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[#] Wed Jul 05 2017 15:18:56 EDT from Ragnar Danneskjold

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There's been some minor digs, but nothing like what Obama is doing.

[#] Wed Jul 05 2017 22:10:08 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Jimmy Carter, who is a PLO member, has done a bit of it.

[#] Thu Jul 06 2017 11:58:57 EDT from Ragnar Danneskjold

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I'm tired of Slashdot constantly pushing for Universal Basic Income.

Doesn't ANYONE understand how inflationary it would be?!?

[#] Thu Jul 06 2017 12:11:12 EDT from wizard of aahz

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You do realize that your first problem is reading slashdot, right?

[#] Thu Jul 06 2017 12:28:19 EDT from Freakdog <>

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Thu Jul 06 2017 12:11:12 PM EDT from wizard of aahz @ Uncensored
You do realize that your first problem is reading slashdot, right?

Slashdot is still a thing?

[#] Thu Jul 06 2017 12:53:07 EDT from Ragnar Danneskjold

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I don't mind Slashdot. I've found interesting things there over the years.

I just don't like when they get political.

[#] Fri Jul 07 2017 00:08:14 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Political stories are one of the reasons I stopped reading Slashdot.  They have too many of them, and they are without exception 100% Hitler Equivalent (tm) biased.

[#] Fri Jul 07 2017 14:52:52 EDT from LoanShark

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2017-07-05 15:18 from Ragnar Danneskjold @uncnsrd
There's been some minor digs, but nothing like what Obama is doing.

That's the trumpista talking point version of reality. The real reality is that every living former president thinks Trump is a tool.

[#] Fri Jul 07 2017 15:18:36 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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reality is that every living former president thinks Trump is a tool.

You mean the ultra America hating socialist Obama, rapist Clinton, mega-clown Bush, and "I Love Palestinian Terrorists" Carter?

Yeah, their opinion matters about as much as George Takei's opinion does: not at all.

The 100% objective truth is that anyone who loves America, loves President Trump. This is an absolute consensus and anyone who disagrees is a racist.

[#] Fri Jul 07 2017 17:11:49 EDT from Ragnar Danneskjold

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Trump's speech in Poland was fantasic, and the Poles genuinely seems to like him.

For a transcript..... ml

[#] Fri Jul 07 2017 18:44:16 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Poland is a nation that understands the jihadi invasion (which HitlerMerkel affectionally calls "migrants") and is among the more sensible European nations in having a firm grasp on the threat posed by this invasion.

Together with US President Trump, they are interested in the defense of the West and Western culture. Leftists call this "racism" (but they generally call *everyone* racists, so there's no big surprise.

[#] Fri Jul 07 2017 19:55:02 EDT from zooer

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Fri Jul 07 2017 02:52:52 PM EDT from LoanShark @ Uncensored
That's the trumpista talking point version of reality. The real reality is that every living former president thinks Trump is a tool.

It is called "class", something the Obama family lacks.  Other presidents might think he is a tool, but they don't publicly say so.  Obama has throughout his presidency traveled to other countries and spoken about America in a negative manor.  I don't think we have ever had a president do that.

But isn't a tool something you can use to get the job done?

[#] Sun Jul 09 2017 10:34:11 EDT from LoanShark

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Trump's speech in Poland was fantasic, and the Poles genuinely seems to

Wrong superlative. You mean to say his speech was TREMENDOUS.

[#] Sun Jul 09 2017 10:44:06 EDT from LoanShark

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It is called "class", something the Obama family lacks.  Other
presidents might think he is a tool, but they don't publicly say so.
 Obama has throughout his presidency traveled to other countries and
spoken about America in a negative manor.  I don't think we have

And the current occupant of the WH is any classier? I don't think so. No, Obama is possibly the classiest, most dignified president we've had within my lifetime. You're just trolling. You don't know class from your ass.

As for the "badmouthing America" trope... blah, blah blah. Greatly exaggerated by those wingnuts who think that anything less than an ultra-aggressive diplomatic posture is "negative."

[#] Sun Jul 09 2017 20:34:15 EDT from zooer

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I get it now, you are the liberal version of IGnatius T Foobar.  Polar opposites, you're Yang to his Yin.  It makes sense now.  You spew utter complete nonsense from a liberal view point.  *

If I was that "Insane wolf" (or whatever his name was) user I would accuse you of being the same person.

[#] Sun Jul 09 2017 22:04:16 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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And the current occupant of the WH is any classier? I don't think so.

The current occupant of the White House is, unlike his predecessor, THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.

And everyone who's not Hitler agrees that he's the greatest leader of our era. He's presidential. He's classy. And he's got a big mouth which he uses in defense of our great nation and all who love it.

If it weren't for the liberal media brainwashing low-information voters, Barack Saddam Hussein Osama Hitler Obama wouldn't have even been able to win an election to become the city dog catcher.

I do sincerely hope that Sarah Silverman gets run over by a freight train.

[#] Mon Jul 17 2017 23:37:32 EDT from zooer

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So...... how the term limits, repealing health care and the wall coming along?  Just as good as stopping the war in Afghanistan and closing Gitmo I suppose. 

[#] Tue Jul 18 2017 06:36:22 EDT from zooer

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Sun Jul 09 2017 10:04:16 PM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar @ Uncensored
I do sincerely hope that Sarah Silverman gets run over by a freight train. 

This is a horrible thing to say.  IF you knew all the paperwork that would need to be filed, the train operators are put on paid leave, have to take all sorts of drug tests, and go through many questions are a lot of scrutiny.  Why would want some decent person to have to go through that over Sarah Silverman?  If you really feel that should happen have Amy Schumer, Cathy Griffin and Cher on the track as well.  I would say Rosie but I don't want to derail the train.

[#] Tue Jul 25 2017 12:40:18 EDT from zooer

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You wait, when the republicans have complete control of government thing will start getting done and things will be better.

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