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[#] Tue Sep 02 2014 03:31:24 UTC from vince-q

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My original "take" on your theory, IG, was that Obama would let it happen, then use it as his Reichstag Fire - suspend the Consitution, cancel the elections, declare Martial Law, attempt to confiscate privately owned weapons, and thereby spark the Second American Revolution.

And in that Revolution, Obama and his ilk would be hunted down like the vermin they are.

[#] Tue Sep 02 2014 12:24:06 UTC from zooer

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I like blueberry pie.

[#] Tue Sep 02 2014 12:44:36 UTC from fleeb

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I miss the original name of this room.

[#] Wed Sep 03 2014 15:30:28 UTC from LoanShark

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That name is never more appropriate than after the above string of tinfoil-hat-club posts.

[#] Wed Sep 03 2014 19:46:11 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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I susect that even Barack Obama, thick-skulled though he may be,
Marxist though he may be, does not want his legacy to be "the President

that Lost the West to Islam."

Who are you kidding? Barack Obama wants to be known as "the president that won the West for Islam." His loyalty is to Allah, not America.

[#] Thu Sep 04 2014 21:47:34 UTC from Ladyhawke

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This one would be a bit funnier if it weren't also just a bit frightening:

Dutch Justice Ministry employee: ISIS a Zionist conspiracy

<snip> “ISIS has nothing to do with Islam. It’s part of a plan by Zionists who are deliberately trying to blacken Islam’s name,” wrote Haifi, who described herself on the social network LinkedIn as an activist for the Dutch Labor Party, or PvdA.</snip>

[#] Thu Sep 04 2014 22:01:20 UTC from vince-q <>

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There are still, unfortunately, people on this planet who will claim to find a Jew behind everything even remotely appearing as Evil.

Get over it.
Jews did NOT crucify Jesus Christ. Romans (Italians) did that.
So stop blaming Jews for everyhing on earth that goes wrong because you are blaming them for something they did not do.

[#] Thu Sep 04 2014 23:02:39 UTC from fleeb

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So... Jews aren't responsible for the terrible television out there?

[#] Fri Sep 05 2014 00:25:08 UTC from Ladyhawke

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Only the lousy movies

[#] Fri Sep 05 2014 00:26:11 UTC from vince-q <>

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Any possible responsibility for lousy television programming that Jews may carry is more than mitigated by their responsibility for some of the best food on the planet!

[#] Fri Sep 05 2014 01:49:20 UTC from vince-q <>

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For every Jew that wrote a lousy movie, there's a Spielberg and an "ET" to balance things out.

[#] Fri Sep 05 2014 11:40:46 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Jews did NOT crucify Jesus Christ. Romans (Italians) did that.

I pointed that out to my xenophobic grandfather once. He was suspicious of anyone who was not Italian (and if he had a problem with someone who was Italian, then they were *obviously* Sicilian).

He referred to Jews as "Morta Cristo" (Christ killers).

I pointed out to him that it's pretty clearly written in the Bible that Jesus was crucified by the Romans. You know -- Rome, ITALY?

He didn't get it.

[#] Fri Sep 05 2014 13:33:51 UTC from vince-q

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He didn't get it.

Don't feel bad. My dad didn't get it either. And he fought in WW-2 - in Germany.

[#] Sat Sep 06 2014 15:59:03 UTC from zooer

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There are still, unfortunately, people on this planet who will claim
to find a Jew behind everything even remotely appearing as Evil.

I still blame the Bilderberg Jewish Mason Lizards who met at a Skull and Crossbone's meeting in college, they
cause all problems

[#] Sat Sep 06 2014 16:22:42 UTC from vince-q <>

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Sep 6 2014 8:59am from zooer @uncnsrd (Uncensored) in Politics & Propaganda>

There are still, unfortunately, people on this planet who will claim

to find a Jew behind everything even remotely appearing as Evil.

I still blame the Bilderberg Jewish Mason Lizards who met at a Skull and
Crossbone's meeting in college, they
cause all problems

...and are Knights Templar and drink blood and worship the devil and....

[#] Sun Sep 07 2014 00:17:59 UTC from fleeb

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... cheat at cards and jump in front of people in lines and ...

[#] Sun Sep 07 2014 01:09:17 UTC from vince-q <>

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... use the self-checkout at the supermarket and pick 'Roma tomatoes' instead of the large plump tomatoes they really bagged...

[#] Sun Sep 07 2014 01:26:43 UTC from LoanShark

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... eat shoots and leaves. Oh, wait a minute.

[#] Mon Sep 08 2014 22:54:00 UTC from rss <>

Subject: The most revealing quote about Obama’s political instincts

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President Obama said the November elections are not the reason he's abandoning plans to take executive action on immigration.

[#] Mon Sep 08 2014 16:04:43 UTC from vince-q <>

Subject: Re: The most revealing quote about Obama’s political instincts

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Sep 8 2014 3:54pm from rss @cascade in >
Subject: =?UTF-8?Q?The_most_revealing_quote_about_Obama=E2=80=99s_political_instincts?=

President Obama said the November elections are not the reason he's
abandoning plans to take executive action on immigration.

... and if you believe that, I have this bridge in Brooklyn that I'm selling...

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