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[#] Fri Dec 27 2013 15:30:32 EST from Ladyhawke

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Adorable, Lyn!

[#] Fri Dec 27 2013 16:49:03 EST from zooer

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... see
... cat
... pictures
... with
... text
... client.

I always like doing that slow motion Star Trek talk.

Cat ownership for engineers

[#] Fri Dec 27 2013 17:55:38 EST from zooer

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How pets open gifts.

[#] Sun Dec 29 2013 14:53:49 EST from Ladyhawke

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Cute vid

[#] Tue Dec 31 2013 15:05:24 EST from zooer

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A few months ago someone mentioned they liked a brand of pine cat litter. I was going to try it but couldn't
find the clumping version in any store, I found the regular version everywhere. I tried Cat's Pride Fresh &
Light recycled paper clumping liter and it works great. A lot less dust. I mixed in with the old scoop away to
help the cat get used to the new brand but he probably doesn't care. This is tiny balls of recycled paper, the
pellet recycled paper sucks. A lot less dust in the air, and it seems to cut down on the cat tracking litter
through the house. I thought about the pine sent someone mention but with a natural Christmas tree I didn't want
the cat to confuse the liter box and the Christmas presents.

[#] Mon Jan 06 2014 22:12:13 EST from Ladyhawke

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Fri Dec 27 2013 04:49:03 PM EST from zooer

Cat ownership for engineers

Zoo, this was hilarious!

[#] Thu Jan 16 2014 15:03:19 EST from dothebart

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[#] Mon Jan 20 2014 15:24:11 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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I'm totally going to make those.

[#] Mon Jan 20 2014 16:39:22 EST from Ladyhawke

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Whoever compared Catnip to weed, must clearly not have seen a kitten on Nip.  I'm guessing it's closer to cocaine or maybe heroin....but definitely does *not* lead to mellow kittehs!

[#] Tue Jan 21 2014 10:53:24 EST from zooer

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I made a small batch, my cat didn't eat them.

He loves catnip, we grow our own, he doesn't like catnip treats. He doesn't like tuna but loves
to drink the water from the tuna can. He doesn't chase the red dot either.

[#] Tue Jan 21 2014 10:54:52 EST from zooer

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If a cat eats fresh catnip leaves it will mellow them, when they smell the dried catnip they get excited.

[#] Tue Jan 21 2014 13:23:22 EST from wizard of aahz

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zooer - I think your cat is defective.

[#] Wed Jan 22 2014 00:00:57 EST from zooer

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Yes, he doesn't get on the tables or counters, he comes when called, he knows his name (or the name I gave him)
he comes to the door and greats you when you come home. Not very cat like that is why I like him so much.

[#] Wed Jan 22 2014 17:19:03 EST from LoanShark

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Yep, send him to cat repair. (Kliban)

[#] Mon Apr 07 2014 18:31:28 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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I just got a call at the office from my daughter's cat.

The caller ID had my own name and extension. My desk phone, soft phone, and cell phone were all ringing, so I knew I hadn't pocket-dialed myself; therefore it had to have been the extension on my desk at home.

Sure enough, Mr. Pussy Pants was walking around on the desk and stepped on the "redial" button. The last number I had dialed from that phone was my own extension, because I had been testing some new phone software yesterday.

Everyone got a good laugh out of it ... except the cat, who disappeared into the crawlspace adjacent to my basement office. Or so I'm told.

[#] Mon Apr 07 2014 20:18:16 EDT from Ladyhawke

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Mon Apr 07 2014 06:31:28 PM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

I just got a call at the office from my daughter's cat.
Sure enough, Mr. Pussy Pants was walking around on the desk and stepped on the "redial" button. [....]

Gives new meaning to the phrase "Booty Call"

[#] Mon May 05 2014 00:12:55 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: pussy pic of the day (triple pussy action)

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Stilton and Sprite want to go outside and play with the neighbor cat.

[ If you can't see the photo go to]


[#] Mon May 05 2014 00:18:30 EDT from vince-q

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That was soooo cute it hurt! ;)

[#] Mon May 05 2014 08:40:42 EDT from zooer

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This bothers me, my cat has a good friend that he liked to play with but I was told that my cat has F.I.V. and
shouldn't be around other cats. They cry to each other at the sliding glass door. It breaks me.

[#] Mon May 05 2014 22:30:26 EDT from vince-q

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I believe there is an FIV vaccination. This won't help *your* furrrrball but if his friend has been innoculated then it should be perfectly safe for them to play. And if his friend has not been innoculated you could volunteer to pay for the needle, and do your furrrrball a huge favor.

Your story is heartbreaking.

Yes, I am a softie for kitties and not ashamed in the least to admit it!

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