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[#] Sun Oct 10 2021 16:35:14 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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And... your position and the way you are expressing yourself supports your claim, here. Others, not so much.

I didn't originally say anything about what the *specific* fears were that motivate people on either extreme of views on these topics. 

Only that fear was at their root. 

Now - I didn't get the 1st, 2nd *or* 3rd shot because Biden told me his patience was wearing thin with me. His patience can wear as thin as he wants. His party's patience can wear as thin as it wants. If they want to push that issue to a confrontation between the people who think like they do, and the people who think like I do - as I've already said... let's tear the whole MFer down. 

In the meantime, I'm making decisions not based on what MY party claims I should do, or what HIS party claims I should do - but on what *I* think is the most prudent course of action for myself. 

I went out to an RV show yesterday. Next door there was a BMW Driving Event - we went and signed up for that - and I drove 5 high end BMWs at unsafe speeds around the streets of Scottsdale, moments after complete strangers had done the same thing in the same cars. I touched surfaces their hands had been on... then I went to the Scottsdale mall and sat in a crowded restaurant and had an expensive burger - then I shopped. 

Pretty sure the 90mph bursts on surface streets I wasn't familiar with was probably the *most* dangerous activity I took part in yesterday, though I didn't put a mask on once. 

Personal risk assessment is a weird thing. 

I've calmly looked aggressive strangers in the eye... prepared, and nervous about the potential outcome and said, "are we going to do this?" 

And had them respond by getting louder, more insulting, using coarser language - telling me to "GFY"... 

That always lets me know - they're more afraid of the confrontation than I am. Doesn't mean I'll win it if it escalates it - but they're the one in fear of what may come next. I'd rather avoid further unpleasantness - but I'm *ready* for it. 


Sat Oct 09 2021 15:17:16 EDT from zelgomer
2021-10-09 10:46 from Nurb432
Really, his handlers did.  Don\t want to focus all our attention to
a figurehead/scapegoat.  The problem runs much deeper than one man,
even if he is a scumbag like the rest.

Sure, I tend to think the president's name is generally assumed to mean the administration. I know Biden didn't write that himself, and that makes it so much more terrifying to think that probably several sets of eyes read those words and thought "yes, this is the appropriate language to use here."
So to bring it back on topic, yes I am afraid. I'm not afraid of the virus or the vaccine, though.


[#] Sun Oct 10 2021 22:33:17 UTC from nonservator

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There were two types of prisoners in the Soviet Gulag. The “socially friendly” prisoners were the criminals, typically Russian mafia types. They were given preferential treatment, put in charge of camp industries or other prisoners, with all the consequences you could predict, including free rein to rob and molest as they saw fit.

The “socially hostile” prisoners were those convicted of ideological crimes (many of them falsely convicted Communists who’d made enemies in some way, possibly by having a nicer apartment than their informer).

Celebrity lawyers on the Left will line up to represent terrorists or traitors or notorious drug dealers for free. These are the “socially friendly".

[#] Sun Oct 10 2021 22:46:31 UTC from nonservator

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Also, you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded

[#] Mon Oct 11 2021 05:16:18 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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I'll remember this when you get assigned to the gulag I'm in. I'll keep you well occupied. ;) 


Sun Oct 10 2021 18:46:31 EDT from nonservator

Also, you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded


[#] Sat Oct 16 2021 18:39:16 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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There were two types of prisoners in the Soviet Gulag. The

Sounds like we're already there. We're setting real criminals free to make room for those guilty of wrongthink.

Speaking of which, I've been meaning to get involved in my local school board...

[#] Sat Oct 16 2021 20:01:33 UTC from Nurb432

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Good luck with that. 

Sat Oct 16 2021 02:39:16 PM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
Speaking of which, I've been meaning to get involved in my local school board...


[#] Sun Oct 17 2021 17:00:09 UTC from nonservator

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Only Nazis care about hypocrisy. Because it's not hypocrisy, or double standards. It's just good people doing things to bad people. And only bad people would be upset about that.

[#] Mon Oct 18 2021 21:07:39 UTC from Nurb432

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Screw DC comics

I'm not much of a fan, but they lost me forever.  Changing Superman's motto to be politically correct.  Screw them.

[#] Mon Oct 18 2021 21:25:59 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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It doesn't even take kryptonite to destroy Superperson -- all you need to do is misgender it and it dies immediately.

[#] Mon Oct 18 2021 21:58:31 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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The thing to keep in mind is that these aren't the same companies. They've been usurped. They used to be run by good people - who were concerned when they were told that there was gate-keeping, misogynistic attitudes, and racism in the comics industry - that was keeping their audience limited and excluding people who *wanted* to be a part of the comics community. 

They were open minded to the idea, that was demonstrable - that comics had a narrow demographic appeal - and that some of these things could be contributing to that. 

And because they were open to those ideas - they tried to hire people that would be more representative and create a more inclusive comics universe to broaden the appeal, to reach more people and share the joy for escapist fantasy and fiction in wonderful universes. 

And those people did well, and got promoted - and brought in other people. But what the old guard didn't really realize is that the people slowly taking over and shaping the industry weren't really interested in being part of "sharing the joy and wonder of super-hero universes." They simply saw this as an *incredible* propaganda platform to indoctrinate and mold the minds of the young. 

They never wanted to share it. They wanted to *take* it, and once they had it, they intended to *use* it as a medium to send their ideological message. It was always about *political* ambition and agenda. 

And... we all let it happen. It happened with comics, it happened with movies, it happened with video games, and it is happening with FRP gaming. 

So... it isn't your Superman, or Luke Skywalker, or Gandalf, or Dungeons and Dragons, or video game. It isn't your culture. You've lost it. More than that, you let it be turned into something that you're not invited to. 

But - they can't really ever take what it *was*. They'll *never* know what it was like to sit out in a line in the summer heat in 1997 waiting to see Star Wars for the first time. They'll never know an experience like that - when something so radically different than anything ever before hit for the first time and just completely changed the industry. I mean... the Matrix was a breakthrough - but not of the epic, paradigm changing way in which Star Wars IV was. They missed the glory days between the Mid 60s and the early 90s when Heavy Metal Magazine was still a major influence on Sci Fi and fantasy. They missed the arrival of D&D Basic and Advanced, and later 1st Edition AD&D - at mainstream markets. Really - our generation were the beneficiaries of the Boomers... who started in the 50s and really started to figure out their craft in the drug fueled 60s - by the 70s, guys like Lucas and Spielberg and Henson and King... and guys like Jobs and Woz and Gates and Bushnel were all ready to blow the doors off things - and it all just jelled in the 80s. And by the late 2010s, it was already over - and we had moved on to a world of Twilight and Harry Potter and the Hunger Games. That is what THEY got. They can appropriate our *better* fantasy and rewrite it within their lamer boundaries that remove everything "problematic" from the franchises - but that is exactly WHY it will never be as fun for them as it was for us. Ours wasn't safe. Ours was made up on the fly and spontaneous and sometimes ended up going way off the reservation - and that danger is *fun*. Being forced to ALWAYS color in the lines makes it *boring*. 

I always use the analogy of two kids at the playground. One kid is playing with one toy, and the other kid *wants* that kid's toy. He throws a fit, because that other toy looks so much fun. That other kid is having such a good time. The upset kid throwing the tantrum is sure *he'll* have as much fun, if he just gets that toy. So... a parent or teacher comes along, and for the sake of playground peace, takes the toy away from the 1st kid, and gives it to the second kid. "You have to share." 

First kid, goes, "Ok. Whatever. I was having fun with that, but... if it'll stop that kid from whining about it..." 

And first kid goes off and finds something else to do. Meanwhile 2nd kid now has the toy... and decides that toy sucks. It isn't as fun. He isn't as happy as the 1st kid was. 2nd kid looks over, and 1st kid is doing something else, having fun, looks like he is having a GREAT time... 2nd kid decides he wants to do THAT. Throws another fit. 

It isn't the toy. It is the kid. The toy doesn't suck. The kid does. No matter what he gets, he'll be miserable. Because *he* is miserable. And 1st kid will always make whatever he is doing look like the coolest thing on the playground to do - the most fun. Because 1st kid is *happy with himself*. 

Remind them of it if you ever find yourself arguing with them about it. It drives them *nuts*. Mostly because I think they know it is *true*. 

Our generation is the 1st kid. We're happy with whatever we find to occupy and divert us. They're the 2nd kid. They're always going to want what we have - but whenever they get it, it'll start to suck for them. 

Because they suck. 


Mon Oct 18 2021 17:25:59 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
It doesn't even take kryptonite to destroy Superperson -- all you need to do is misgender it and it dies immediately.


[#] Mon Oct 18 2021 22:26:48 UTC from Nurb432

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Perhaps we didnt stop it but i at least refuse to fund people who have moved to the dark-side. ( so to speak )

Mon Oct 18 2021 05:58:31 PM EDT from ParanoidDelusions

and... we all let it happen. It happened with comics, it happened with movies, it happened with video games, and it is happening with FRP gaming. 



[#] Tue Oct 19 2021 04:02:02 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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Mon Oct 18 2021 18:26:48 EDT from Nurb432

Perhaps we didnt stop it but i at least refuse to fund people who have moved to the dark-side. ( so to speak )

Mon Oct 18 2021 05:58:31 PM EDT from ParanoidDelusions

and... we all let it happen. It happened with comics, it happened with movies, it happened with video games, and it is happening with FRP gaming. 




[#] Tue Oct 19 2021 05:29:28 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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I still think we should nuke California.

[#] Tue Oct 19 2021 16:27:34 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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I think we just need to build a wall. 


Tue Oct 19 2021 01:29:28 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
I still think we should nuke California.


[#] Tue Oct 19 2021 20:31:10 UTC from Nurb432

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[#] Tue Oct 19 2021 20:31:53 UTC from Nurb432

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But lets not nuke slabcity.  I have friends there  ( assuming the are still around )

[#] Tue Oct 19 2021 21:26:29 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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I want the thing to just break off evenly at the border... maybe at Blythe. I'll still be inland... but, the drive to the beach will be a lot quicker. 

I guess we could keep San Diego. 


[#] Tue Oct 19 2021 22:15:18 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Neutron bombs would work. Destroy every living thing in the state and let it go back to orange groves.

[#] Tue Oct 19 2021 22:30:35 UTC from Nurb432

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I vote for a "stupid virus". 

it only attacks stupid people  Will leave animals and other living creatures alone.

[#] Wed Oct 20 2021 17:48:35 UTC from nonservator

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We needed Semmelweiss and we got Lysenko.

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