Hallowe'en - the "holiday" that instructs our young folk that it is socially acceptable to go door-to-door panhandling for free stuff.
Translation: How To Create New Lib-Tards Disguised as a Holiday
Fri Nov 01 2013 17:34:05 EDT from vince-q
Hallowe'en - the "holiday" that instructs our young folk that it is socially acceptable to go door-to-door panhandling for free stuff.
Translation: How To Create New Lib-Tards Disguised as a Holiday
hmmmm.... which brings to mind....
If 'mo' is the opposite of 'less' then that must mean Mogadishu is the opposite of Lessgadishu....
For all you cave dwellers who still haven't moved to ISO 8601 date
Happy 11/12/13 day.
Ach, I missed it. I might have said something nearly witty if I'd remembered, but now it's too late.
When did I become a cave dweller and what's this ISO 8601 thing?
ISO 8601 is the internationally always-correct way of writing a date so that it's recognizable anywhere in the world. For example, what was known as 11/12/13 in the US would be written as 12/11/13 in most of Europe, nice and ambiguous, but in ISO 8601 it's always 2013-11-12. Most to least significant order, all the time.
In comic form it looks like this:
In wikipedia form it is misinterpreted like this:
In wikipedia form it is misinterpreted like this:
Speaking of which... are you going to update Citadel's date/time stamp to the ISO 8601 format?
It is the only correct thing to do...unless you hate standards and if you hate standards that makes you a
racist, just like Hitler.
It is the only correct thing to do...unless you hate standards and if you hate standards that makes you a
racist, just like Hitler.
Holy frijoles ... I was going to answer "citadel uses strftime(%c) which shows
the preferred date/time format for your locale" but then I looked at the code
and I see it's hard coded to display a US specific format in the text client.
<< performs ritual seppuku >>
Gotta change that. I should note however that in WebCit it does use strftime(%c)
<< performs ritual seppuku >>
Gotta change that. I should note however that in WebCit it does use strftime(%c)
Since christmas is coming soon and wishes are granted here: Can we have libcitadel feature the discordian calendar, please?
Today is Pungenday, the 31st day of The Aftermath in the YOLD 3179