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[#] Thu Oct 26 2023 19:44:33 UTC from LoanShark

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[#] Tue Oct 31 2023 15:38:21 UTC from darknetuser

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2023-10-24 13:23 from IGnatius T Foobar
The argument I keep hearing for moar megapixels is that you can crop a

photo (or even a video) down to a small section and still have high
enough resolution for production.

I seldom shoot for more than screen resolution though, so it's a tough

argument to make.

Sometimes I need to take a picture of some device or board for publication in a manual, and the only camera I have belongs to a phone. You will totally notice if you send a low resolution picture to press, but let's be honest, you can get press-ready pictures with entry level smartphones anyway.

[#] Wed Nov 01 2023 13:19:01 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Lots of buzz around the M3 CPU line announced by Fruit Central this week.
Wondering if it's as fast as they claim it is. Hoping to get one when ${work} switches my team over to Macs (if they ever get around to it).

Are they now the fastest ARM out there?

[#] Wed Nov 01 2023 13:20:04 UTC from Nurb432

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Lol No. i *just* posted in hardware about this. 

Wed Nov 01 2023 09:19:01 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

Are they now the fastest ARM out there?


[#] Sat Nov 04 2023 21:47:21 UTC from Nurb432

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Hmm "iLeakage" attack. seems every apple product is vulnerable, and there is no patch. It can read passwords, accounts, whatever. On OSX dont use safari, on iOS, you are just screwed.Unsure its in the wild or not.

[#] Mon Nov 06 2023 17:51:00 UTC from darknetuser

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2023-11-04 17:47 from Nurb432
Hmm "iLeakage" attack. seems every apple product is vulnerable, and
there is no patch. It can read passwords, accounts, whatever. On OSX
dont use safari, on iOS, you are just screwed.Unsure its in the wild
or not.

Thanks for the warning. Do you have a text link with actual docummentation about it? I might have to warn some people, so when they ignore me and get fucked I can tell them I had warned them.

[#] Sun Nov 12 2023 23:42:27 UTC from Nurb432

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ya i know its not real. was bored, and thought there might be some appreciation for this. ( image of the apple headquarters on fire, for text client folks )  

[#] Tue Dec 05 2023 14:31:50 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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mmmmm ... apple pie :)

[#] Thu Dec 07 2023 01:24:23 UTC from LadySerenaKitty

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Problem is that picture is all crust and no filling.  It clearly is not an Apple pie.

Tue Dec 05 2023 09:31:50 EST from IGnatius T Foobar
mmmmm ... apple pie :)


[#] Fri Dec 15 2023 15:03:43 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Pretty exterior with not much inside?  Sounds like any Apple product.

[#] Sat Jan 27 2024 19:00:52 UTC from Nurb432

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Older MBP. 128G m.2   ( an i5 something or other. not fast, but still functional (

Years ago i bought an adapter to go from there stupid plug ot a regular one.  AND the stupid screwdrivers to open it.  ( grr apple. .butt-heads )   Opened it up, looked like the screw holding down the m.2 was pre stripped. F-it, and put the cover back in

FF a few years, ran across a sale on a m.2 with the same socket format and labeled " compatible with MBPs.. " something like 30 bucks for a 1TB.  Figured why not, extend its life a bit.

So here we go again.

Get it apart, seems it was NOT stripped and just looked like it.  And uses a standard torx.. that is nice.  put it back together.  wont recognize it. Grrrr  i hate apple  

[#] Sat Jan 27 2024 19:48:17 UTC from Nurb432

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make that 256g .. not sure why i was thinking 128.   But still, 1TB would be nice if i would work.


Sat Jan 27 2024 14:00:52 EST from Nurb432

Older MBP. 128G m.2   ( an i5 something or other. not fast, but still functional )



[#] Tue Jan 30 2024 17:56:47 UTC from darknetuser

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I have heard the EU is trying to get tough on Apple with not much success.

First, they made it illegal for Apple to disallow third-party App stores on iOS. Apple's response has been to allow third-party stores, but operators of each app store must demonstrate they have a credit line worth 1 Million American Bucks and Apple will be billing the app store operators themselves half a dollar per download (and also the app operators another half a dollar, I think). Basically, they are uncomplying.

Second, they want to force Apple to allow non webkit engines in iOS, so people can install third-party web browsers that don't use iOS embedded engine. They are going to comply, but only in the European edition, so if you want to make your own DarknetuserBrowser without webkit, it will only work in Europe.

[#] Thu Feb 29 2024 14:13:00 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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What apple did sounds like they're basically thumbing their nose at the regulators and technically complying but making it so difficult to take advantage of the new regulations that it's not worth it. Some observers (like my favorite tech blogger DHH) are even going as far to say that apple is the new "evil empire". Thankfully they're pretty easy to avoid if you simply don't buy into their ecosystem. But I suppose if you're a software developer then you have to be able to reach into their market.

[#] Thu Feb 29 2024 14:34:53 UTC from Nurb432

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Thu Feb 29 2024 09:13:00 EST from IGnatius T Foobar
Thankfully they're pretty easy to avoid if you simply don't buy into their ecosystem.


[#] Sat Mar 02 2024 18:03:28 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Yeah, today.  Tomorrow it'll be someone else.  I find it easier to avoid Apple's ecosystem than it is to avoid Google's ecosystem.  There was a time when you couldn't avoid Microsoft but that's pretty easy now.  And then there's Amazon, in whose world a lot of people are immersed.

Obviously if your workplace has committed itself to one or more of the four big ecosystems then that makes a difference, but it's pretty easy to cordon off your work computing from your own, especially if they give you a dedicated machine to do your work on.

I dunno ... I just can't really get worked up about Apple.  To me they just seem like just another designer brand who sells overpriced merchandise made in sweatshops to people foolish enough to buy it.  It isn't really my cup of tea.  Yeah, if they offer me a Macbook at work I'll take it just to get off of Windows, but I'd never buy a Mac or an iPhone myself.  If someone else does ... hey, it's your money, spend it however you like.

[#] Fri Mar 22 2024 11:38:20 UTC from Nurb432

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"DoJ starts anti trust proceedings against apple due to the iPhone"  

I hate apple as much as the next guy, but they dont have a monopoly over the phone ( or any ) market.   ( i know, yet another distraction, but still, its dumb )

[#] Fri Mar 22 2024 18:17:50 UTC from msgrhys

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They will waste time on this while ignoring Google's browser monopoly. Disgraceful.

Fri Mar 22 2024 07:38:20 EDT from Nurb432


"DoJ starts anti trust proceedings against apple due to the iPhone"  

I hate apple as much as the next guy, but they dont have a monopoly over the phone ( or any ) market.   ( i know, yet another distraction, but still, its dumb )


[#] Fri Mar 22 2024 18:32:21 UTC from Nurb432

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Google plays ball with the feds far more than Apple is my understanding ( man, i hate to give them any credit, but they still play the game with the feds.. just not as much ).

But if they get a huge payoff in cash from putting the thumb on Apple, Google might be next.

Plus its a distraction from the real issues going on.  

Fri Mar 22 2024 14:17:50 EDT from msgrhys

They will waste time on this while ignoring Google's browser monopoly. Disgraceful.

Fri Mar 22 2024 07:38:20 EDT from Nurb432


"DoJ starts anti trust proceedings against apple due to the iPhone"  

I hate apple as much as the next guy, but they dont have a monopoly over the phone ( or any ) market.   ( i know, yet another distraction, but still, its dumb )



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