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[#] Fri Dec 13 2019 04:55:30 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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You took public transportation to LGA? Are you insane?

Only to have my flight canceled and then have to drive to HPN for the re-scheduled flight. I left my truck at the lot and arranged for my wife to pick it up later. She asked me to park it tail-in so she wouldn't have trouble getting it out of the space.

And I got a $50 PARKING TICKET for parking it tain-in. Now THAT is insane.

[#] Tue Dec 17 2019 00:13:49 UTC from wizard of aahz

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Really? Is there a law about parking front in? Or were there signs requiring it?

[#] Tue Dec 17 2019 13:26:52 UTC from zooer

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I have seen parking lots with restrictions that all cars must park front in.  I don't understand why it is required, it is much easier to back into a parking space than back out. Perhaps they want conformity. I worked for a company that required all company vehicles to back into a parking space.

[#] Tue Dec 17 2019 19:17:04 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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If there was a sign, it certainly wasn't prominent enough for me to notice.
And even if there was, $50 is a bit steep for a violation so small. It only costs $30 to park there for 24 hours. For $80 I should have been able to leave my truck on the runway.

[#] Wed Dec 18 2019 03:23:50 UTC from wizard of aahz

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I hope you're contesting it. I want to know the reasoning they offer.

[#] Mon Dec 23 2019 16:31:37 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Missed the deadline. But I'm considering guerilla warfare. Can I borrow your car?

[#] Sun Dec 29 2019 06:41:08 UTC from wizard of aahz

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My car has never been driven by a gorilla.

[#] Sun Dec 29 2019 20:55:35 UTC from zooer

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Does it have a Trunk Monkey™?

[#] Fri Jan 03 2020 16:29:48 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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My car has never been driven by a gorilla.

We can fix that. Trunk Monkey might not be effective. We can do better.

[#] Fri Jan 03 2020 19:13:05 UTC from athos-mn

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Mine hasn't been driven by a gorrilla, either. Just an ass.

[#] Wed Jan 22 2020 21:04:09 UTC from athos-mn

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I was in a mall during a shooting, but it was a long time ago before it became hip. It was also a very stupid person, because it was during the Christmas rush and his getaway car coulnd't get away. The shooting was actually a struggle with a security guard, he was trying to rob a jewelry store, and the only thing shot was the floor.

[#] Wed Jan 22 2020 21:05:53 UTC from athos-mn

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Actually, I'm quite happy it happened when it did. Everyone just went into the nearest store and they stores locked up. Afterwards we all just went on. Now there would be swat teams and I'd be hearded with my hands up the in air. God forbid if I looked suspicious.

[#] Wed Feb 12 2020 13:49:11 UTC from wizard of aahz

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[#] Fri Feb 14 2020 20:49:20 UTC from athos-mn

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I'm a blue-eyed white guy. You just happen to know different.

[#] Mon Feb 17 2020 07:27:16 UTC from wizard of aahz

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Being blue eyed and white does not mean you are not suspicious looking.

[#] Fri Feb 21 2020 19:03:38 UTC from athos-mn

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True, but I can pass.

[#] Fri Mar 20 2020 15:49:11 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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I just bought some LED arrays, the "chip on board" type. After going through a lot of how-to documents and videos on how to properly install them, I'm now wondering whether it is legal to use these if I am *not* growing pot.

[#] Fri Mar 20 2020 16:50:05 UTC from zooer

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You can still grow your opium if you mask it with a few pot plants.

[#] Fri Mar 27 2020 21:51:57 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Heh. The only thing I'm growing here is a philodendron, and I tend to cut it down when it starts to get leggy.

I bought the LED COBs to retrofit a 20 year old fluorescent desk lamp that has both sentimental value and a really good size and shape for the place where I use it. When I opened it up I found that the reflector was actually a giant slab of aluminum, which made it perfect as a heat sink (using thermal paste, of course). With two "50 watt" COBs attached, the heat sink temperature leveled out at around 74 C (165 F). My understanding is that you need to keep them under 80, so it's ok.

Big Clive did an evaluation of this style COB: [ ]

But the funny thing is that all of the listings say "grow light" somewhere in them. potheads must be loving these things.

[#] Fri Apr 10 2020 22:13:23 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Today's random musing.

No one should ever tell me to watch my language. I *always* watch my language.
When I say something crude, filthy, or inappropriate, I have made a conscious and well-reasoned decision to say it.

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