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[#] Sun Jan 09 2022 17:54:49 UTC from Nurb432

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And, out the door they go next week. Selling them.   ( got a UV-9S today, so dont need them )

[#] Wed Sep 28 2022 23:50:07 UTC from Greg Nesbitt

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I now have the Tech license manual and the ancient IC-2GAT sitting side by side at my desk. If that's not motivation to get off my rear and get my Tech finally, I'm not sure what is. I was plannig to study up and take Tech & General at the same time, but at this point I just want to get on the air.

[#] Thu Sep 29 2022 19:13:38 UTC from Nurb432

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I have said that so many times over the decades, i dont even bother lying to myself now :)

Wed Sep 28 2022 07:50:07 PM EDT from Greg Nesbitt
I now have the Tech license manual and the ancient IC-2GAT sitting side by side at my desk. If that's not motivation to get off my rear and get my Tech finally, I'm not sure what is. I was plannig to study up and take Tech & General at the same time, but at this point I just want to get on the air.


[#] Fri Dec 30 2022 17:03:01 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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I got my son a Uniden scanner for Christmas, with the intention that when we go railfanning we can hear the chatter on the railroad frequencies. I have *no* idea where to get started, though.

[#] Fri Dec 30 2022 19:06:37 UTC from Nurb432

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Fri Dec 30 2022 12:03:01 PM EST from IGnatius T Foobar

I got my son a Uniden scanner for Christmas, with the intention that when we go railfanning we can hear the chatter on the railroad frequencies. I have *no* idea where to get started, though.


[#] Fri Dec 30 2022 20:26:47 UTC from fandarel

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when we go railfanning we can hear the chatter on the railroad
frequencies. I have *no* idea where to get started, though.

Around here, most of the railroad activity is on 158-161MHz. My local shortline Union RR is licensee KA5668, on 160.260/500/620/350/395 as channels 1-5. Standard or narrowband FM. There is less chatter than you would expect. I'd just head down to your local observation spot and scan around that range, you'll probably hear them.
I have an ICOM R-20 that's on a lot when I'm at home. I scan the local 30-40 repeaters, 6m/2m/70cm, they are all deader than dead. Most of the action here is police, fire, EMS. Pittsburgh is still on UHF simplex, county and most of the municipalities are on a county-owned UHF repeater system. All in the clear still.
My goal for the spring is to get an antenna up so I can hear PIT airport.
With the whip on the radio, I can hear arriving and departing flights but can't hear the tower, despite being up pretty high. I've got a nice 5/8 wave 2m magmount that should get er done I think.

[#] Tue Jan 10 2023 14:39:34 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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We live in a valley so the prospect of ever receiving anything good at home is going to be slim for us. I might try SDR at some point and see what comes in just because it's cheap to get started. But the Uniden is specifically to chase trains around and find out where they are and where they're going.
We have some commuter lines that get an occasional freighter but we have no idea when they're running because they don't post the schedules.

Airport frequencies are interesting too but you can get most of them on without a scanner.

[#] Tue Jan 10 2023 15:01:33 UTC from Nurb432

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Any friends on top the hill?  If so, stick a tower in their yard and a repeater. 

Tue Jan 10 2023 09:39:34 AM EST from IGnatius T Foobar
We live in a valley so the prospect of ever receiving anything good at home is going to be slim for us. I might try SDR at some point and see what comes in just because it's cheap to get started. But the Uniden is specifically to chase trains around and find out where they are and where they're going.
We have some commuter lines that get an occasional freighter but we have no idea when they're running because they don't post the schedules.

Airport frequencies are interesting too but you can get most of them on without a scanner.


[#] Thu Nov 23 2023 16:02:07 UTC from Nurb432

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time to charge the batteries! ( emergency ham portables, and emergency e-ink reader.. )

Picked up 3 1watt solar panels recently to shove in the box with them. That is as larges as will fit. ( water proof ammo box ) so is a good excuse to charge them :)

[#] Thu Nov 23 2023 16:29:42 UTC from Nurb432

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err 6 watt not 1..

<- idiot..

[#] Sat Nov 25 2023 00:50:43 UTC from Nurb432

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ooo ran across my little BT programmer for my baofengs..   forgot i had that.   Lets you program the radios via phone if you are out on the road.  ( and dont feel like screwing with it by hand )

Supposed to also have a web interface, but never did try it. I should. 

[#] Wed Feb 21 2024 06:02:48 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Recently I discovererd that my homemade WWVB clock works a lot better than I thought it did. It turns out, the location and orientation of the stupid little 5 volt USB charger that powers it makes a difference. When I set it with the plug straight up in the air, the receiver locks in the signal HOURS earlier than it would otherwise. Literally a night and day difference.

What's the deal with RFI on these stupid little power supplies? What kind of supply are commercially built clocks using that they don't have this kind of interference problem?

[#] Wed Feb 21 2024 18:38:44 UTC from fandarel

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What's the deal with RFI on these stupid little power supplies? What

kind of supply are commercially built clocks using that they don't have

this kind of interference problem?

Shielding is nonexistent, cheapest of cheap parts sourced from China. Absolute RF nightmare. I see it over and over.

Any chance you can run off a couple of AA batteries instead? I imagine the draw is relatively small.

[#] Wed Feb 21 2024 23:52:16 UTC from Nurb432

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Or one of those lipo battery packs.. 

Wed Feb 21 2024 13:38:44 EST from fandarel
Any chance you can run off a couple of AA batteries instead? I imagine the draw is relatively small.


[#] Sat Feb 24 2024 16:54:52 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Any chance you can run off a couple of AA batteries instead? I imagine the draw is relatively small.

It's an LED wall clock that runs 24/7 and is intended to be maintenance-free, so batteries are kind of out of the question.

I'm assuming the power supply is garbage, since it's CheapChinese.  I want something cleaner, but I don't know what that would be.

[#] Sat Nov 09 2024 13:16:56 UTC from Nurb432

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Was digging around in the closet looking for a special power cable for a mini-vac that apparently vanished into that other dimension, along with socks ( special here anyway. a 2 prong *polarized* plug... all the others i have, are not and not feeling like trying to cut a notch in one so it fits )  ran across my old SW receiver.

Radio shack ( remember them? Back in the good days.. )  DX-375.  Many an hour on that thing when i was younger.

[#] Tue Nov 12 2024 19:20:44 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: November 12

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The airwaves are really clean today. Check out propagation maps ... very good day for DXing.

I noticed that my WWVB clock was picking up time code at 60 KHz in the middle of the day. The transmitter is in Colorado and I live in New York State.
Normally I can only pick up the signal late at night.

[#] Tue Nov 12 2024 19:27:17 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: November 12

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It was slow at work today, so was playing with my that radio i just 'found'.  Seems i cant run it off the power pack, too much interference. I don't remember that being a problem in the past.  Even local FM broadcast stations go fuzz with it plugged in, and basically wont work unless i hold the cable to absorb the interference.  But on battery is fine, so its not the radio.

And the antenna, its loose. really loose.  Need to find ( or make ) a couple of microscopic washers for it.   As old as it is im afraid of just taking a pair of pliers and squeezing the connector there at the screw a little. 

[#] Mon Dec 09 2024 01:23:27 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: November 12

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I noticed that my WWVB clock was picking up time code at 60 KHz in the

middle of the day. The transmitter is in Colorado and I live in New
York State.

So I posted that message on November 12, and there really was good propagation on that day.

But I've also recently learned that WWVB was restored to its full transmitting power on October 10, having suffered damage earlier this year and transmtting at reduced power.

That explains why I'm seeing that beautiful red indicator on my clock far more often, the one that indicates that the receiver is locked and time code is being acquired.

[#] Sun Jan 19 2025 20:35:40 UTC from Nurb432

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USB  SDR showed today. ( receiver only, not going to spend the $ for a transceiver, i have my handheld HF radios for that )

New toy to play with and get bored in 10 minutes. 

Supposedly the range is 100kHz-1.75GHz


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