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[#] Thu Mar 05 2020 11:14:07 EST from zooer

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Those crazy democrats and their wealthy old white men candidates. 

[#] Thu Mar 05 2020 12:35:20 EST from Ragnar Danneskjold

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I expect that Warren is going to be either Bernie or Biden's VP choice.

[#] Fri Mar 06 2020 21:26:57 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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It's pretty obvious that Biden is just a delivery system for some other candidate to become president through the back door, by starting out as his VP and then taking over when Sleepy Joe resigns or drops dead two weeks into his first term.

It could be Pocahontas, but more likely it'll be Hitlery or KKK Amala Harris.
Pocahontas and Bernie hate each other so I don't think those two will team up. And the problem with KKK Amala Harris is that black voters hate her, which will erase any goodwill they have for Biden.

I still think the real winner will be Donald Trump (PBUH) ... unless the democrat/media complex manage to turn Covid-19 into his Hurricane Katrina.

[#] Tue Mar 10 2020 16:59:25 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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I still think the real winner will be Donald Trump (PBUH) ... unless

the democrat/media complex manage to turn Covid-19 into his Hurricane


A few days later, I think this statement is holding up well. It's becoming clear that the democrat/media complex WANTS civil unrest, mass casualties, and a huge financial crash. Nancy and Chuck are on their knees every night praying to Satan for a complete collapse of the United States so they can force a regime change.

[#] Wed Mar 11 2020 11:46:40 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Homework assignment for today:

Come up with an anagram for "Exorcize A Satanical Odor"

[#] Wed Mar 11 2020 22:11:00 EDT from zooer

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"We have been in frequent contact with our allies and we are marshaling the full power of the federal government and the private sector to protect the American people," Trump said.

'marshaling'....aww geez

I think there were ten deaths in the U.S. on Wednesday.

[#] Thu Mar 12 2020 15:05:27 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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The death toll is not significant at this time. President Trump (PBUH) did the right thing by closing travel from China on January 28. This slowed down the ingress of the virus significantly.

Nevertheless, the democrat/media complex continues to work as hard as it can to manufacture a panic. Although the virus is not cooperating, the stock market is. And that's fine with them. No amount of collapse, no amount of death, is too much for them, if it will effect a regime change.

I think the correct response is for the federal government to cancel all debt owed to China.

[#] Thu Mar 12 2020 15:27:25 EDT from zooer

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Thu Mar 12 2020 03:05:27 PM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
 if it will effect a regime change.




[#] Sun Mar 15 2020 19:47:19 EDT from zooer

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Thu Jan 30 2020 11:12:16 AM EST from zooer
The only way for NY to save itself is to build a wall and section off anything below Delaware, Greene and Columbia counties. We then need to cut off all utilities to any county below those three. 

I stand by my previous statement. With nearly all of the cases of the Coronavirus in New York coming from below those counties it is time NY built a containment wall at the bottom of those Delaware, Greene and Columbia counties, then cut off all food, water, electricity and supplies to the counties below.  It is the correct thing to do for the good of the state and the country. 

[#] Mon Mar 16 2020 18:13:28 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Someone has watched a few to many Kurt Russell movies :)

[#] Tue Mar 17 2020 05:57:24 EDT from zooer

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No... I don't want anyone from below those counties to escape.

[#] Tue Mar 17 2020 16:07:26 EDT from nonservator

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If we didn't already have enough panic and hatred being deliberately incited by these motherless cunts of Western media, the last two weeks would have tipped me over the edge into full on Jokeocracy/Duck Enlightenment territory (*). Every time I think their hysteria and outright lies can't get any more blatant, they're more than happy to prove me wrong. They've gone from hoping for an economic recession to literally begging for a plague to come and sweep away every single deplorable who dares to disagree with them in the slightest way. Anything to make Bad Orange Man look Even Worse and get back to the right side of history, after that horrible unplanned detour of 2016. You thought you'd seen cheating and dirty tricks before? This fall they'll be pulling out all the stops. No bole will be too hyper; no reductio will be too absurd.

I hope and pray both the panic and the virus run their course soon with as little loss of life as possible. And I wouldn't shed a tear if every last one of these corpo-Chicom cocksuckers spend the next four years on a chain gang at hard labor being pelted with fetid, moldering produce.

(*) "personally I would never do anything violent to journalists but if someone else did I would demand that we recognize their legit greivances"

[#] Wed Mar 18 2020 10:21:52 EDT from Ragnar Danneskjold

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[#] Wed Mar 18 2020 10:22:28 EDT from Ragnar Danneskjold

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Come up with an anagram for "Exorcize A Satanical Odor"

Alexandra Ocasio Cortez

[#] Fri Mar 20 2020 13:41:26 EDT from zooer

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Sun Mar 15 2020 07:47:19 PM EDT from zooer

I stand by my previous statement. With nearly all of the cases of the Coronavirus in New York coming from below those counties it is time NY built a containment wall at the bottom of those Delaware, Greene and Columbia counties, then cut off all food, water, electricity and supplies to the counties below.  It is the correct thing to do for the good of the state and the country. 

If we did this three months ago the rest of NY state would be safe.

[#] Sat Mar 21 2020 12:19:03 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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If we did this three months ago the rest of NY state would be safe.

...he says, and saves his prose to a server in Westchester operated by someone living in Westchester.

[#] Sun Mar 22 2020 14:28:08 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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All right, that's it. I'm done. I hereby accept and agree with every conspiracy theory surrounding the China Virus.

Especially these:

1. The China Virus is a bioweapon that got out of containment before China could figure out how to use it.

2. On our side of the world, an experiment is being conducted by every Bad Person in the authoritarian sphere, to see how much totalitarianism our populace is willing to accept.

[#] Sun Mar 22 2020 17:58:25 EDT from zooer

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Sat Mar 21 2020 12:19:03 PM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
If we did this three months ago the rest of NY state would be safe.

...he says, and saves his prose to a server in Westchester operated by someone living in Westchester.

A server's data should be redundant and can be moved to another data center.  If it wasn't for the lower counties of New York state, New York would be a red state.  Any person living below Delaware, Greene or Columbia County should be considered a supporter of Bill de Blasio and AOC.  

The majority of COVID-19 in New York state are below Delaware, Greene and Columbia County, for the safety of the state and the rest of the country we need to seal that area off.

[#] Mon Mar 23 2020 05:51:51 EDT from zooer

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If you disagree with my thoughts above you hate humanity and you want to see America fall.


Sun Mar 22 2020 02:28:08 PM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

All right, that's it. I'm done. I hereby accept and agree with every conspiracy theory surrounding the China Virus.
Especially these:
1. The China Virus is a bioweapon that got out of containment before China could figure out how to use it.
2. On our side of the world, an experiment is being conducted by every Bad Person in the authoritarian sphere, to see how much totalitarianism our populace is willing to accept.

I have heard two theories.

1) That the plan is to kill many of the human population as possible to reduce greenhouse gasses which will slow down man made climate change. 

2) Governments have been actively trying to reduce face to face social interaction for years. The entire idea behind social media is to make people less social. Social distancing is another effort to reduce social contact.

[#] Mon Mar 23 2020 12:05:19 EDT from darknetuser

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1. The China Virus is a bioweapon that got out of containment before

China could figure out how to use it.

I have thought about this one, a lot. See, there are leaks from a chinesse crematorum stating that their body count is way over the chinesse official numbers.

The issue I have with this theory is that, when you check countries that are researching bioweapons... well, they try to produce bioweapons that are stable and predictable. Anthrax can be weaponized. COVID-19 is too damn unpredictable to weaponize. Maybe COVID-19 is a bioweapon in experimental state but that is a bit far fetched.

And yes, I think it is worrysome that so much people is willing to give unlimited power to the government in order to fight the plague off.

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