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[#] Sun Jul 21 2024 13:24:21 EDT from SouthernComputerGeek

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Sun Jul 21 2024 11:48:34 EDT from Nurb432

But not everyone is like that. I support their right to do it, even if i wouldn't be interest in it myself.


"i may not agree with what you say, but i will fight for your right to say it" (say what? he wasn't referring to speech)

Sun Jul 21 2024 11:41:49 EDT from nonservator

I realized over thirty years ago that most people screeching about "freedom" were only interested in the freedom to suck cock, smoke crack, and pierce the body part of their choice.


[#] Sun Jul 21 2024 15:14:11 EDT from nonservator

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Nigger, you the gayest.

[#] Tue Jul 23 2024 09:17:09 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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"Not all X are like that" doesn't help me or the opposing case.

Stereotypes don't just come into existence out of nowhere. If a stereotype exists it's because a lot of X are like that, enough for someone to notice, enough for a lot of people to notice.

[#] Tue Jul 23 2024 09:35:11 EDT from Nurb432

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I dont disagree, but sometimes, its only the small loud % of a group that gives the rest a bad 'name'.   

Tue Jul 23 2024 09:17:09 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
"Not all X are like that" doesn't help me or the opposing case.

Stereotypes don't just come into existence out of nowhere. If a stereotype exists it's because a lot of X are like that, enough for someone to notice, enough for a lot of people to notice.


[#] Tue Jul 23 2024 11:06:33 EDT from nonservator

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In that respect I'll grant you black Americans are better than lawyers

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