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[#] Mon Jul 08 2024 13:07:14 EDT from nonservator

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Pretty sure I did. I have Wayland running on a Debian 12 box but didn't bother with on Alpine - might give that a shot soon on a non-server machine.

[#] Mon Jul 08 2024 14:28:42 EDT from Nurb432

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My condolences. 

Mon Jul 08 2024 10:50:04 EDT from fandarel
I'm running alpine on a spare laptop here, but it's a pretty spartan install.


[#] Mon Jul 15 2024 06:31:49 EDT from darknetuser

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2024-07-05 17:42 from Nurb432
Thought id take a serous look at Devuan again. Ditch systemD perhaps.

Grab the latest desktop installer. 1/2 thru. BOOOM  something about
"bla bla not compatible with an unmerged /usr directory bla bla"  Um
its a fresh install on a brand new VM folks, using your installer.. 
it should 'just work'


Oh well. lost interest if its going to take troubleshooting just to

I wonder what you did there. I perform lots of Devuan installs for testing random crap and I rarely find any issue.

[#] Mon Jul 15 2024 06:38:37 EDT from darknetuser

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2024-07-06 12:33 from Nurb432
These days i use FAI..  Its also pretty minimal, and auto install.
Its not quite a headless install, but zero effort other than hitting

enter to reboot, to give you a chance to pull the boot USB, but that

is the only interaction.  And you can add any package you want to
the installer, easily. Sure you can always 'roll your own' in most
distros, but this is painless.

I have a tencendy to roll Devuan LXC images for when I need a Linux container. Alpine works fine too. I don't use Linux all that much since all the important stuff runs on OpenBSD here.

I find Tiny Core Linux quite ok to work with if you need a light Linux disibution as a desktop (or as an emergency light server) but the entry barrier for acomplishing meaningful tasks is high. Still, you can remaster your Tiny Core Linux images and boot media quite easily and build a neat package with the software you need to perform a specific tasks, consuming nearly no resources at all and running blazing fast.

[#] Mon Jul 15 2024 07:12:27 EDT from Nurb432

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Booted. Ran install. It did some stuff ( past the point of making the file system and copying files. I think it was on the tail end of the setup ).. then *Poof*. I didn't even get to the point of doing anything to break it.

I might look at it again later. Might not. I donno. Long ago i did have it running but too much stuff was missing for me personally to use it. ( forget what now, but enough )

Mon Jul 15 2024 06:31:49 EDT from darknetuser
I wonder what you did there. I perform lots of Devuan installs for testing random crap and I rarely find any issue.


[#] Mon Jul 15 2024 08:29:47 EDT from darknetuser

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I might look at it again later. Might not. I donno. Long ago i did
have it running but too much stuff was missing for me personally to
use it. ( forget what now, but enough )

Really? I think it has worked as a Debian drop-in replacement pretty much since the first day of release. I had not noticed any missing component.

[#] Mon Jul 15 2024 08:55:41 EDT from Nurb432

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This was REALLY early on, perhaps pre-release days. Not sure now. And i cant tell you what i was missing, but there were a couple of things i use on a daily basis that were gone so the experiment didn't last long. It wasn't until now that i thought id peek again.  Could i have compiled them myself? Most likely. But really didn't feel like messing with it. If i have to go to that extent, might as well just go all-in and go Linux from scratch..  Or back to BSD.


( and speaking of BSD, not heard from our resident kitty for a while. Hope kitty is ok out there.   And Cat..   i cant imagine what her life is like in a war zone )

Mon Jul 15 2024 08:29:47 EDT from darknetuser
Really? I think it has worked as a Debian drop-in replacement pretty much since the first day of release. I had not noticed any missing component.


[#] Mon Jul 15 2024 18:41:23 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Devuan is decent but it lacks a proper implementation of systemd.

[#] Mon Jul 15 2024 18:59:59 EDT from Nurb432

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"and for my next act.. "

[#] Wed Jul 24 2024 09:23:26 EDT from Nurb432

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From over on LXer's blog


"In light of the CrowdStrike-Microsoft outage/disaster that has been wreaking havoc on corporate Windows systems around the world since Friday, systemd lead developer Lennart Poettering pointed out how such a situation on Linux systems could be averted by leveraging systemd's Automatic Boot Assessment functionality."


Only have 2 words: F- pottering.

[#] Wed Jul 24 2024 17:59:34 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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systemd would be quite an improvement to Windows.

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