My issue is it just supports people hiding in their house on a screen and not getting out into the world and actually doing something. And im sorry its not a replacement for gym class. ( as much as i hated gym, but i DID go do stuff outside of school. )
Sure, play video games and have fun, its a free country, but go outside and DO stuff too.. Run with your dog.. pick up a hammer and beat a nail in to a piece of wood, shovel snow.. get dirty.. But if we program them this way as the 'norm' we are going to regret it in another generation. ( will be even worse than the uninformed, inexperienced, weakling, crybabies the "current" one is )
Thu Jan 23 2025 01:02:17 UTC from zelgomer2025-01-22 14:25 from Nurb432 <>
Local school.
Just announced "e-sports" as a class.. and yes, its exactly what
you think it is.
No more stupid than any other sport, if you ask me. If they'd had something like that at my school, and it wasn't stigmatized, I might have actually been involved in something and made friends.
I completely agree with Nurb here. As a self-proclaimed fatass that really needs to lose about 30 pounds, people really need to get out and do stuff more. I need to more myself, but I can also get out and walk up a mountain without having cardiac arrest. Sure, it takes me a while, but I've done it and will continue to do so for as long as I can.
2025-01-21 19:07 from Nurb432
"you cant be productive unless you are in the office" Says
the people who fly around the country visiting people and
Actually, that is not contradictory. The people flying around and partying are NOT productive themselves. It kind of backs the point.
2025-01-22 14:25 from Nurb432
Local school.
Just announced "e-sports" as a class.. and yes, its exactly
what you think it is.
I don't think e-sports are bad, but I don't know why they are considered a class. Is there a baseball class, or a basketball class?
No more stupid than any other sport, if you ask me. If they'd had
something like that at my school, and it wasn't stigmatized, I might
have actually been involved in something and made friends.
They have professionalized e-sports teams in Korea. Sometimes it is nice to watch people who is very good at a game beat the crap out of each other.
America and Europe are trying to make e-sports a viable mainstream sports alternative, by throwing lots and lots of dollar into it. It is crazy, there are players making payrolls in the millions. The issue is they are trying to rush it far beyond the demand there actually exists right now.
As a result we get stuff like the Faze Clan debacle. Faze is an amazing team but they pay their players more than the team makes so end result is t crashed in the NASDAQ so hard the impact could be heard in Australia.
2025-01-23 12:31 from Nurb432
My issue is it just supports people hiding in their house on a
screen and not getting out into the world and actually doing
something. And im sorry its not a replacement for gym class. (
as much as i hated gym, but i DID go do stuff outside of school.
Sure, play video games and have fun, its a free country, but go
outside and DO stuff too.. Run with your dog.. pick up a hammer
and beat a nail in to a piece of wood, shovel snow.. get
dirty.. But if we program them this way as the 'norm' we
are going to regret it in another generation. ( will be even
worse than the uninformed, inexperienced, weakling, crybabies
the "current" one is )
I don't know. When I was a kid I was pretty much the memetic videogame kid, mainly because I had no friends and everybody hated me. I ended up growing into somebody that does more "somethings" than average people here anyway.
On the other hand, society in general really pisses on people who does "somethings". Yeah, everybody will tell you it is great you have published a book, or that is is nice you are running a board game club, but seriously, at the end of the day that makes you stand above mediocrity and therefore the mediocre masses will do their best to reject you.
That i dont know as i dont live in the district to talk to people there. But in what i read it was framed as a replacement. And while i don't play video games, i'm not against them and even did a little in the 80s before i got bored with them, but i dont support presenting them as a replacement for actual physical activity and calling it a 'sport'. Its a game, call it what it is .. enough with the woke terms. But as a replacement, it instills bad habits, and 'kids' are in the programming stage so it has lasting effects.
And as i mentioned above i HATED gym class. However even at the time, I did understand the point of what was going on: Kids need to build up coordination, physical confidence and learn how to move around and not fall on your face, and get in the habit of at least pretending to stay in reasonable shape and not become a cow later in life. But, i hated the interaction that came with it ( hated people back then too ) and the activities chosen i was not a fan of. I'd stick around to see what was up on the agenda for that day. If i didn't want to participate, id wave to the instructor, leave, and go to the dean's office and run errands for him instead. I did plenty of things off-hours to not need that "group nonsense". Worked on cars, made stuff out of wood, helped grandfather build houses, hiking out in the 'hills', weekend camping, even did table tennis ( which is a story all on its own ) so i was fine. ( oh and at one point had 3 back belts, but even then not fond of the interaction with others, but at least it was not as bad as in school )
And ya, its just my 2 cents. YMMV of course.
I don't think e-sports are bad, but I don't know why they are considered a class. Is there a baseball class, or a basketball class?
On the other hand, society in general really pisses on people who does
"somethings". Yeah, everybody will tell you it is great you have
That's a truism for life in general. Nothing good comes without criticism.
If no one hates you, you haven't done anything with your life. Anything worth doing, anything worth accomplishing, is going to draw ire from the small, bitter, pathetic people who know deep inside that you're more worthwhile than them.
Kent M. Keith's "The Paradoxical Commandments" printed in comic sans with a cute border and a photo of a puppy is included herein by reference.
Local news today: "Legislators planning to reinstate A-F grading in local schools" wtf.. seems they stopped grading kids in 2018.. what has this world come to?
I know i mentioned it before, about something i worked on in middle school, but it looks like you may soon be able to buy solid state nuclear batteries.
And while in typical Chinese fashion they are over touting their ability at that size, the basic concept is sound and if they get approved for import ( doubtful ) amazon will have them soon. Supposed to be for sale already over there as of last month. ( Not checked Aliexpress or anything yet )
"Betavolt said its first nuclear battery can deliver 100 microwatts of power and a voltage of 3V, while measuring 15x15x5 cubic millimeters, however it plans to produce a battery with 1 watt of power by 2025."
At that power level it's obviously powered by decay rather than fission. This has been a solved problem for half a century. The challenge is not how to build it; it's that you can't trust people not to take it apart and do harmful things with the radioactive material inside.
People who do stupid things with hazardous materials often die.
Yes. Not fission at that small of a scale. Tho the difference in my plan was to use waste from nuclear plants. in this case i think they are making the materials specifically for this.. Efficiency of this is stuff is really low, but with my idea, if you are basically using trash its basically free fuel, and keeps it out of the earth as a bonus...
My proposal was to encase it in synthetic ruby to keep it safe. Today they do diamond, but same concept. And the amounts are soooo small would take a truckload and lots of time/money to do anything. Easier and cheaper just to get 'real' stuff.
Sat Feb 01 2025 18:20:17 UTC from IGnatius T FoobarAt that power level it's obviously powered by decay rather than fission. This has been a solved problem for half a century. The challenge is not how to build it; it's that you can't trust people not to take it apart and do harmful things with the radioactive material inside.
People who do stupid things with hazardous materials often die.
Dog and i were up near the local mall today, man its busy. Not seen it like that in years. And gas, while still expensive, dropped enough in the last week to notice.
Looks like summer is over.
Took one of the dogs to the park during my lunch time. 1000s of geese heading north.
I know everybody wants to be happy at least every now and then, so I have a couple of videos for you. I recommend using a Youtube frontend so Google does not get a dime from showing videos to you.
Donkey makes sweetest sound for human mom -
Wild crow visits woman daily to play games -
What is that?
My heroine Wednesday Addams does not approve of this message.
I know everybody wants to be happy at least every now and then
Well I've decided to come back after getting sick of being kicked out of IRC channels by vile, vulgar, libertarian ops. I'm back and Nurb can whine about how much he hates social conservatism all he wants, and nonservator can whine about my existence all he wants, I'm staying this time. To everyone else, hello!
2025-02-07 21:26 from SouthernComputerGeek <>
Well I've decided to come back after getting sick of being kicked out
of IRC channels by vile, vulgar, libertarian ops. I'm back and Nurb
Which channels? I might be interested.
#politics on Undernet, just don't tell them how I ended up sending you.
PS: I am known as SCG on IRC channels.
Sat Feb 08 2025 01:08:36 UTC from zelgomer2025-02-07 21:26 from SouthernComputerGeek <>
Well I've decided to come back after getting sick of being kicked out
of IRC channels by vile, vulgar, libertarian ops. I'm back and Nurb
Which channels? I might be interested.