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[#] Thu Oct 31 2013 10:54:34 EDT from zooer

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Happy children ringing your doorbell day!

[#] Fri Nov 01 2013 17:34:05 EDT from vince-q

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Hallowe'en - the "holiday" that instructs our young folk that it is socially acceptable to go door-to-door panhandling for free stuff.

Translation: How To Create New Lib-Tards Disguised as a Holiday

[#] Sun Nov 03 2013 15:34:47 EST from Lynda Falstaff

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Fri Nov 01 2013 17:34:05 EDT from vince-q

Hallowe'en - the "holiday" that instructs our young folk that it is socially acceptable to go door-to-door panhandling for free stuff.

Translation: How To Create New Lib-Tards Disguised as a Holiday


[#] Sun Nov 03 2013 19:38:00 EST from LoanShark

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The Day of the Dead is more aesthetically pleasing, but I only say that because I'm bored.

[#] Tue Nov 12 2013 10:26:20 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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For all you cave dwellers who still haven't moved to ISO 8601 date format...

Happy 11/12/13 day.

[#] Tue Nov 12 2013 12:00:01 EST from zooer

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I will wait until quarter after 2pm to get excited.

[#] Tue Nov 12 2013 12:50:47 EST from Ladyhawke

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Zoo, you should really wait until 2:15.

[#] Sun Nov 17 2013 17:17:21 EST from mo

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mo was here sun17Nov2013

[#] Sun Nov 17 2013 21:54:45 EST from zooer

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I miss him already.

[#] Mon Nov 18 2013 09:22:29 EST from fleeb

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You want mo mo.

[#] Mon Nov 18 2013 11:26:24 EST from Ladyhawke

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Yo, no mo Mo for you!

Unless you have Mayo.  Then it's a different story


[#] Mon Nov 18 2013 12:25:42 EST from vince-q

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hmmmm.... which brings to mind....

If 'mo' is the opposite of 'less' then that must mean Mogadishu is the opposite of Lessgadishu....

[#] Tue Nov 19 2013 08:07:24 EST from Shazam

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For all you cave dwellers who still haven't moved to ISO 8601 date

Happy 11/12/13 day.

Ach, I missed it. I might have said something nearly witty if I'd remembered, but now it's too late.
When did I become a cave dweller and what's this ISO 8601 thing?

[#] Tue Nov 19 2013 09:30:39 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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ISO 8601 is the internationally always-correct way of writing a date so that it's recognizable anywhere in the world. For example, what was known as 11/12/13 in the US would be written as 12/11/13 in most of Europe, nice and ambiguous, but in ISO 8601 it's always 2013-11-12. Most to least significant order, all the time.

[#] Tue Nov 19 2013 10:54:29 EST from zooer

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In comic form it looks like this:

In wikipedia form it is misinterpreted like this:

[#] Tue Nov 19 2013 11:13:25 EST from zooer

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Speaking of which... are you going to update Citadel's date/time stamp to the ISO 8601 format?

It is the only correct thing to do...unless you hate standards and if you hate standards that makes you a
racist, just like Hitler.

[#] Tue Nov 19 2013 11:41:18 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Holy frijoles ... I was going to answer "citadel uses strftime(%c) which shows the preferred date/time format for your locale" but then I looked at the code and I see it's hard coded to display a US specific format in the text client.

<< performs ritual seppuku >>

Gotta change that. I should note however that in WebCit it does use strftime(%c)

[#] Tue Nov 19 2013 11:51:21 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Ok, done. You'll see it here soon-ish.

[#] Tue Nov 19 2013 12:15:18 EST from the_mgt

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Since christmas is coming soon and wishes are granted here: Can we have libcitadel feature the discordian calendar, please?

Today is Pungenday, the 31st day of The Aftermath in the YOLD 3179

[#] Tue Nov 19 2013 12:17:04 EST from zooer

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None of this local malarkey, standards *must* be kept for the common good.

And so when will the latest text-client with the https and standards be available for download? (poke)

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