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[#] Fri Dec 20 2024 14:07:41 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Wow ... the way that I use our message boards kept me from noticing that he hasn't been here in three weeks. I tend to skip past rooms that only have one new message so that the threads don't just go ig-nurb-ig-nurb-ig-nurb... since he is such a prolific poster.

I don't know where to check in on him. Hope he's ok.

[#] Mon Dec 23 2024 19:59:26 UTC from darknetuser

Subject: First gift of the year

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So the first gift of the year is some friend of mine giving me the news that his doctor has told him he has a year left. FUCK.

[#] Tue Dec 24 2024 00:26:16 UTC from zelgomer

Subject: Re: First gift of the year

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:( sorry to hear that, man

[#] Thu Dec 26 2024 16:39:53 UTC from darknetuser

Subject: Re: First gift of the year

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I have the feeling that next year is going to be a bad version of 2024.

[#] Fri Dec 27 2024 22:56:37 UTC from Nurb432

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Get lost 2024. Don't let the door... no wait.. let it hit you, let it hurt and bruise you and make you bleed.



And ya, while its obvious now, I'm still alive. Took time off work, shut off the computer, walked away. Either that or i was unexpectedly called down to Antarctica to help reverse engineer the alien computer technology from the latest crash recovery, and for obvious reasons, no personal use internet.  You decide.

And no, I'm not back from playing amateur Luddite yet. But i will be, and it wont be 25 years like last time. ( thankfully, i don't have 25 years left to endure ). Thanks for the concern, didn't think anyone would notice, so sorry I went dark suddenly, but it was time.

[#] Fri Dec 27 2024 22:59:58 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Happy to see you. Nothing wrong with taking time away from the screen. Just try to think of us as "home" and/or "friends" rather than "technology commitment".

[#] Fri Dec 27 2024 23:04:14 UTC from Nurb432

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I wont be gone long. And catching up on a few rooms before i vanish again.  Spending a lot of time away and outdoors with the animals.  Even took one cat for a walk in the park this evening. 

Fri Dec 27 2024 22:59:58 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar
Happy to see you. Nothing wrong with taking time away from the screen. Just try to think of us as "home" and/or "friends" rather than "technology commitment".


[#] Sun Dec 29 2024 23:59:24 UTC from darknetuser

Subject: nurb is back

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2024-12-27 23:04 from Nurb432
I wont be gone long. And catching up on a few rooms before i
vanish again.  Spending a lot of time away and outdoors with
the animals.  Even took one cat for a walk in the park this

It is great to see you around. Remember to wanr us when you want to take a break. We had us a bit worried.

I also want to take some time with the animals outside, but I am bed bound right now :(

[#] Mon Dec 30 2024 01:24:54 UTC from zelgomer

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Welcome back, Nurb432! Just for the record, I don't know if you have a will or something, but I just want to point out that I was the first to notice your absence.

[#] Mon Dec 30 2024 16:36:33 UTC from SouthernComputerGeek

Subject: Re: nurb is back

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Yay, Nurb the hateful atheist has returned. IG, please delete my account, I'm sick of this hellhole.

[#] Mon Dec 30 2024 16:57:32 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: nurb is back

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That would be a shame. I like you and you're very much appreciated here.

[#] Mon Dec 30 2024 17:51:32 UTC from ax25

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What is the current record for number of days between posts for a user? Probably not a metric that is easily available I would guess.

[#] Mon Dec 30 2024 18:04:44 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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It's not a metric we keep, but my guess is that the record is held by Ygorl, who had been exempt from The Dreaded Auto Purger because he was a site admin for a while. He dropped off the face of the earth for some number of years and then came back for a visit.

You're definitely in the top 5 though. :) Always a pleasure to see you.

[#] Mon Dec 30 2024 18:19:20 UTC from Nurb432

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I might hold some record, i left for over 25 years... :) 

Mon Dec 30 2024 17:51:32 UTC from ax25

What is the current record for number of days between posts for a user? Probably not a metric that is easily available I would guess.


[#] Mon Dec 30 2024 18:21:51 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: nurb is back

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So disagreement = hate.  And non-compliance of narrative is not allowed.    Typical authoritative communist speak, to gaslight people into violent action against those that wont conform to you. Stalin would be proud of you.


(ok, back to my rule, no more comments about your posts. Have a nice day )

Mon Dec 30 2024 16:36:33 UTC from SouthernComputerGeek Subject: Re: nurb is back

Yay, Nurb the hateful atheist has returned. IG, please delete my account, I'm sick of this hellhole.


[#] Mon Dec 30 2024 20:38:43 UTC from ax25

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25 years? Trapped in a transporter buffer or something?

Always nice to have somewhere to lurk IG. Thanks for keeping the lights on.

[#] Mon Dec 30 2024 21:04:43 UTC from Nurb432

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Nah, life got in the way and i wandered off to deal with it.

Might have even been longer, i really dont remember now when i turned off the modem ( ya, that far back ).

Mon Dec 30 2024 20:38:43 UTC from ax25

25 years? Trapped in a transporter buffer or something?

Always nice to have somewhere to lurk IG. Thanks for keeping the lights on.


[#] Tue Dec 31 2024 04:45:29 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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If you really were here 25 years before your current appearance then yes, that's likely to be the record. I don't remember the name from that era so I'm assuming you used a different name. Since we've been online for nearly 37 years, that kind of hiatus is actually possible.

As we close out this weird year I will say once again that I truly appreciate all of you, as much as I appreciate friends and family in my physical home.
It means a lot. I wish I could cook a meal for you.

[#] Tue Dec 31 2024 12:29:48 UTC from Nurb432

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Tho im giving away my true identity as its what most people know me as in real life, back then would have been Ziggy   ( perhaps with the last name Stardust. i don't remember now too long ago and i was on too many boards )    A few years later when life settled down again and i came back online ( minimally tho ), i soon changed to the current handle as Ziggy had become popular enough for some reason to lock me out of several places. ( like iRC ) as well as getting a bad rap due to D*heads using the name and being, well D*heads.  ( and unfortunately, a few have used my current and some variations of it here as of late )    Reason i was/am Ziggy is back in the mid-80s in the small 'group' i hung out with there was another guy with the same first name. And back then calling people by their last name was, well, odd..  Got tired of "which one" all the time  and being a guitarist, and a Bowie fan, just made sense: "i am now Ziggy" and it carried over into BBS life soon after, and then later, early internet life.  Many people in real life didn't even know i had a 'real' name.   ( later i realized people would confuse it with Marley... ick no ick... so i started using the last name more but cant really say when that happened now )

And since we are talking handles, 2 points if one can figure out what Nurb432 means ( i may have popped that quiz before. i don't remember ). Only hint is its a concatenation of 2 terms, both computer related, but not interrelated to each other.

Tue Dec 31 2024 04:45:29 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar
If you really were here 25 years before your current appearance then yes, that's likely to be the record. I don't remember the name from that era so I'm assuming you used a different name. Since we've been online for nearly 37 years, that kind of hiatus is actually possible.

As we close out this weird year I will say once again that I truly appreciate all of you, as much as I appreciate friends and family in my physical home.
It means a lot. I wish I could cook a meal for you.


[#] Tue Dec 31 2024 23:32:28 UTC from LoanShark

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And ya, while its obvious now, I'm still alive. Took time off
work, shut off the computer, walked away. Either that or i was
unexpectedly called down to Antarctica to help reverse engineer
the alien computer technology from the latest crash recovery,
and for obvious reasons, no personal use internet.  You decide.

Did they let you sit in the Ancient control chair?

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