Sorry, your message must take the form of a secure password, containing letters,
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Correct horse battery staple.
Correct horse battery staple.
maybe [T]he true message is [R]ight here for all to see [U]nder our noses, for those with open [E]yes?
[M] Maybe it's a wrap
[A] Although life keeps on moving
[Y] Yet
[B] Brief
[E] Existance
[N] Nothing remains
[O] Of
[T] The original
Ah Jayzuss! I thought i was being a font of profundity!!
Yeah, the FCC frowns upon that sort of thing.
Never knew the FCC was so warped. How'd they get away with ignoring all the upcoming standards to line their own pockets? Shocking!!
It is, truly, shocking.
I also find it shocking that the military, after over 200 years of practice at honing policy, have instead a terribly beaurocracy.
It's the civilians you gotta worry about, i reckon!! ;)
I'm not too sure that the UK military has spent the last 200 years streamlining and organizing tbh for the purpose of efficiency? But then again i am no expert.