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[#] Thu Jul 21 2016 15:27:08 UTC from LoanShark

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* NATO is about protecting the western world
* NATO acts as a deterrent to attack
* casting doubt on that deterrent is foolhardy.
* this person is unworthy of the job of commander in chief.

[#] Thu Jul 21 2016 16:14:39 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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(check and mate.)

[#] Thu Jul 21 2016 16:45:13 UTC from zooer

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A non-interventionist, Ron Paul would be proud.

You should be glad Cruz didn't endorse, because that would mean team Bush/Clinton/Cruz endorsed Team Trump/GoldmanSacs/Clinton and that would make one big happy Team.  One the other hand, Glenn Beck would lose his shit.

[#] Thu Jul 21 2016 16:48:35 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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After the election (regardless of who wins) I'm going to put a new bumper sticker on my car

Make Istanbul Constantinople Again!

(same fonts/colors/sizes as the Trump stickers of course)

[#] Thu Jul 21 2016 17:15:43 UTC from Ragnar Danneskjold

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Cruz showed the world he sticks to his convictions. He did true Conservatives proud.

Trump on the other hand implying we may not honor our treaty commitments was incredibly foolish.

[#] Thu Jul 21 2016 19:20:22 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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"True conservatives" ought to be embarrassed to associate themselves with such a sore loser.  Ted Bush Cruz has now clearly, undeniably, and irrevocably made himself the face of party disunity.

This is why Republicans lose.  Hopefully, the vastly superior Donald Trump can pull the party out of the cesspool created by Bush/Cruz loser types.

[#] Thu Jul 21 2016 19:28:00 UTC from LoanShark

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(check and mate.)

Weak and sauce. Let's say it was all Hillary's fault, for the sake of argument. Ok, she got 4 Americans killed in her foolish Libya war. How many did Dubya get killed?

Before you start bitching and moaning about how libruls always make the Dubya comparison, the point is that that I'm relatively comfortable with Hillary's alleged lapses of judgment. It could be a lot worse...

[#] Thu Jul 21 2016 19:41:53 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Weak and sauce. Let's say it was all Hillary's fault, for the sake of

argument. Ok, she got 4 Americans killed in her foolish Libya war. How

many did Dubya get killed?

I haven't see this year's ballot yet, but I'm pretty sure Dubya isn't on it. And I didn't vote for him either.

ZERO people have been killed in wars started by Donald Trump. So he's already coming out of the gate way ahead.

If you want a body count, it's hard to compete with Marc Zuckerberg, who has impacted over a BILLION people. Yes, I know it's a bit different; using Facebook is WORSE than getting killed, so that actually amplifies the difference even more.

[#] Thu Jul 21 2016 19:44:04 UTC from Ragnar Danneskjold

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bIbll tell you the day that pledge was abrogated. The day that was abrogated when was the day this became personal,b Cruz said.
bI am not in the habit of supporting people who attack my wife and attack my father.b

Sore loser? No. Principled? Damn straight.

[#] Thu Jul 21 2016 20:00:28 UTC from LoanShark

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If you want a body count, it's hard to compete with Marc Zuckerberg,

who has impacted over a BILLION people. Yes, I know it's a bit

I tend to agree with this. If you look at the impact of social media (YouTwitFace troika) on violence around the world, it's hard not to see the association.

[#] Thu Jul 21 2016 20:23:51 UTC from zooer

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Facebook has spread ignorance and misinformation faster than any other medium.

Hillary bragged about a 3am phone call.  She got her phone call on Sept 11th 2012 and she didn't answer it.  Personally I like any and all conspiracy theories.  I don't believe in them, I just like them. The Benghazi attack was planned by the state department and the CIA.  No one was suppose to die, the mission failed on every level.  

[#] Thu Jul 21 2016 20:41:18 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Sore loser? No. Principled? Damn straight.

Sore loser. Undoubtedly a sore loser.

For decades now, we've been told ... by supporters of George H Bush, George W Bush, John McCain Bush, Mitt Romney Bush, and Ted Cruz Bush that "if you don't support our nominee then you're supporting the democrats." Well now the tables are turned, sunshine. When Ted Cruz failed to endorse our nominee -- EFFECTIVELY THE MAIN REASON WE HAVE A CONVENTION AT ALL WHEN THERE'S A PRESUMPTIVE NOMINEE -- he basically said loud and clear, "Hi, my name is Ted Bush Cruz; I fucking hate Republican voters and I fully, personally, and wholeheartedly support Hitlery Cunton; since you didn't nominate me I'm taking my ball and going home, and I hope your stupid country collapses."

This is not a man who loves liberty. This is a man who has made a clear display of putting his own agenda ahead of the party's, the nation's, and the people's.

There are only two types of people in the world: Trump supporters, and Hitler.
No exceptions.

[#] Thu Jul 21 2016 21:46:32 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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March 16, 2016

CHUCK TODD: You've said some tough things on Trump. Why are you comfortable supporting him as the nominee if he ends up the nominee.
TED CRUZ: Well, listen, I pledged at the outset I will support the Republican nominee, whoever it is...
CHUCK TODD: Given everything you've just said about him in this interview, you still will support him if that is what the Republican party does?
TED CRUZ: You know, Chuck, I'm a very simple man and when I give my word for something, I follow through and do what I said.

Cruz has jumped the shark and also blown any chances of winning a 2024 nomination.  He's probably disgusted enough people that he'll go down in flames when he tries to hold on to his Senate seat in 2018.

Really, the only "seat" he deserves is 20 or 30 Atomic Wedgies every day for the rest of his life.  Because when you look at his sniveling face it's really obvious that's what he needs.

[#] Fri Jul 22 2016 16:04:10 UTC from Ragnar Danneskjold

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Reagan didn't endorse Ford.

Trump is going to lose. And Cruz is playing the long game.

[#] Fri Jul 22 2016 17:10:09 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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If Trump loses, it'll be because "principled conservatives" (who are actually liberals) aren't supporting him. And if Trump loses, Hillary Cruz Clinton will bring enough illegals and terrorists into the voting pool in the next four years that no non-Democrat will ever be able to win an election again.

One more time: anything other than 100% enthusiastic support for Donald Trump translates DIRECTLY to "Fuck America; All Hail God-Empress Hillary."

[#] Fri Jul 22 2016 19:12:17 UTC from zooer

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Fri Jul 22 2016 01:10:09 PM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar @ Uncensored
 that no non-Democrat will ever be able to win an election again.

"no non-democrat?", you lose your right to say xy².   I don't believe there is a non-democrat running in this election.  If so, who is the non-democrat?

[#] Fri Jul 22 2016 19:32:12 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Color it any way you want, but despite the wishes of the few remaining butthurt Bush/Cruz fanbois, Donald J. Trump is the Republican nominee and his name will appear next to "Republican" on the ballot in all 50 states.  If you believe that he's a manchurian candidate for the commies, that's your perogative, but he's running as a Republican.


[#] Fri Jul 22 2016 19:39:43 UTC from Ragnar Danneskjold

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Cruz and Bush couldn't be further from one another..... Cruz's speech showed he doesn't just toe the party line.

While I enjoy some of Trump's rhetoric, I don't believe for a second he's a conservative. Not a Reagan conservative, or a Goldwater one.

At best, he may be a big government progressive like Teddy Roosevelt. He's use the government as a bully for whatever he thinks is best. Some might be okay, others downright horrible.

I can't stand Hillary, so I have to go wildcard. But my hopes for a bright future are dismal.

[#] Fri Jul 22 2016 20:51:37 UTC from LoanShark

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the ballot in all 50 states.  If you believe that he's a manchurian
candidate for the commies, that's your perogative, but he's running

There's a view out there that Trump is actually just trolling the GOP on a really genius level...

[#] Fri Jul 22 2016 23:18:50 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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There's a view out there that Trump is actually just trolling the GOP on a really genius level... 

...and people wonder why I love his style so much?

Obama/Bush/Cruz government as usual has failed.  It's time to try something new, and that something is nationalism.  That's really all there is to it.  Trump isn't a traditional conservative and he's not a liberal.  Trump is Trump.  And we're ready for something different.  That's why he received an all time record number of primary votes.  (The insinuation that he was nominated by crossover democrats to sabotage the party is patently ridiculous.) 

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