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[#] Tue Mar 28 2017 13:57:41 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Oh this is even worse. Project was POC'ed on a Clydesdale and then delivered to the customer on a Shetland pony. And now they're wasting all sorts of time trying to figure out why the pony keeps falling over dead.

[#] Tue Mar 28 2017 17:53:50 UTC from fleeb

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A variant of beating a dead horse. Nice!

[#] Fri Mar 31 2017 15:38:50 UTC from Ladyhawke

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This morning one of my staff told me I am "the BOMB DIGITY".  Though I realize this was intended to be a really just reminded me that I am suddenly the "older generation".  

When the hell did that happen....and what the heck is a bomb digity?!

[#] Fri Mar 31 2017 16:09:29 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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You could always just go to Urban Dictionary :)

[ ]

Everyone's old. There's always a younger generation. If there isn't ... just wait.

[#] Mon Apr 03 2017 23:20:34 UTC from LoanShark

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LH... you're not only the older generation, but you've been living in a cave! :-D

[#] Tue Apr 04 2017 15:21:24 UTC from wizard of aahz

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No. He lives in a bunker.

[#] Tue Apr 04 2017 15:52:02 UTC from Ragnar Danneskjold

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Actual conversation with the COO today.

Him: Can I tell [customer] everything is ready?
Me: No. It's not ready.
Him: What does that mean?
Me: That it's not ready.

[#] Tue Apr 04 2017 16:24:03 UTC from LoanShark

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He was asking what was still outstanding, and how long it would take, and you smartassed him.

[#] Tue Apr 04 2017 16:57:53 UTC from Ragnar Danneskjold

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Pretty much.

But given my history with his pendantry over language, I wasn't going to interpret what he was asking either.

[#] Wed Apr 05 2017 22:37:58 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Well, at least you're not dealing with someone from sales.

Salesdude (to Ragnar) : "Can I tell [customer] everything is ready?"
Ragnar: "No, it's not ready."
Salesdude (to customer) : "Everything is ready!"

[#] Wed Apr 12 2017 14:15:06 UTC from Ladyhawke

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Mon Apr 03 2017 07:20:34 PM EDT from LoanShark @ Uncensored

LH... you're not only the older generation, but you've been living in a cave! :-D

LOL, a cave would be much less stressful!  Feels like I'm back in my college language major days, learning new vocabulary and grammatical rules....

Aahz, I know it's been a long time since you were out here, but I still have not switched genders!  :-P

[#] Thu Apr 13 2017 11:20:52 UTC from fleeb

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I've been teaching people how to write software in C this week.

Although this is titled 'Advanced C', it doesn't feel very advanced. We're nearly at the end of the week, and just beginning to discuss pointers.

I suspect today's chapter on pointers will make the day long-ish.

They hope to leave early tomorrow for the holiday. I hope they don't cheat their education to leave early, but if they do, I won't complain. Heh.

Still, it feels a tad surreal to stand in front of a bunch of students and go over this material, then relate some of my experiences. It's also... odd... when one of the students tells you that you've been programming computers longer than her existence.

[#] Fri Apr 14 2017 11:39:06 UTC from fleeb

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End of the week. Today, we discuss muiltitasking/multiprocessing.

Yesterday's chapter on pointers blew one or two minds, I think. Many of the students have had this material, so they haven't had any trouble keeping up. But for the newer folks, I think pointers are a challange.

Still, I have inspiration now to maybe make an animation about C/C++ and pointers that I think might help some folks get what is going on.

Maybe. Hard to say, really.

[#] Fri Apr 14 2017 11:43:35 UTC from fleeb

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But, in other news, due to mandatory RIFs, we lost one of our developers.
That developer now has his citizenship in this country.

So now his own countrymen can prevent him from getting a job.

[#] Fri Apr 14 2017 14:28:59 UTC from zooer

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be sure to make it public, I would like to see it.

[#] Fri Apr 14 2017 14:42:48 UTC from zooer

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The animated C+ video that is

[#] Wed Apr 19 2017 14:41:23 UTC from fleeb

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I surely will. Gonna be a while, as I still haven't quite got myself together again at home.

[#] Wed Apr 19 2017 19:03:15 UTC from fleeb

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The general idea for the animation centers around showing a way to view what goes on in the system's memory as you call a function.

(And the variations seen as you use different kinds of argument types).

It demonstrates the fact that a variable's value is always copied before being passed into a function... even if that variable is a pointer, or a pointer to a pointer.

From there, I'd show how using pointers gets around this fact... and how using a pointer to a pointer gets around another problem related to destroying and creating new objects or structures.

I'd do all of this while using the mneumonics of the C language to help emphasize how to view what the compiler sets up for you.

[#] Fri Apr 21 2017 16:58:15 UTC from fleeb

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It's kinda funny how, when you've worked with a certain environment for a while, if it's the right kind of environment, people think you're a wizard or something.

When people see me fly around in vi, getting stuff done in few keystrokes, it looks arcane and mysterious, when really I don't feel I have the full power of that editor down at all. I just learned a few things over the 2 decades I've used it, but never really concentrated on being a power user.

Now, I'm starting to do the same thing with 'screen' (for better or worse).
Just though it was a little better to write stuff for linux over a putty terminal than to try and establish a gui console and work with it that way.
And once you get into a machine, you don't feel like mucking around with multiple windows, so you use screen and start doing weird things with that (like split screening).

Again, didn't know the commands, just stumbled into it out of curiousity, and thought it might be useful.

[#] Sun Apr 23 2017 16:39:22 UTC from bennabiy

Subject: Re: VI and Screen

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a useful screen command (whether you have a screen session open already or not):


screen -D -RR which will detach any current sessions you have and reattach them at your current terminal ( and when you are finished with your session, but would like to leave it running, CTRL-A D to detach from it)


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