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[#] Sun Nov 20 2022 08:51:37 EST from Nurb432

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sigh. "Know". Not "No". I'm not illiterate. But my keyboard is. 

[#] Sun Nov 20 2022 15:29:16 EST from test2

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in the past the population would bounce back because... you know... sex is fun.  but with the rampant sterilization being realized, i think the overlords finally solved of that

[#] Sun Nov 20 2022 15:51:30 EST from test2

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the old doctors will whistle blow first cuz they're really mad... its starting


thebigkill.mp4  it might get scrubbed.

thebigkill.mp4 (video/mp4, 8900504 bytes) [ View | Download ]
[#] Sun Nov 20 2022 15:51:57 EST from Nurb432

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And, last i heard, covid vax has a high sterility rate. 

But, there is always cloning i guess. 

Sun Nov 20 2022 03:29:16 PM EST from test2

in the past the population would bounce back because... you know... sex is fun.  but with the rampant sterilization being realized, i think the overlords finally solved of that


[#] Sun Nov 20 2022 18:02:20 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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And thankfully our daughter is not vaccinated, so if she wants to she can bear children. On the other hand, my son's likely future wife has been vaccinated and they want kids, so I hope and pray that will not be a problem.

Elite eugenists like Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates deserve to suffer every Bond Villain Death all combined together.

[#] Mon Nov 21 2022 11:27:21 EST from Nurb432

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I dont think bearing children is in the constitution. :)

[#] Tue Nov 22 2022 00:24:35 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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The whole conspiracy theory that they would design a vax that would mostly be rejected by those most likely to take up arms and fight back, while also killing off most of the people who would likely fight to protect them... 

Seems like the worst Bond Villain plan ever. 

Seriously - is it killing more people than it helped? Most likely. Is it effective? Not exactly. I got Covid, despite being vaxed and triple boosted, but it was near the END of the effectiveness of my last vax. 

I'm not real interested in boosting, even after natural immunity wears off - until we get a little more clarity on the effectiveness and safety of the vax. 

I have pre-existing heart issues that have included arrhythmia. I had no issues with the vax itself, and absolutely no side effects. Seems like it is mostly younger males who have some sort of dangerous long term reaction to it. 

Scientology's View On Psychiatry

[#] Tue Nov 22 2022 07:21:38 EST from Nurb432

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I see it this way:

  • Has any of the elite died? ( ones that "matter", not the "funding elite" )
  • Even in 2022, engineering a practical virus isn't easy, and isn't 100% foolproof.  
Tue Nov 22 2022 12:24:35 AM EST from ParanoidDelusions

Seriously - is it killing more people than it helped? Most likely. Is it effective? Not exactly. I got Covid, despite being vaxed and triple boosted, but it was near the END of the effectiveness of my last vax. 

[#] Tue Nov 22 2022 14:26:52 EST from darknetuser

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2022-11-19 16:32 from Nurb432
Sat Nov 19 2022 03:41:47 PM EST from IGnatius T Foobar


I have thought about that. Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the Universe.

The problem is that processing it takes the same ammount of energy it provides when used up (more or less) so I don't count it as a good source of power. It is a great way of storing and transporting power. However, it does not really solve the issue that you need a reliable power source to break water down into hydrogen or to extract it from somewhere.

[#] Tue Nov 22 2022 15:18:20 EST from Nurb432

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Right not a 'source' of power, but portable fuel.  There is always loss involved with portable fuel.  Nuclear energy is great to do the breakdown. 

That and nuclear batteries, using nuclear waste for portable use. Which can be done. I showed my professor how to do that in the 80s. 

Tue Nov 22 2022 02:26:52 PM EST from darknetuser
2022-11-19 16:32 from Nurb432
Sat Nov 19 2022 03:41:47 PM EST from IGnatius T Foobar


I have thought about that. Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the Universe.

The problem is that processing it takes the same ammount of energy it provides when used up (more or less) so I don't count it as a good source of power. It is a great way of storing and transporting power. However, it does not really solve the issue that you need a reliable power source to break water down into hydrogen or to extract it from somewhere.


[#] Tue Nov 22 2022 21:14:50 EST from test2

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 here is an alternate perspective for you to consider...