It may get a few new users now. I've mentioned it in a number of places, one of which is a Facebook forum dedicated to reminiscing about Citadel from the late '80s.
This is a great forum. I wish it allowed saved messages to be edited or deleted by the originating user, but I remember way back when the decision was made to make Citadel that way. It had to do with people changing what they'd written AFTER others had already responded to it. Yeah, I can see how that might torque people off. Still, on a room-by-room basis, maybe the room's creator could allow or disallow the editing of saved messages. It would be a nice change.
So, if you use telnet or SSH to get here, you'll see the classic Citadel BBS. Those who wish to be less nostalgic can interact with us from a web browser. The site has been here since 1988 -- we started as a dialup Citadel BBS in Harrison NY. Why aren't there more people here? One word: F*c*book.
It's up to you to spread the word and lead the exodus. :)
Now if I just remembered how Citadel worked... :(
If you're interested in trying the telnet connection but don't know how, here's how from Windows: 1) Download putty.exe, which is a well known telnet and SSH client, to your desktop. You can get it here: 2) Run putty. 3) Tell putty that the host name is and that the connection type is Telnet. 4) Click the Open button.
When I try to edit my online photo / (my avatar,) I receive a message saying that higher access is needed.
Is this a permanent restriction?
Once again, welcome to all of our new friends. If you are having any
trouble finding your way around, just ask!
Here's the answer to one specific issue some people seem to be having:
Once you've successfully accessed a hidden room for the first time, it's no longer hidden to you. It will permanently appear in your known rooms list.
From a web browser, just click on "Rooms" and you'll see the no-longer-hidden room in your list. From telnet/ssh, just type <.> <G>oto [roomname] and it'll always be there, and it'll also appear in your <G>oto march.
Remember, you can just use the "Goto next room" march mode to take yourself on a tour of the whole system.
Thanks for the welcome - and ESPECIALLY to our gracious sysop. I very much appreciate the system.
With regard to your question about how "we" found your site:
A group of us who used to use the various Sacramento Citadel boards in the 1980s have been frequenting a Facebook group devoted to them. At one point, our old cow town had quite a few... seven or eight, I'd guess. A few days ago, I decided to see if there were any Citadels still running anywhere. Google worked its magic and I found
I then spread the word, both to the legacy Citadel users and to a group I'm friends with on another forum. I'd guess that what you're going to eventually find is that about half of the new users I've brought in are Citadel veterans while the other half are not. But that's just a guess.
Goodness me... lotsa folks!
Welcome aboard... I wonder if there's any hope I'd remember anyone from the 80s, given I was running Machine's Machination in Japan in the late 80s, but couldn't properly network to the US very well.
We've been seeing turkey vultures in our yard for the past couple of days.
They're pretty cool birds. We named one of them Kevin. The other is also named Kevin but the K is silent. But now we know why they're here ... there is a dead deer just beyond the fence. And now it's gotten pungent enough that even the vultures won't touch it.
Putresence is wafting through the entire area. We just closed all the windows because we can't stand it anymore. Yuck-o.
Years ago, my son's scoutmaster told me a story about a hike that was brought to a halt in the middle of nowhere by rangers. A cow had died on the path, and they were in the process of getting rid of it through DETONATION.
It was apparently one of the coolest things the boy scouts experienced that year!
The real issue is that he'd do it without inviting us first.
Thanks, and keep a mild groove on.