Hi everyone! I'm Ted Cruise, a cross between Ted Cruz and Tom Cruise. We're a perfect match; in fact, we might be the same person ... has anyone ever seen us at a party together?
Tom pretends -- badly -- to be other people because he's an actor. Ted pretends -- badly -- to be a patriotic conservative because Goldman Sachs paid him to. Both have batshit crazy religious beliefs. Both are strongly hated by people in Texas.
Here I am ... love me!
The notion that Trump is beholden to nobody is just so much smoke and mirrors:
Put that talking point in your pike and smoke it...
You can be IGnorant if you want; that's your prerogate. This article was not an op-ed; it is fact-based investigative Journalism in the classic sense. Based on public-records searches.
Meanwhile, in another "gee, who would have thought" moment ... Clinton campaign operative Gary Johnson, who is running on the "liberal democrats plus drugs but let's pretend we're libertarians" party, has endorsed the idea of a "universal basic income" ... and he wants to pay for it with a carbon tax. Wouldn't it be great if there was an ACTUAL libertarian party?
The only news source I trust is Breitbart. All others are part of the
Really? Not going to add anything else to the list, say, Infowars?
So let's think about this for a moment.
Supported the TPP, then backpedaled after discovering it's hugely unpopular, but would vote for it if elected. Clinton: YES, Cruz: YES, Trump: NO.
Stole delegates during the nomination process. Clinton: YES, Cruz: YES, Trump: NO.
Trying to bury Donald Trump, our last, best, and only hope of preventing the socialists/globalists from achieving a permanent lock-in of all three branches of government. Clinton: YES, Cruz: YES, Trump: NO.
Took lots of money from Wall Street. Clinton: YES, Cruz: YES, Trump: NO.
Conclusion: Hillary Clinton and Ted Cruz are ideologically indistinguishable.
This list will be amended as more similarities between these two peas-in-a-pod are identified.
Trump should have a team that is smart enough to know the rules - that's not stealing. Trump should know that better than anyone it's in his book.
Oh wait, he didn't write that.
Trump accused Cruz's father of helping Oswald after the Kennedy assassination, and you say Cruz is trying to bury Trump!?!
Trump doesn't get support from Wall Street, not because he's not one of them, but because he will use his position to destroy former enemies.
Trump is an embarrassment to conservatism.
TPA and TPP aren't the same legislation. Cruz supported TPA and was against TPP from the start.
Yes, that's his official excuse for backpedaling. It's weak.
Trump should have a team that is smart enough to know the rules - that's not stealing.
Fine, call it cheating, or even douchebaggery, either way, Clinton and Cruz both did it.
Cruz is trying to bury Trump!?!
Thousands of booing patriots at the convention prove it.
Trump doesn't get support from Wall Street, not because he's not one of them, but because he will use his position to destroy former enemies.
Cruz gets support from Wall Street, because he IS one of them. Goldman Sachs even hired a whore named Heidi to sleep with him in exchange for political favors. That's about as Wall Street Establishment as you can get.
Trump is an embarrassment to conservatism.
That's a pretty brain damaged conclusion when you consider that conservatism is dead, and Trump is the best, last, and only chance of it coming back.
Completely walking back his stance on illegal immigration. He's now adopted the traitorous Gang of 8 "solution". He might as well call it an "act of love".
I can't help but notice that your stance ("fuck Trump") is word-for-word identical to what Cher said about him. What is it about Hillary that the two of you like so much?
I hate Trump, as he's not a conservative.
If I thought Trump was a decent person, and believed he was doing the right thing, I'd feel a touch more comfortable.
He's a con artists. Plain and simple. I'm just hoping he does a bit less damage than Hillary.
A con artist is someone who rides the Tea Party wave into office and then reveals himself to be a Bush/Clinton operative. That would be Ted Cruz. In fact, if the 2024 election is Clinton vs. Cruz, I'm voting for Clinton.
Your hatred of Cruz has zero basis in reality, other than echoing Trump talking points.
He's already done so much damage that we're probably stuck with Democrats for decades.