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[#] Wed Mar 25 2015 10:41:54 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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That's kind of the point.  They know they can't afford another Reagan.  That's why they set out to destroy anyone who has the potential.

The absolute fastest way to make a commie's head explode is to talk about Sarah Palin.  Now it's looking like Ted Cruz is the next in line for that treatment.

[#] Wed Mar 25 2015 11:31:00 EDT from zooer

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The fastest way to drive a conservative crazy is to call Sarah Palin "stupid".

Facts about Reagan (with links to other facts)

Reagan, a former union leader, was all talk and no action when it came to limit government at both the state
and federal levels.

[#] Wed Mar 25 2015 12:27:29 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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The fastest way to drive a conservative crazy is to call Sarah Palin "stupid".

Tina Fey *is* stupid. But there are an awful lot of people out there who can't tell the difference.

[#] Wed Mar 25 2015 18:22:57 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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On the other hand, I just sent an email to Ted Cruz telling him that I'm going to vote for Hitlery unless he fixes the "unsubscribe" button on his mailing list.

[#] Wed Mar 25 2015 18:42:47 EDT from zooer

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The problem is how you subscribed in the first place.

[#] Thu Mar 26 2015 16:43:26 EDT from fleeb

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He probably used the web site to subscribe. Most people do these days. Not sure that's a problem.

[#] Fri Mar 27 2015 09:04:41 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Actually I used the web site to write in about some specific issue many months ago ... I don't even remember what issue it was, but I ended up on the mailing list and haven't been able to get off.

To be honest, I'd only vote for Ted Cruz if he made it to the general election.
At the moment I am far more enamoured of Scott Walker, who seems to hit the exact spot we need: he's conservative enough to win the support of right wing nutjobs like me, but pragmatic enough to win the support of the mainstream.
And he knows how to be effective. Here's a guy who took on the ultra-communist labor unions and *won*.

[#] Thu Apr 02 2015 16:01:21 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Quote of the day:

"We are deliberately screwing up the nuclear negotiations with Iran. Seriously, people, are you really so stupid that you haven't figured out that I'm a rabid anti-Semite and I *want* Iran to nuke Israel? Allahu akhbar, fucktards."
-- Barack Hussein Obama

(Ok, he didn't say it out loud, but that's clearly what he's thinking.)

[#] Thu Apr 02 2015 17:36:12 EDT from vince-q <>

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Today on his show, Rush Limbaugh expressed puzzlement over the Left supporting the Iran negotiations while the same folks, 35 years or so ago, were all over the anti-nuclear-proliferation campaign, the "ban the bomb" demonstrations, "die-ins" at the US Capitol, etc. etc. etc. He went on to say that he did not understand how folks that were so anti-proliferation in the 1960s/70s would be supportive of Iran.

The answer is obvious, at least to me.

Supporting Iran and supporting this sham treaty gives the Left a method of saying "I HATE JEWS" without saying it. Of being anti-Semitic wihout overtly doing anti-Semitic things.

If, after six years of Obama's nonsense, American Jewry has not figured this out, then they deserve whatever happens. What **I** do not understand is how ANY American Jew would even remotely consider voting for ANY Democrat, EVER.

If you are an American Jew know this: the Democrats DO NOT LIKE YOU. They are as anti-Semitic as any Nazi that ever killed a Jew, or any Soviet that did the same. THEY ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS and they ARE NOT FRIENDS OF ISRAEL. Not now; not in the past; and never in days to come.

This is what Rush either would not say, or could not say.

Democrat = Anti-Semite = Jew Hater = Anti-Israel


[#] Sat Apr 04 2015 15:38:36 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Speaking of which ... I've been wondering ...

Do you think that as a Kenyan native, Barack Hussein Obama is still a member of Al-Shabab today, or do you think he's transferred his terrorist membership over to some other organization? If the latter, it must have been hard for him to choose between ISIS, who are all the rage among terrorists these days, or CAIR, who are his local chapter while he's living in the US.

Either way, someone ought to hold him accountable for aiding and abeting Iran's nuclear weapons program.

[#] Sat Apr 04 2015 22:01:59 EDT from zooer

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Obama has transformed his membership to the United States politician terrorist group.

[#] Sun Apr 05 2015 20:08:18 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Yes yes, we know he's officially part of the Democratic Party, but what about the ones that are *overtly* islamo-terrorists instead of islamo-terrorists pretending to be Americans?

[#] Sun Apr 05 2015 21:11:25 EDT from zooer

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I didn't say democrats, that is one fraction of the over all terrorist group known as a politician. They are at
all levels, federal, state, country and local. That democrat/republican thing is like calling soda/pop, or
hero, sub, tunnel.

[#] Mon Apr 13 2015 09:31:11 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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So ... Hitlery Cunton has officially entered the 2016 race.

It seems like she's the Romney of the democrats: widely accepted as the inevitable next-in-line, but viewed as a boring laughingstock even by her own party.

[#] Mon Apr 13 2015 13:28:50 EDT from vince-q <>

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Apr 13 2015 6:31am from IGnatius T Foobar @uncnsrd (Uncensored) in Politics
& Propaganda>

So ... Hitlery Cunton has officially entered the 2016 race.

It seems like she's the Romney of the democrats: widely accepted as
the inevitable next-in-line, but viewed as a boring laughingstock even

by her own party.

If the Republicans can manage to steer clear of Jeb Bush they should have an easy time of this by just calling her "the gift that keeps on giving!"

[#] Mon Apr 13 2015 21:36:49 EDT from zooer

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"Hitlery Cunton"

That's so.... ummmmm...

[#] Tue Apr 14 2015 10:54:48 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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If the Republicans can manage to steer clear of Jeb Bush they should

Who are you kidding? Jeb Bush has already been selected as the one who will lose to Hitlery. The RINO's would rather lose the election than have one of those pesky conservatives in office.

[#] Tue Apr 14 2015 10:55:12 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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"Hitlery Cunton"

Yes, it's probably offensive to nazis and cunts everywhere, to be compared to her.

[#] Tue Apr 14 2015 14:44:14 EDT from LoanShark

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It seems like she's the Romney of the democrats: widely accepted as

the inevitable next-in-line, but viewed as a boring laughingstock even

by her own party.

This is correct. Nobody likes her. Republicans viciously despise her, even center-left democrats are like "meh," and the left wing regards her with thinly veiled contempt at best. So like Bibi, why do people keep voting for her?

Also, she had a brain transplant not too long ago. True fact.

[#] Tue Apr 14 2015 17:39:41 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Actually no one has voted for her since 2006. Everything since then has been appointments.

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