one of the most heavy airspaces in the United States - and the skies were almost entirely empty for weeks. It felt like the world was ending.  


I feel like living in New York or Chicago or L.A. right now must be like that - constantly. 

It must be something like growing up in Cold War East Berlin was. It must be terrible for the psychological health of the people living that reality. 


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