Couple things here--
(1) presidents don't write their own speeches, obvs.
(2) this shouldn't be a surprise. maybe they used to write their own speeches, but since it's now outsourced to the handlers, speeches are being written for comprehensibility & wide accessibility - in other words, dumbed down...
Well, I'm pretty sure the Voight-Kampf test has been applied to Shrub,Ohhhh how we laughed and laughed at his witty remark.
and he scored "Replicant." ;)
Did you look at the article and see the scores?
They write speechs at a fourth grade level, so the masses can understand.
Well, I'm pretty sure the Voight-Kampf test has been applied to Shrub,
We tried to apply it to Obama, but he said "no, that's not the Kampf my speeches are based on."
We tried to apply it to Obama, but he said "no, that's not the Kampf
my speeches are based on."
larfs and larfs and larfs all dayz.
Brian Williams quits NBC News, and is hired as the new White House spokesman.
"He has my kind of integrity," says Obama.
I read Jim Clifton's blog on this subject before it made it to other news agencies. It's very damning, particularly as he's the CEO of Gallup, and can speak on this issue with a certain measure of gravitas: rate-big-lie-put-forth-by-white-house-wall/
Finally... this is precisely the sort of thing I've been wanting someone to say for a while now, someone in this man's position: y-about-police-view-of-blacks.html
"Mr. Comey said tensions could be eased if the police got to know those they were charged to protect.
'It's hard to hate up close,' he said."
Who would vote such a guy... ;-)
Tue Feb 17 2015 05:35:51 UTC
Subject: Federal judge temporarily blocks Obama's immigration executive action
A federal judge has granted a request by 26 states to temporarily block President Obama's executive action on illegal immigration to allow a lawsuit aimed at permanently stopping the orders to make its way through the courts.
Tue Feb 17 2015 17:39:12 UTC
IGnatius T Foobar
Subject: Re: Federal judge temporarily blocks Obama's immigration executive action
Unfortunately, the measles virus does not care what a fedaral judge thinks. Until we actually defend the border, the virus and its hosts will continue crossing over.
Tue Feb 17 2015 23:28:00 UTC
vince-q <>
It's a start. Let's just hope it is *only* a start.
Everything would improve if we simply unapologetically deported every illegal
immigrant (including Obama himself).
2015-02-18 14:05 from IGnatius T Foobar @uncnsrd
Everything would improve if we simply unapologetically deported every
illegal immigrant (including Obama himself).
Hmmmm... let the Cherokees be put in charge of that.... <evil grin>
Thu Feb 19 2015 20:12:25 UTC
vince-q <>
No, I meant the Eastern Band of Cherokees in North Carolina (their ancestral
home until the Trail of Tears).