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[#] Mon Jan 23 2023 21:37:30 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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We have the moral high ground, *because* we have the moral high ground. If we give that up, what is there to fight for? I don't care which side wins in that case. 


[#] Mon Jan 23 2023 22:51:02 EST from test2

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if you've ever interacted with deep gangs, FAFO is their main public modus-operandi, if you cross em in that mode they'll dump 2 magazines in you and light you on fire. if they decide to rob or kill you, they're not operating under FAFO, they're doing what they consider is their employment (aka JOB mode).  they demand instant respect, if you fail, then its entertainment-mode as they teach you a lesson, they don't care if you fail to survive the lesson. they operate in several "modes", its important to figure out which mode they're in when you encounter them.  if there's more than 1 of them, the modes get complicated. if you're carrying a gun - be chill. if things don't go your way, they do respect 9mm but you still might die. i grew up with them and seen the wrong end of the barrel. everyone fantasizes, its better to avoid them, especially if you don't carry. get some training, until then, remember- you're an idiot, it keeps you humble.

[#] Tue Jan 24 2023 10:19:13 EST from nonservator

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As of now, the standard right-of-center NPC waves his flag and waxes on about his principles. He will do so as the body-positive, pink haired, diversity hire loads him onto a boxcar. He will sing about his high ideals all the way to the train yard. When they open the train doors and he sees the trench and bulldozer, he will hold his head high, secure in knowing that he was true to all the debates he had in college about how collectivism will never work. Perhaps the only hope he has is that flash of regret that, just maybe, he should have given some thought as to outcome versus process, as he stares down the barrel of that AK with the dead-eyed, 4'-10" Guatemalan behind it. In the last second of his life, he takes value in knowing that he was morally right sticking to his "rugged individualism" and the fact that the Left were the "real racists." And with that, his idealism is buried to the sound of a diesel engine pushing the soil he refused to defend, out of principle, over his bloody corpse.

[#] Tue Jan 24 2023 12:43:42 EST from Nurb432

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I have a butane soldering pencil with a torch attachment in my desk drawer.

Mon Jan 23 2023 09:36:40 PM EST from ParanoidDelusions

 We might as well just burn the whole thing down. 


[#] Tue Jan 24 2023 13:02:31 EST from Nurb432

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Yes. We are to that point. The moral high ground at this point only gets you buried, and your side loses the war. So what did you accomplish by being 'the better person'? Nothing. 

( snipped out the huge text .. it hurt my eyes :) )

Tue Jan 24 2023 10:19:13 AM EST from nonservator



[#] Tue Jan 24 2023 19:24:09 EST from zelgomer

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2023-01-24 02:37 from ParanoidDelusions <>

We have the moral high ground, *because* we have the moral high
ground. If we give that up, what is there to fight for? I don't care
which side wins in that case. 

There are three vectors to analyze here: legal, moral, and tactical.

I'm no tactician, so I won't comment on that.

Legally, I agree the guy made some poor choices which may end up costing him.

Morally, the asshole forfeited his right to live the moment he threatened anyone's life in order to take their stuff. I don't care if he was leaving, or if he was already out of the fight, or if the gun was fake. This guy was a society leech and should be considered outlaw in the original sense of the term: i.e., he exists outside the bounds of the law, and putting him down may not be considered murder.

[#] Wed Jan 25 2023 14:01:15 EST from darknetuser

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2023-01-24 13:02 from Nurb432
Yes. We are to that point. The moral high ground at this point only
gets you buried, and your side loses the war. So what did you
accomplish by being 'the better person'? Nothing. 

The real issue with people who thinks they are taking a principled moral trench by defending The System is that this people thinks The SYstem is legit and therefore worth defending.

Sorry, but you can only take pride in defending somehting if that something is worth defending. Western governments are no longer worth defending and therefore standing up for them while they destroy you makes you look like an idiot.

[#] Wed Jan 25 2023 15:04:34 EST from Nurb432

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When/if it comes time to physically defend, i wont be defending current 'western government', which i agree is way out of line.  ill be defending my personal freedom, and the intents of our founders. Hoping to force a complete system reboot, and going back to our founder's writings.  

Will we get a chance to fight, and will we win? Who knows, but i think that is a cause worth fighting for, when it comes.

Wed Jan 25 2023 02:01:15 PM EST from darknetuser
2023-01-24 13:02 from Nurb432
Yes. We are to that point. The moral high ground at this point only
gets you buried, and your side loses the war. So what did you
accomplish by being 'the better person'? Nothing. 

The real issue with people who thinks they are taking a principled moral trench by defending The System is that this people thinks The SYstem is legit and therefore worth defending.

Sorry, but you can only take pride in defending somehting if that something is worth defending. Western governments are no longer worth defending and therefore standing up for them while they destroy you makes you look like an idiot.


[#] Fri Feb 10 2023 18:03:15 EST from Nurb432

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Well, 2 points for him.


"Attorney General Todd Rokita today sued the Biden administration to challenge a recent rule by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) that infringes on Hoosiers’ gun rights."

[#] Wed Mar 01 2023 19:21:44 EST from zelgomer

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Took my AR-15 to the range yesterday. I didn't realize it at the time, but let's say it was in commemorence for Waco.

Repeal the NFA. I want off the shelf silencers. I bought this thing basically because I wanted what Democrats don't want me to have, and because I wanted a fighting rifle when it all goes to shit. But damn, is it obnoxious. Especially indoors. The poor couple next to me - looked like a middle aged guy took his mom to teach her to shoot a handgun - started stepping back and waiting for me to finish a round before their rounds. I picked up what was going on, so I gave them a smile and a wave and put it away, spending the rest of my time with a .22. But I was actually trying to zero the damn thing, and I really wasn't done yet. Oh, well, I think it's close.

Which brings me to my next point. I suck with rifles. I need to get better at this. I also need a better place to shoot. It sure would be nice to have a long range and a bench rest for zeroing. Trying to zero an AR freehand at 25 yards sucks.

[#] Wed Mar 01 2023 19:27:00 EST from zelgomer

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Oh yeah, I forgot to finish my thought about suppressors.

So anyway, I used to have the opinion that they're not for me. If I have to shoot at an open to the public indoor range, I'm always going to be wearing ear pro, anyway, so what's the point? And if I did, it would have been for something I can get subsonic loads for, like 9mm, .45, or 300AAC.

Ironically, I actually now think I'd get the most value suppressing my AR-15. It will never be hearing safe, but at least I would feel less self concious about being the biggest douchebag at the range.

[#] Fri Mar 03 2023 17:34:13 EST from Nurb432

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Don't hold your breath on the NFA going away. No one in DC wants it gone.  Its a tool to control us. They dont want to lose that.

As far as suppressors, you can still buy them all day long, but i do realize its a bit higher cost than it should be, due to the tax stamp. But it can be done.

I ended up with a couple of ar-15 platforms even tho i prefer AK due to them being more simple and rugged. Reality is ARs are more flexible, and parts far more plentiful, and far more caliber options.  I have not done it yet myself, but temporary 22 conversions are cheap.  And aside from the current brace fiasco, you can still build / buy an AR platform pistol if a rifle is too bulky.

[#] Sat Mar 04 2023 16:36:15 EST from Nurb432

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Bumpstocks --- Not that want one, i think they are stupid personally, ( but its a right, so i support it ) but i guess the DOJ didnt bother to file an appeal of the recent court ruling that the ATF over stepped its boundaries on trying to ban them. The due date was last Monday. So the ruling stands, and you can officially get them again.

( until the ATF gets a burr up its butt and tries again )

[#] Sat Mar 04 2023 19:00:55 EST from zelgomer

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2023-03-04 21:36 from Nurb432 <>
Bumpstocks --- Not that want one, i think they are stupid personally,
( but its a right, so i support it ) but i guess the DOJ didnt bother
to file an appeal of the recent court ruling that the ATF over
stepped its boundaries on trying to ban them. The due date was last
Monday. So the ruling stands, and you can officially get them again.

( until the ATF gets a burr up its butt and tries again )

Does that apply everywhere or only to states within that circuit?

[#] Sat Mar 04 2023 19:09:42 EST from Nurb432

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I believe its everywhere, but i could be wrong.

And i guess there has been an official stay placed on the stupid 80% lower rule..

Sat Mar 04 2023 07:00:55 PM EST from zelgomer
2023-03-04 21:36 from Nurb432 <>
Bumpstocks --- Not that want one, i think they are stupid personally,
( but its a right, so i support it ) but i guess the DOJ didnt bother
to file an appeal of the recent court ruling that the ATF over
stepped its boundaries on trying to ban them. The due date was last
Monday. So the ruling stands, and you can officially get them again.

( until the ATF gets a burr up its butt and tries again )

Does that apply everywhere or only to states within that circuit?


[#] Mon Mar 06 2023 21:54:29 EST from zelgomer

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Is there anything to these rumblings I'm hearing about .mil walking away from the XM5-renamed-XM7?

[#] Tue Mar 07 2023 07:17:11 EST from Nurb432

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No personal insider knowledge but i have heard the same.

At the rate they are going with wokeness, they wont need guns anyway here soon.

Mon Mar 06 2023 09:54:29 PM EST from zelgomer
Is there anything to these rumblings I'm hearing about .mil walking away from the XM5-renamed-XM7?


[#] Tue Mar 07 2023 18:58:38 EST from darknetuser

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As far as suppressors, you can still buy them all day long, but i do
realize its a bit higher cost than it should be, due to the tax
stamp. But it can be done.

Or build your supressonrs, Luty style! The instructions for doing so are somewhere in i2p...

[#] Tue Mar 07 2023 19:41:23 EST from Nurb432

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If you want to "go there", you can build anything you want..

I was staying strictly within the ATF 'rules', in that they are not banned.. just $      ( unconstitutional rules, but tell that to the judge.. )


( i dont remember luty documenting suppressors, and his books are on open net, and you can still buy them too )

Tue Mar 07 2023 06:58:38 PM EST from darknetuser
Or build your supressonrs, Luty style! The instructions for doing so are somewhere in i2p...


[#] Tue Mar 07 2023 21:15:45 EST from zelgomer

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I was staying strictly within the ATF 'rules', in that they are not
banned.. just $      ( unconstitutional rules, but tell that to
the judge.. )

And because of that, the price of the suppressors themselves are grossly inflated. Some of the suppressors I'd like to have cost more than what I've paid for any gun!

But I think the biggest deterrent for me is just the unconstitutionality of it and the registry. Yeah yeah I'm on a list anyway because of various back door methods. But it still doesn't sit well with me.

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