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[#] Thu Jul 28 2022 20:46:47 EDT from zelgomer

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2022-06-04 00:40 from zelgomer <>
2022-06-03 17:22 from Nurb432 <>

Lol I like it.

So I was just thinking. Why was the M1 the greatest battle implement

ever devised instead of the BAR??

Wow, I actually got an answer to this in a recent Forgotten Weapons video! Someone even proposed this to the ordnance dept after ww1. Tldr, the problem with a BAR as a battle rifle are that it's impractically heavy (guess I could have thought of that) and because it fires from an open bolt there's no way to manually run the action in the case of failure (didn't know BAR fired from open bolt, and funny that even back then the army had a hard on for forward assist).

[#] Fri Jul 29 2022 08:12:45 EDT from Nurb432

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So they lied, it was just a distraction to get people to stop calling them.  HR 1808 gets voted on tomorrow. it will be law by end of next month.

[#] Fri Jul 29 2022 08:13:44 EDT from Nurb432

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They will burn ( literally ) this country to the ground if they think they need to in order to retain power.

Thu Jul 28 2022 05:15:08 PM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
They may become increasingly desperate ... for several different reasons.
Potential power transfer in the government, increased radicalization of the anti-gun crowd, more mass shootings (false flag or otherwise), not enough mass shootings during tapings of "The View", etc. etc. etc.


[#] Fri Jul 29 2022 20:13:42 EDT from Nurb432

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Well HR 1808 passed the house.  We are f-ed.

[#] Sat Jul 30 2022 11:13:10 EDT from zelgomer

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2022-07-30 00:13 from Nurb432 <>
Well HR 1808 passed the house.  We are f-ed.

I'll keep my panties unwadded until it passes the senate, but even then I still think it'll last about the 2 hours it will take for it to go from Biden's desk to Clarance Thomas's big red DENIED stamp.

[#] Sat Jul 30 2022 12:24:07 EDT from Nurb432

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SCOTUS cant do that until its brought to them.  Unless a lower court orders a 'stay', it wont be 2 hours .. more like decades.  And by the time it gets there, a good chance court may be packed already, so it will stand.


I really think this is the beginning of the end. One way or another, We either lose it all, or it all is torn apart. Been predicting this since BIden was appointed. "this is the end of our country"  ( and not just 2A, everything )


Sat Jul 30 2022 11:13:10 AM EDT from zelgomer
2022-07-30 00:13 from Nurb432 <>
Well HR 1808 passed the house.  We are f-ed.

I'll keep my panties unwadded until it passes the senate, but even then I still think it'll last about the 2 hours it will take for it to go from Biden's desk to Clarance Thomas's big red DENIED stamp.


[#] Sat Jul 30 2022 15:34:41 EDT from zelgomer

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2022-07-30 16:24 from Nurb432 <>
SCOTUS cant do that until its brought to them.  Unless a lower court
orders a 'stay', it wont be 2 hours .. more like decades.  And by
the time it gets there, a good chance court may be packed already, so
it will stand.


I really think this is the beginning of the end. One way or another,
We either lose it all, or it all is torn apart. Been predicting this
since BIden was appointed. "this is the end of our country"  ( and
not just 2A, everything )

I understand that, and maybe it's naivity or denial, but I think there are still enough people pissed off about everything over the past two years that it won't stand. I see this as possibly an escelation, but it will never come to us laying down and dying. At least it had better not after all the big talk conservatives and the gun community have been putting on for decades.

[#] Sat Jul 30 2022 16:35:25 EDT from Nurb432

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I dont wish for it. but the entire system in DC is corrupt.  I dont know if there is another way out of this, short of complete secession and breaking up the union.  Which of course will go just as badly as last time, if not worse.

Sure there are glimpses of hope here and there, such as SCOTUS lately, or Trump, but then the 'system' compensates soon afterward and 'corrects'. Its far larger than any one person and is now self-sustaining.

Sat Jul 30 2022 03:34:41 PM EDT from zelgomer
o us laying down and dying. 


[#] Sat Jul 30 2022 18:21:14 EDT from Nurb432

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I guess plan B is now in effect.  Remove any protection from frivolous suits of manufacturers. Now that NYC is doing it, its being mandated by Bloomburg in all the states he controls. Pelosi wants to do it next at national level, now that she got the ban passed.

Sure, it will eventually get struck down/etc  but by then most companies will be out of business.


[#] Sat Jul 30 2022 19:50:53 EDT from zelgomer

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2022-07-30 22:21 from Nurb432 <>
I guess plan B is now in effect.  Remove any protection from
frivolous suits of manufacturers. Now that NYC is doing it, its being
mandated by Bloomburg in all the states he controls. Pelosi wants to
do it next at national level, now that she got the ban passed.

Sure, it will eventually get struck down/etc  but by then most
companies will be out of business.

The protection that's in place today is at the federal level, right? Now if you want to convince me that end of times are near or that we are on the brink of Civil War II: The Sequel, you've got my attention with this sort of stuff. They're always going to try to ban guns, that's annoying but nothing new, but the blatant flouting of the law of the land. To simply ignore a law which protects ALL industries (not just guns as they'd have you believe) and allow suits to go forward, or to pass this assault weapons ban 2.0 right on the heels of several SCOTUS rulings that make it clear it won't stand, or even to continue to enforce a rent moritorium after SCOTUS shot it down in no uncertain terms. Congress is supposed to be the entity to enforce SCOTUS rulings via impeachment. If two branches are in cahoots and subvert the system, then there is no system. When they can hold J6 participants in prison for two years without even charging them, there is no rule of law. And without rule of law, there's no consent to be governed, and at that point what you have is either tyranny or anarchy, depending on which side dominates.

[#] Sat Jul 30 2022 20:17:05 EDT from darknetuser

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You are overthinking this. The West is finished because it is no longer an Industrial powerhouse and because everybody else controls strategic prime matter. The dominance of the USD is going downhill, and when that happens, hyperinflation so bad that nobody remains alive to remember it will make a comeback.

The end result will be that most Western nations will start to operate as South American countries, in which there is a nominal government which cannot pay shit, so people end up answering to local corrupt officials instead.

Europe will reach that point too. A number of European countries are expecting supply shortages so bad they are begging their neighbors for help.

At this point, I think it is good that Western nations go "crack". That way somebody might be able to rebuild from the ashes.

[#] Sat Jul 30 2022 20:17:07 EDT from Nurb432

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The legal protection is at the federal level, explicitly for gun manufacturers.  At state levels, its mostly left alone, except now NYC where its explicitly allowed to sue 'if anyone in your family got hurt by a gun'. Even encouraged. Sure, if they produce a defective or illegal product, sue. But if your legally produced and sold product is mis-used by your customer, it should be illegal to sue. Any industry. ( and if this does work, expect it in other industries they want to remove their products from the 'people' )

And ya, they have always been trying to take stuff away, but its gone into such a high gear, and if you also see what else is happening, something bad is coming.   

Currently congress and executive branch is in on the game.   If congress manages to pack the courts as they plan this year ( well getting bills passed to allow it anyway ), then all 3 branches are.  ANd at that point they are diametrically apposed to the citizens and the concepts of freedom our founders laid out.

The reaction will either be civil war 2 as some sort of forced revolution, or a total collapse ( like in other free countries that had their government take over. Cuba, Venezuela, etc ).  A lot will depend on how far they have beat down the citizens. I want neither, but i fully feel we lost our chance when Trump was cheated out of office.  Never again will an outsider be allowed in that chair.

Sat Jul 30 2022 07:50:53 PM EDT from zelgomer
2022-07-30 22:21 from Nurb432 <>
I guess plan B is now in effect.  Remove any protection from
frivolous suits of manufacturers. Now that NYC is doing it, its being
mandated by Bloomburg in all the states he controls. Pelosi wants to
do it next at national level, now that she got the ban passed.

Sure, it will eventually get struck down/etc  but by then most
companies will be out of business.

The protection that's in place today is at the federal level, right? Now if you want to convince me that end of times are near or that we are on the brink of Civil War II: The Sequel, you've got my attention with this sort of stuff. They're always going to try to ban guns, that's annoying but nothing new, but the blatant flouting of the law of the land. To simply ignore a law which protects ALL industries (not just guns as they'd have you believe) and allow suits to go forward, or to pass this assault weapons ban 2.0 right on the heels of several SCOTUS rulings that make it clear it won't stand, or even to continue to enforce a rent moritorium after SCOTUS shot it down in no uncertain terms. Congress is supposed to be the entity to enforce SCOTUS rulings via impeachment. If two branches are in cahoots and subvert the system, then there is no system. When they can hold J6 participants in prison for two years without even charging them, there is no rule of law. And without rule of law, there's no consent to be governed, and at that point what you have is either tyranny or anarchy, depending on which side dominates.


[#] Sat Jul 30 2022 20:23:16 EDT from Nurb432

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[#] Mon Aug 08 2022 18:46:34 EDT from Nurb432

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Well 1808 didnt get any traction today, and they are now on vacation until Sept or Oct  ( i forget )

the 2nd fear was they would tack this onto reconciliation, which means there was no way ti couldn't pass. But they didnt.. thankfully.

I do think it gets passed, but at least there is a small amount of hope.

[#] Wed Aug 10 2022 16:02:38 EDT from Nurb432

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Well its back on the move. closed door sessions even when they are on vacation, and WH demands it get passed..


When it does, either all hell breaks loose, or we lose the country. 

[#] Fri Aug 19 2022 14:24:21 EDT from Nurb432

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From what i can tell end of month both UPS and Fedex will stop shipping some ( or all, not sure ) gun parts. 


[#] Tue Aug 23 2022 18:03:35 EDT from Nurb432

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So new rule goes into effect tomorow.  Yesterday they changed the rules. WTF.

[#] Fri Aug 26 2022 20:23:47 EDT from Nurb432

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So they are going door to door looking  for binary triggers and solvent traps.. 

soon " we saw you bought 2 boxes of ammo, we need an explanation"


[#] Fri Sep 02 2022 22:37:54 EDT from zelgomer

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Just read that James Yeager passed away. I remember seeing his YouTube video where he announced he was diagnosed with ALS. Holy cow, that was what? A year or two ago? That sure progressed fast.

RIP. I only knew of him as a YouTube personality and by reputation. He got a bad rap in some circles for his often inflammatory or uncompromising language, but as one who has also earned that sort of reputation (probably to a lesser extent), I felt
like I "got" him when he spoke more than his detractors. Some people just focus too much on delivery versus the message. Everyone I've ever heard talk about him who knew him personally only ever had good things to say about the guy. He seemed like a
genuinely great dude.

So there you have it. Here endeth my internet eulogy for a gun guy who I used to watch on YouTube.

[#] Sun Sep 18 2022 18:45:24 EDT from Nurb432

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Man, this thing about the credit cards and a new ISO standard is really bringing out the hypocrites.   "They are infringing on my rights! Congress needs to get involved and make them stop"

Ya, lets open the door to fascism just because you f-ers are hypocrites and dont understand how the constitution works or who it applies to....


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