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[#] Thu Feb 17 2022 15:25:26 UTC from DutchessMike

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Found it - thank you nonservator!

[#] Fri Feb 18 2022 13:19:28 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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Isn't that like a "site that /4Chan users are afraid to go to? 

Like - doxing, nationalism, online harassment campaigns - are the claims... 

And the site is like, "We just believe in liberty..." 

And lots of battles to try and cancel it - leading to the guy just basically setting up his own ISP and realizing how ultimately futile that is? 

I think I've looked at it - and it seemed interesting - but also dangerous on multiple different levels and from multiple different directions.  


Thu Feb 17 2022 10:24:01 EST from DutchessMike

I was trying to catch up on all the things I missed since I was away, and someone mentioned KiwiFarms - a site I never heard of.  Then I went down the rabbit hole of reading all of it.  Not sure who provided the reference (I can't find the post) but *thank you*!  Hours of ridiculous reading.


[#] Sat Feb 19 2022 19:46:01 UTC from DutchessMike

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I don’t see anything futile about it - it’s still running. Bad speech is still speech, and as long as he isn’t directly inciting people to commit crimes, I’m fine with it.  I was just pointing out that it was hours of reading bad ideas and the diligence of the sysOp to keep it up and running. 



Fri Feb 18 2022 08:19:28 ESTfrom ParanoidDelusions

And lots of battles to try and cancel it - leading to the guy just basically setting up his own ISP and realizing how ultimately futile that is? 

I think I've looked at it - and it seemed interesting - but also dangerous on multiple different levels and from multiple different directions. 


[#] Sat Feb 19 2022 21:03:44 UTC from Nurb432

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Now that Microsoft will kill off millions of PCs here with WIn10, Google is stepping up with ChromeOS for "generic" machines that Microsoft left behind. Even more so than when they bought Neverware a couple of years ago.

But, they better make it free for home use, or they will lose out. Currently its in beta and you get it from the Enterprise site.. so i worry they may miss this boat by being greedy.


(oh and i heard Win11 soon will *require* internet connectivity to work, at all. So if you use anything Microsoft, they can monitor, track, mine, and report your actions.)

[#] Sat Feb 19 2022 21:34:13 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Is this the new version of "CloudReady" from Neverware, the company they bought at the end of 2020? Or ... oh, I see there's something called "Chrome OS Flex" now. It's probably the same thing.

Good for them. I share the hope that there will be a large fleet of hardware left behind on which people try Chrome OS, which for many can be a gateway to "real" Linux; either way, it gets them off the Windows plantation.

[#] Sat Feb 19 2022 23:17:03 UTC from Nurb432

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From reading I get the impression its different, but it may end up being just a re-brand in the end, which i agree, is still ok.

As of this afternoon they do still offer neverware's branded product ( and still free for home use ). I have used it in a couple of cases, and "sold" a couple of people on it instead of buying a new windows laptop.  ( in my case one attempt, was a failure, but not anyone's fault as i took a chance and knew it. Turned out no 'rotation/flip driver' for a "flip" laptop that i bought last year to get more storage than in had in my RK3399 Chromebook, with intent to go Chrome OS on it.. but without flip properly working, i just stuck with linux and just gave up on 'tablet mode'..  Might try flex on it .. who knows. 

Ironically after all the gyrations, and a failed attempt to upgrade my storage situation with the lenovo that was on sale ( nice device, but no SD slot.. wtf ) i ended up with a 12" Pixel book..i7, 16gb ram 512g SSD.. Still may carry the lenovo daily at the office to piddle and watch movies at lunch, since its 10" but when i need to type and have decent horsepower, the pixel book comes out.   ya ya, i have too much hardware laying around.  Its a sickness, i know.

Sat Feb 19 2022 04:34:13 PM EST from IGnatius T Foobar
Is this the new version of "CloudReady" from Neverware, the company they bought at the end of 2020? Or ... oh, I see there's something called "Chrome OS Flex" now. It's probably the same thing.

Good for them. I share the hope that there will be a large fleet of hardware left behind on which people try Chrome OS, which for many can be a gateway to "real" Linux; either way, it gets them off the Windows plantation.


[#] Sun Feb 20 2022 14:03:38 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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The guy who runs Kiwi Farms has written articles literally about how futile his attempts to create, basically his OWN ISP - have been. 

That there is always some single point upstream where he can be shut down - and at each step, it becomes more expensive to become THAT part of the chain - and at some point, you just can't become that part of the chain unless you get an approval from a consortium of groups that then become the single chokehold on your access. He has spent tons of money trying to become independent of upstream providers - and still feels vulnerable to censorship. 

The argument of those trying to shut Kiwi Farms down has consistently been that it does directly incite people to commit crimes. This may or may not be true. I've seen evidence both ways... but in any case - it feels like a dangerous site to be associated with - because some of the people who frequent the forums are dangerous, and some of the people who want to shut it all down are dangerous. 

Sat Feb 19 2022 14:46:01 EST from DutchessMike

I don’t see anything futile about it - it’s still running. Bad speech is still speech, and as long as he isn’t directly inciting people to commit crimes, I’m fine with it.  I was just pointing out that it was hours of reading bad ideas and the diligence of the sysOp to keep it up and running. 



Fri Feb 18 2022 08:19:28 ESTfrom ParanoidDelusions

And lots of battles to try and cancel it - leading to the guy just basically setting up his own ISP and realizing how ultimately futile that is? 

I think I've looked at it - and it seemed interesting - but also dangerous on multiple different levels and from multiple different directions. 



[#] Sun Feb 20 2022 18:43:30 UTC from Nurb432

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i looked it for 30 seconds, and that was what i got out of it.   They were clearly supporting, even asking, for bad things to take place to people they dont agree with.   Uncool. 

Sun Feb 20 2022 09:03:38 AM EST from ParanoidDelusions

The argument of those trying to shut Kiwi Farms down has consistently been that it does directly incite people to commit crimes.


[#] Sun Feb 20 2022 19:16:28 UTC from darknetuser

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2022-02-19 14:46 from DutchessMike
I don’t see anything futile about it - it’s still running. Bad

speech is still speech, and as long as he isn’t directly inciting

people to commit crimes, I’m fine with it.  I was just pointing

out that it was hours of reading bad ideas and the diligence of the

sysOp to keep it up and running. 

I found it recently while searching for some information which has been censored everywhere else.

It seems Google and friends are removing a lot of entries from their search results so I think places like this are very important.

I don't know why people is so outraged by the existence of this thing. The most popular website in my country is more rude, more porn and worse behaved and nobody cares.

I am starting to think English speakers are becoming pussified.

There was a theory in KiwiFarms as to why the English web space is turning into total shit. THe summary is that big platforms will censor content defensively because a video in which some person says "Nigger" may cause a chain reaction in which fundraisers and advertisers withdraw support from the site. Meanwhile, in some shithole country nobody can place on the map, it does not matter: nobody is gonna call for a destruction campaign because some body started calling somebody else names, and if they do and advertisements are withdrawn, it is not a meaningful hit.

[#] Mon Feb 21 2022 01:20:57 UTC from DutchessMike

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This.  Exactly.  Sure, it's bad speech, but it's far from the worst of the internet.  Everyone who doesn't agree with its existence is free to ridicule them, but should respect their right to exist.

Sun Feb 20 2022 14:16:28 EST from darknetuser
I found it recently while searching for some information which has been censored everywhere else.

It seems Google and friends are removing a lot of entries from their search results so I think places like this are very important.

I don't know why people is so outraged by the existence of this thing. The most popular website in my country is more rude, more porn and worse behaved and nobody cares.

I am starting to think English speakers are becoming pussified.


[#] Mon Feb 21 2022 17:09:32 UTC from Nurb432

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ok, so "ChromeOS Flex" IS Neverware's "cloudready"..  Im installing the beta now on a macbook, and its not even been re-branded in the installer yet.  Not a problem of course, just an observation.

One nice thing is you can now create the installer from the normal ChromeOS recovery tool and dont need the special Neverware installer.  ( and why the hell wont that work on Linux? Really Google? )


And i heard  you can install it on Apple M1 hardware... 

[#] Tue Feb 22 2022 17:31:02 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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This was kind of my feeling, too. 

And... I'm not making a judgement on if that kind of thing should be allowed to happen. 

I just - being a guy who elicits strong emotions in strangers - feel it is in my best interests to avoid places on the Internet where not only are there people who can call for bad things to happen to people they disagree with... 

But there are arguably members of those communities who can effect such bad things happening. 

You may feel confident in your ability to avoid those kind of unpleasant encounters with the more reactionary, more dangerous parts of the Internet - and I'm not saying you shouldn't be allowed to go to those sites... 

I'm saying that preventing people *less skilled than I am* at identifying and avoiding those kinds of experiences from *finding * those places unintentionally is probably not the *worst* policy. 

The whole thing about the VP of a VR company getting "virtually gang-raped" in a Meta Demo sandbox has shifted my opinion on this somewhat... 

The population of people online need safe-spaces and sandboxes that are strictly regulated - and for God's sake - keep them away from the rest of us - because if they somehow wander in and things go wrong, they'll go braying back to their keepers about how they weren't protected from the consequences of their own idiocy - and then politicians and talking heads will jump on how the Internet has to be more strictly regulated and the cancel mobs will show up and if you try to point out anything reasonable about self-accountability and personal responsibility - you'll be steam-rollered. 

Facebook, Twitter, Reddit - they're honeypots for the idiocracy. They exist to protect places like this, where adults can read the N-word, fully formed, and not declare that the person who uttered it is inarguably a racist and deserves to have his/her life ruined. 

Keep the cattle penned so the free-range animals can be free. The cattle are not smart enough to understand when they've wandered into a dangerous area full of carnivores and need shepherds. Those of us who live off the farm understand that it is our responsibility to recognize when we are in the territory of apex predators. 


Sun Feb 20 2022 13:43:30 EST from Nurb432

i looked it for 30 seconds, and that was what i got out of it.   They were clearly supporting, even asking, for bad things to take place to people they dont agree with.   Uncool. 

Sun Feb 20 2022 09:03:38 AM EST from ParanoidDelusions

The argument of those trying to shut Kiwi Farms down has consistently been that it does directly incite people to commit crimes.



[#] Sat Feb 26 2022 14:48:41 UTC from Nurb432

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Its soooo odd hearing the apple chime then seeing the "ChromeOS" boot banner popup on the screen..


Just today tried to boot flex on my 'new' shop owned ( intel ) powerbook, with the stupid ass keyboard that requires special drivers..  Not even a video bleep on that one..  no loss, was just curious if google had workarounds for the newer apple lockdown of hardware. I guess not :). 

[#] Sun Feb 27 2022 16:35:51 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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I love the idea that there are going to be a lot of repurposed laptops being turned into Chromebooks. I want to try it, but on the other hand, any hardware that can run Neverware can also run a "regular" Linux just as easily. I am typing this message on a Dell Precision M4700 -- a ten year old machine that was "high spec" in its day, a "desktop replacement" with a 17" screen and a large keyboard. It's easily a candidate for Neverware, but I have Linux Mint running on it, and it's just fine. I rarely run anything other than a web browser and a terminal on it. Maybe an instance of VLC once in a while to play music.

We're living in an era now where it really doesn't matter anymore!

[#] Sun Feb 27 2022 17:27:02 UTC from Nurb432

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I agree, for many of us, "just toss Linux on it" is the correct and best answer. But for the unwashed masses its a simple exit plan from the Microsoft walled garden.  ( or apple's, as its running fine on a 2016 PBP ) 

About an hour ago I dug out the x86 flip notebook i bought last year for ChromeOS, where it didnt have the flip drivers ( dammit )..  Booted fine, but still no drivers for the "flip to tablet mode", darn.  Shut down with intent to update the Debian install on it before i put it away, but it froze solid. Now i'm trying to drain the battery so it shuts off.  arrgh.

[#] Mon Mar 07 2022 21:39:05 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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A group of 139995 people who I want to die of covid-cancer-aids RIGHT NOW, is blocking email from again.

[#] Fri Mar 11 2022 00:10:57 UTC from nonservator

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May the fleas of a thousand camels infest their mother's jockstraps. "Just run your own email server!"

When the Mozilla Foundation are explicitly anti-free speech and anti-crypto, I no longer give a shit if El Goog take over the web. If anything, that will accelerate the death of both.


[#] Sat Mar 12 2022 14:28:30 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Yeah. Actually it looks like it was just one message from one of our mailing lists that was blocked at the door by Goolag. However, everything else still ends up in recipients' spam folders.

I'm sure the big players want to make it harder and harder to run your own email server.

[#] Sat Mar 12 2022 17:00:06 UTC from Nurb432

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The companies: You are competition. Means less revenue and we cant track. Must stamp it out.

Soon, governments : Wait, that means personal freedom and inability for us to track, we must stamp it out. 

Not too long git hub bans any email server code..  "unacceptable content" 

Sat Mar 12 2022 09:28:30 AM EST from IGnatius T Foobar
Yeah. Actually it looks like it was just one message from one of our mailing lists that was blocked at the door by Goolag. However, everything else still ends up in recipients' spam folders.

I'm sure the big players want to make it harder and harder to run your own email server.


[#] Mon Mar 28 2022 13:15:00 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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I am asked from time to time whether it's legal to operate your own email server. There are a lot of non technical people who assume you need some sort of license or government permission to do that.

This started around 2015, when rumors surfaced that a former White House cabinet member was storing confidential government secrets on an email server located in the bathroom of her home, literally about 15 miles from where I am right now. (This rumor turned out to be false. The server in question was actually in a small data center in New York City.)

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