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[#] Mon Apr 28 2014 00:43:07 EDT from ax25

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Fri Apr 25 2014 06:23:53 PM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
I noticed that immediately. And I'm wondering why Citadel is shown inside of AOL.

I completely get it.  My younger brother would have to go through some convoluted route to dial up the local BBS via some weird thing called an ISP back in the day, just to get to the local watering hole.  I would just pop on and bang away at the 300 kb direct connect rat shack modem to hit the right line at the right time to get the local bbs to take a turn a the door or tradewars or some other post flame war compressed in some format that took a week to find the right proggie for your 8 bit to compress and make some sense of.

Oops, wrong room again.  Sorry.  

[#] Mon Apr 28 2014 17:13:57 EDT from LoanShark

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I noticed that immediately. And I'm wondering why Citadel is shown
inside of AOL.

The disk is labelled "AOL", because it came that way from the factory. The file on the disk is named "CITADEL", because the disk was reformatted for some more useful project.

[#] Wed Apr 30 2014 16:15:22 EDT from ax25

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I like the disk explanation better.  Nice.  It would have worked to label it Slackware A1, etc as well :-)

[#] Mon May 05 2014 17:22:56 EDT from LoanShark

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happy cinco de mayonnaise!

[#] Mon May 05 2014 17:43:42 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Moosephone's favorite day of the year.

[#] Mon May 05 2014 17:46:00 EDT from LoanShark

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May 5 2014 5:43pm from IGnatius T Foobar
Moosephone's favorite day of the year.

Unlikely, for so many reasons 8)

[#] Mon May 05 2014 18:58:54 EDT from Ladyhawke

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And yet now we will all think of this as Cinco de Moosephone....

[#] Tue May 06 2014 09:57:39 EDT from zooer

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happy cinco de mayonnaise!


[#] Tue May 06 2014 10:41:13 EDT from fleeb

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Mayonnaise! Paper faces on display!

Mayonnaise! Hide your food so the world will never find it.

[#] Tue May 06 2014 10:45:29 EDT from fleeb

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Hmm... I should flesh that out. In honor of Moosephone.

[#] Tue May 06 2014 11:49:07 EDT from wizard of aahz

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Mayonaise! Large vats to dunk users in.

Mayonnaise! To waste would be a sin.

[#] Tue May 06 2014 11:50:08 EDT from wizard of aahz

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Flash of egg
splash of oil

[#] Tue May 06 2014 12:54:13 EDT from fleeb

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Taste so good
and no toil

[#] Fri May 09 2014 13:31:55 EDT from wizard of aahz

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No good deed goes unpunished.

[#] Fri May 09 2014 13:50:52 EDT from fleeb

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She didn't like your mayonnaise offering?

[#] Fri May 09 2014 15:11:16 EDT from zooer

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[#] Fri May 09 2014 15:30:08 EDT from fleeb

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+1, most minimalist message

[#] Fri May 09 2014 16:33:21 EDT from zooer

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[#] Fri May 09 2014 16:37:49 EDT from fleeb

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-1, too minimalistic

[#] Sat May 10 2014 08:24:36 EDT from zooer

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" "

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