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[#] Sun Jul 09 2023 13:50:46 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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I think they understand how loss leaders work. What takes down YouTube will not be antitrust litigation, but YouTube itself. By promoting corporate content and demoting creators, they are destroying the reason people started watching in the first place.

If they want to turn it into a streaming service, we will watch the interesting videos wherever they are.

[#] Sun Jul 09 2023 14:46:44 UTC from Nurb432

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And of course blocking non-woke content or their version of 'dis information'. ( like firearms. many of those channels are gone )

[#] Tue Jul 11 2023 00:46:37 UTC from Nurb432

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Grrr last few days i have been flooded with " we have recorded you "  scam nonsense.

Sure, everyone gets that every so often, but this is coming in waves, every 30 seconds. 100s at a session.  All from random email addresses so nothing i can block outright. 

[#] Tue Jul 11 2023 01:38:12 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Sextortion spam? Some of those are barely readable these days.

[#] Tue Jul 11 2023 11:06:50 UTC from Nurb432

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Ya bla bla my virus bla bla show it to all your friends bla bla BTC or ETC bla bla


Only reason even looked was that there were 100s in my in box.  Was going to try to block them, but no...

Mon Jul 10 2023 09:38:12 PM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
Sextortion spam? Some of those are barely readable these days.


[#] Tue Jul 25 2023 13:22:36 UTC from Nurb432

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Just recently setup a machine for our wonderful host here to have access to use a decent ARM board for testing.. Added SSH.  Added fail2ban.

in 2 days the fail2ban log is over almost 1/2 a MB. Freaking nuts. Damned script kiddies need to be taken out back.  No, wait, public square.. let them serve as a warning to others..

[#] Tue Jul 25 2023 15:17:35 UTC from fandarel

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in 2 days the fail2ban log is over almost 1/2 a MB. Freaking nuts.

On my playbox I finally gave up and moved ssh to a non-standard port. Not because it offers any sort of enhanced security, but because I got sick of the logs being ridiculously large. If you sniff the traffic you will see that 99.9% of it is user=root, password=123, etc etc. Who the hell even runs with PermitRootLogin=yes these days? It hasn't been the default in any decent distro in years.
The stupidity is only eclipsed by what a server with an open 80/tcp or 443/tcp sees these days. Between wordpress and php I suppose there is sufficient low hanging fruit that the kids can still get into a bunch of boxes with 5 year old exploits.

[#] Tue Jul 25 2023 17:49:50 UTC from Nurb432

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Sort of like spam/scam email i guess.  Scanning is cheap.

Tue Jul 25 2023 11:17:35 AM EDT from fandarel
in 2 days the fail2ban log is over almost 1/2 a MB. Freaking nuts.

On my playbox I finally gave up and moved ssh to a non-standard port. Not because it offers any sort of enhanced security, but because I got sick of the logs being ridiculously large. If you sniff the traffic you will see that 99.9% of it is user=root, password=123, etc etc. Who the hell even runs with PermitRootLogin=yes these days? It hasn't been the default in any decent distro in years.
The stupidity is only eclipsed by what a server with an open 80/tcp or 443/tcp sees these days. Between wordpress and php I suppose there is sufficient low hanging fruit that the kids can still get into a bunch of boxes with 5 year old exploits.


[#] Fri Jul 28 2023 04:07:55 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Update to "infanticide", a spamassassin module that filters newly-created domains

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In other news, I've made an update to Infanticide, my spamassassin module that blocks mail from newly-created domains. This module has been *fantastic* as I've put it into production here for the last two months. The new update takes into consideration the fact that some mail might be from subdomains (for example and will try stripping off parts from the front if it doesn't match a registered domain. In practice, though, it seems that spammers don't really do much of that anyway, but it's there for completeness.

[ ]

I haven't published this module in any of the public registries, mainly because I tried once and couldn't figure out how to create an account on whatever site I was on. But I'm happy to share it with my friends here.

[#] Sat Jul 29 2023 15:41:05 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Ugh. I logged in to my youtube creator portal to answer some comments and was met with a "creator demographic survey" that wanted to know all of my personal deets, presumably so they can prioritize videos made by the usual "victim groups".

Naturally, I placed myself into as many "victim groups" as I possibly could.

[#] Sat Jul 29 2023 16:18:19 UTC from Nurb432

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[#] Wed Aug 02 2023 14:06:12 UTC from Nurb432

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So i guess due to the draconian law in Canada, FB is now cutting off news to the country.  Not that i support FB of course, but if the law says they gotta stop, then they gotta stop. Others that do business in the country will end up following suit

Not sure if it was the intent of the law ( i think it was just to try to bleed social media of cash, assuming that the companies would just pay ) but the result will be they dont get to have news up there and live in the dark. And with out news, more easily controlled.

[#] Thu Aug 03 2023 14:14:15 UTC from darknetuser

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When you skip the news, you are uninformed. When you read the news, you are missinformed.

[#] Thu Aug 03 2023 15:10:17 UTC from Nurb432

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At least with news feeds available, you can compare several and read between the lines.  With none, you are just sort of screwed. 

The way i read things, pretty much all content delivery systems are going to have issues with Canada.  Of course ones that dont do business there will just say 'screw you i dont care' but i can see coming blockages coming.  ( DNS blocks, banning VPN, bla bla ).  And sure people can get around those, but most wont have a clue.

Thu Aug 03 2023 10:14:15 AM EDT from darknetuser
When you skip the news, you are uninformed. When you read the news, you are missinformed.


[#] Thu Aug 03 2023 23:47:24 UTC from nonservator

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[tech companies threaten to take their ball and go home]

"Oh no, please don't, whatever will we do without you."

[#] Sat Aug 05 2023 15:11:37 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Heh. It would be great if social media companies, "news" companies, and canada would all just cross-fuck each other into obvlivion.

[#] Sat Aug 05 2023 17:39:28 UTC from Nurb432

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I would say they need to stream the party, but not on youtube :)

[#] Fri Aug 11 2023 17:46:34 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: New strain of spam

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Over the last week or so I've received many hundreds of dollars worth of gift cards, rewards, free iPads, and the like from an assortment of well-known brands.

I wonder how long this particular strain of spam will last. They all have the same characteristics:

1. Claiming that I have a gift or gift card in my name and all I have to do is claim it
2. The mail comes from weird domains like
3. Those weird domains have been registered for 8 to 9 months, so they escape my `infanticide` filter that drops all mail from newly-born domains

Someone registered a bunch of domains and then held on to them for the better part of a year before beginning this spam/scam run. I hope they're not doing that on a revolving registration basis.

Some of these gift cards are worth $1OO or more! :)

[#] Sun Aug 13 2023 14:15:46 UTC from Nurb432

[Reply] [ReplyQuoted] [Headers] [Print] .. god...


Im without my normal desktop today as its 'busy', Using one of my newer ARM machines instead, so of course i cant run chrome.  Normally i would use an x86, ( or ChromeOS ) and after install it would sync down all my stuff like passwords and extensions.   I have other x86 boxes i could use, this arm machine is a desktop, and i wanted to use it as such for a while .. i keep touting ARM, figured i should. ( i have in the past, but needed an app only on x86 and emulation, does not work well... )

Passwords, ok, i know that wasn't going to sync down, but seems you can export/import now so i don't lose the nice 'auto fill' ability.  Changes wont sync UP, but that really doesn't matter,that went away at one point when they stopped letting chromium sync without some sort of paid dev license and you compile the code yourself.

Logging into google, does get me voice and chat.. so good there. i had forgot what its like without ad blockers.  How do people even use the web like that???   Took me a bit to remember which ones i had, and get them installed. But in the meantime.



( and yes i know i know.. "its google.. dont use them", but since im also a ChromeOS person, im sort of stuck in the ecosystem. Tho i dont use stuff like photos, or music. or drive. Just the things i 'need' to make life easier. )

[#] Tue Aug 15 2023 00:27:22 UTC from Nurb432

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Oracle. Java. What a freaking scam

They are trying to make us pay a seat license for every citizen in the state.  1.5 Million a year  because "they might use one of your applications that has java in it"

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