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[#] Wed Mar 06 2024 12:21:21 UTC from Nurb432

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Turns it it wasn't just them...   (  i started that thread in lobby )

Wed Mar 06 2024 04:18:18 EST from darknetuser
There was a mention on the radio about it. Apparently so many Facebook/Meta services have faced bad long downtime.

Fuck them.


[#] Tue Mar 26 2024 02:03:56 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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It would be a Good Thing if the major cloud providers had more mega-outages.  There isn't enough diversity (no, not the Didn't Earn It kind) in web hosting today.  Seems like if one of the big AWS or Azure regions has an outage, half the Internet goes dark.  This needs to happen more often so people do something about it.

[#] Sun Apr 07 2024 22:46:31 UTC from Nurb432

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Oh boy my 'item' sold on OpenSea and i get 0.7WETH!  I just need to validate my wallet!


um.. item? WETH? OpenSea?  Lol.     Sad part is people fall for this crap. Else it would stop. 

[#] Fri May 03 2024 17:37:42 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Telling the solar scammers that I already have solar is too easy. It gets rid of them right away -- they just hang up without even saying thank you and goodbye -- but it doesn't provide enough of an opportunity to taunt them and waste their time.

I got a call from Rajeehsumabariagareshbhudiman (also known as "Adam") at Solar Solutions and he just hung up when I told him I already have solar.
He didn't even give me the courtesy of offering some rude comments about my mother.

[#] Fri May 03 2024 18:38:11 UTC from Nurb432

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Why do you even answer the phone these days? If i dont recognize your #, you will get voice mail. For my home phone, you can hear them talk to the recording via speaker and i wont even move off the couch unless i know who it is.   Cell phone, ill go back later and look. ( i have voice to text so i dont even have to listen )

[#] Fri May 03 2024 18:57:33 UTC from darknetuser

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> Why do you even answer the phone these days?

One of my jobs is very phone intensive and we face this stance quite often. It is very bad for the customers. As in really really bad.

I am not gonna give hints, but let's say what $job1 sells is in quite low supply, so when a customer appears that wants some, he is more likely than not gonna be sent to a list and be told we will call him once the product is available.

Then the product is ready, we start phoning the people in the list in order. The call people will give the target about an hour to call back if he wasn't found. Then they move to the next customer in the list. Whoever answers the phone first gets the product.

The smartasses not picking the phone are usually sent an email after a number of tries (I think they don t read those either) and usually get up dumped. A month later they call asking what is going on with the product. "Sorry, smartass, but since you are unlocatable we are givintg it to the customers we can find."

[#] Fri May 03 2024 21:00:00 UTC from Nurb432

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If i have business with you, i would recognize the number. So i would answer. or at least get back to you soon if i was tied up.

[#] Sun May 05 2024 15:24:35 UTC from Nurb432

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grr over 300 "i filmed you" spam/scam emails this morning.  Only reason i noticed is my trashcan exploded.  Went to check to be sure one of my mail rules didnt freak out.. nope..    idiots. 

[#] Mon May 06 2024 00:24:32 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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But I'll bet that even though you know it's impossible, you still cover the camera when you look at a pr0n site, amirite?

[#] Mon May 06 2024 01:27:36 UTC from Nurb432

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I dont even have a camera.... 

Sun May 05 2024 20:24:32 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
But I'll bet that even though you know it's impossible, you still cover the camera when you look at a pr0n site, amirite?


[#] Wed May 08 2024 19:03:13 UTC from Nurb432

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Anther round today.  They are f-ing with the dates this time. Dates several years into the future.  I assume to get past people that sort by date, so its on top no matter what?


And oddly, some were dated 1980... 

[#] Sat May 11 2024 11:27:54 UTC from Nurb432

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Randomly ran across one of those sites that ties addresses to people, then to their details.  ( unless i thought ahead and formed an LLC and bought the house that way, it shows names of owners..  ). In this case it actually gives you quite a bit for free, to suck you into paying for more.

While it had a lot of stuff wrong, like phone numbers, some of my wives emails ( but some were right too...) , who lived here at a certain date, ( someone with same last name as i after i bought the place.. no...)  and showed my wife with the wrong age, living here but moving out in 2017, but her maiden name moving in at first too, but still living here... ( lol ).  

And i know that what it gives you for free is only a drop in the bucket.


And ya i know privacy and anonymity is a thing of the past, but scary how easy it is for the commoner to get data, not just the government. 

[#] Sat May 11 2024 11:45:50 UTC from Nurb432

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As i mentioned a while ago i gave up on FB in general, except for family on messenger ( yes yes i know.. but they wont move. ).

Today i got a flood of 'fact check notices' from posts at least a year old, some older.  "this post is partially false" .   All related to Trump or Biden.    Must be election season, time to steer that boat.  F-ers like zukerburg should be in jail.

[#] Sat May 11 2024 17:11:45 UTC from test2

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[#] Sun May 12 2024 00:36:14 UTC from msgrhys

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Wed May 08 2024 15:03:13 EDT from Nurb432

And oddly, some were dated 1980...


[#] Tue May 14 2024 02:22:24 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Today i got a flood of 'fact check notices' from posts at least a
year old, some older.  "this post is partially false" .   All

I guess they're all doing that now. I just learned tonight that Scamazon has revoked my ability to post product reviews, based on something they objected to in reviews written many years ago.

I remember getting some emails a couple of months ago saying "your review has been removed" based on years-old posts but I guess they also suspended my ability to write reviews. Funny, they didn't suspend my ability to give them money. I will be redoubling my effort to shop ANYWHERE else.

[#] Thu May 16 2024 21:23:11 UTC from nonservator

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I demand and if anyone bitches I'll say "what, you think fat people don't search?"

[#] Thu May 16 2024 21:31:14 UTC from Nurb432

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I think tinder has a subsection for that? 



Thu May 16 2024 17:23:11 EDT from nonservator

I demand and if anyone bitches I'll say "what, you think fat people don't search?"


[#] Thu May 16 2024 21:57:12 UTC from Nurb432

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speaking of tinder.

Got a 'Ukraine Beauty' spam/scam email this evening.   Been a while and didnt even notice they were gone.. .  Used to get them all the time until the media lost interest in the war...

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