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[#] Tue Oct 29 2013 19:36:00 UTC from Ladyhawke

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[#] Tue Oct 29 2013 20:39:11 UTC from zooer

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I came here to post in this room, but I have happy kitty.

My cat doesn't give a damn about most cat thing. Doesn't care for boxes, doesn't like the laser toy, meh about
the feather on a stick. He likes cat-nip and he likes playing chase after dinner. He wants you to chase him
around the house and after two rounds he falls over on the floor. This gets repeated a few times, but you
to rub/scratch him while he recharges.

I saw that "Cat's meow" or whatever it is called toy on TV. The spinning thing with a piece of fabric over it
and the cat is suppose to like it. I was worried because my cat hates every cat toy. It was at WalMArt for $12
so I purchased one. (and only one I didn't get a second one for free and paying separate shipping and handling

Anyway, I put down the nylon fabric down first so he would get used to it. He liked that. That was fun, it was
and he bit into it and tore it a little, then fell asleep on it. I thought this was a good sign. I
then started up the mechanical spinning part but didn't put the two together, I just wanted him used to the
sound of the spinning part. He seemed to question the sound but it didn't bother him too much. Finally I put
the two together and let him see if he liked it. He did, he loves this toy. He is a natural hunter and used to
be a hunter when he was an outdoor cat. This toy is limited for him, I turn it on, he watches it for about 30
seconds, and then pounces on it catching it immediately. He then holds on to it... That is it. One time. But
he likes it each time and walks over to it as if to say "Turn this on."

Here is the toy

Available at (our) WalMart.

The thing I don't like is that it doesn't automatically turn off after a period of time. The cat has torn the
nylon fabric up as well.

[#] Wed Oct 30 2013 20:53:28 UTC from fleeb

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My sister had a cat who used to get this downright feral look in her eyes when I used this one toy with her. Some feathers attached to the end of a string that's attached to the end of a stick provided her with as much entertainment as I was willing to offer.

But that was kind of a scary look in her eyes when the feathered bit came anywhere near her.

[#] Wed Oct 30 2013 21:26:58 UTC from LoanShark

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We have that toy... two of them, actually, the old one is broken and throughly chewed up; it's still the cat's favorite thing in the whole world.

[#] Wed Oct 30 2013 23:26:56 UTC from dothebart

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well, while the cat hase a tiny bread basket repository full of mice etc. we have a game which works without:

Paw tipping.

cat is on the arm-chair - relaxed. I aproach it, and use the forefinger from my fist, to tip her best accessible forepaw.

now the game has started. each of us is to hunt paw/finger and tip it. If she 's awake enough, she usually wins. If not, I do ;-)

Lilly actualy enjoys it that much that she purrs.

Once she starts engaging claws, I open my fist - bam - 5 enemies ;) usually one of us then goes away - game over.

[#] Thu Oct 31 2013 01:16:49 UTC from zooer

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My cat will try to bat you but the claws come out too often. He really likes being chased around the house.
The rooms are set up so he can runo in a circle eight (or one wide circle) If one of the rooms doors are closed
you can see the "oh sh!+" look of disapointment in his eyes, then he turns around and tries to figure out how he
can get passed you.

The feather at the end of a strong works for a bit but he just doesn't stay interested. He goes and hides,
watches it carefully as I wave it but doesn't pounce. I think he is laughing at keeping the human occupied for
a time.

[#] Mon Nov 04 2013 22:51:51 UTC from triLcat

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fleeb - iirc, your sister's cat also managed to find its own squeaky toy...

[#] Mon Nov 04 2013 23:59:43 UTC from fleeb

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This is true.

Fatally true.

[#] Tue Nov 05 2013 16:56:41 UTC from Ladyhawke

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Speaking of, how are she and the fam doing, anyway?

[#] Wed Nov 06 2013 14:23:34 UTC from fleeb

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My sister seems to be doing well, at least from what I read on Facebook.
The children are above average... actually, I think Rayne managed to get into the Honor Society or somesuch at school. She's still not earning a very good income, and they still seem to maintain an animal sanctuary.

[#] Thu Nov 07 2013 19:06:28 UTC from Ladyhawke

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Good for Rayne!

<laughs at the animal sanctuary> Pretty sure that's a state of mind.   :-)

Glad to hear all is well there.  Pass my greetings, will you?

[#] Thu Nov 07 2013 23:51:11 UTC from fleeb

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Will do.

Oh, right, I need to call my mother and inform her that she's welcome to the Christmas festivities at Melvin's brother's house this year.

[#] Sun Nov 10 2013 02:09:11 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Will she be singing a moving rendition of "O Holy Night" that competes with the one from the recording?

[#] Sun Nov 10 2013 21:22:22 UTC from fleeb

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I'll have to ask her about that.

I suspect she won't be up for it.

[#] Tue Dec 24 2013 16:25:57 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Look at my daughter's pussy

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Sammi got a kitten for Christmas.  We actually were considering the storybook "present with air holes" routine, but in the end we decided that it would be better to take her to an animal shelter and let her pick out her own cat (or let her get picked out by a cat, if you prefer).

His name is Sprite and he is a very playful three month old kitten.  If you can't see the photo, or if you want to see more photos, go to [ ]


[#] Tue Dec 24 2013 19:12:33 UTC from zooer

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The first picture I saw was the playful kitten laying down doing nothing. :)

My cat doesn't mess with the Christmas tree except for the first three days it is up. He takes all the
candy-canes off the bottom, plays with and scatters them around the living room.

[#] Thu Dec 26 2013 15:36:22 UTC from Ladyhawke

Subject: Re: Look at my daughter's pussy

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She's adorable, IG - and what a tail!

How old is she?

[#] Thu Dec 26 2013 15:36:46 UTC from Ladyhawke

Subject: Re: Look at my daughter's pussy

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Err....skip that second part.  Duh.

[#] Fri Dec 27 2013 03:05:57 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Look at my daughter's pussy

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His tail does seem disproportionately large and fluffy.

[#] Fri Dec 27 2013 11:43:58 UTC from Lynda Falstaff

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Our new family members Aster (mostly white) and Oscar.

20131227_092812_night.jpg (image/jpeg, 1248203 bytes) [ View | Download ]
20131227_092845_night.jpg (image/jpeg, 1210231 bytes) [ View | Download ]
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