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[#] Tue May 18 2021 11:55:58 EDT from Nurb432

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With the entire world really. 

Tue May 18 2021 09:54:54 AM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
China is at war with us. 


[#] Tue May 18 2021 14:08:42 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

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Yeah, but other than India and China, we're the only ones actually kind of fighting back. 

Europe caved long ago - and Africa and South America are like... "meet the new boss, same as the old boss..." 



Tue May 18 2021 11:55:58 EDT from Nurb432

With the entire world really. 

Tue May 18 2021 09:54:54 AM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
China is at war with us. 



[#] Tue May 18 2021 14:56:09 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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The USA was born out of revolution, and it is sort of wired into our culture.
That's why subduing us is turning out to be such a long and arduous process for the globalist scum. That's why they are destroying our culture, replacing our ideals and morals with bankrupt ones, and diluting our population with other cultures: the problem with America is that it's full of Americans.

[#] Tue May 18 2021 17:48:54 EDT from Nurb432

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But, generation after generation of internal 'programming' to be subservient takes its toll. Even on us.

Once we fall, it may be a really long time before freedom returns to this planet. If ever. 

[#] Tue May 18 2021 18:23:08 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

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I don't know. I think that we're a bit like Afghanistan. You might get MOST of us to quietly go along - but our underground resistance that arises will make it a painful and resource extensive process to actually occupy and subdue us. 

Tue May 18 2021 17:48:54 EDT from Nurb432

But, generation after generation of internal 'programming' to be subservient takes its toll. Even on us.

Once we fall, it may be a really long time before freedom returns to this planet. If ever. 


[#] Tue May 18 2021 18:49:27 EDT from Nurb432

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In many ways they already have. 

Tue May 18 2021 06:23:08 PM EDT from ParanoidDelusions

 occupy and subdue us. 


[#] Wed May 19 2021 00:09:08 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

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Name the single nation that has successfully occupied Afghanistan in recorded history. 


Tue May 18 2021 18:49:27 EDT from Nurb432

In many ways they already have. 

Tue May 18 2021 06:23:08 PM EDT from ParanoidDelusions

 occupy and subdue us. 



[#] Wed May 19 2021 05:27:48 EDT from zooer

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[#] Wed May 19 2021 05:30:44 EDT from zooer

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Andrew Giuliani looks like a combination of Scotty Farkus (Christmas Story) and Sid Phillips (Toy Story).

[#] Wed May 19 2021 11:01:29 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

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The whole thing was a trick question. 

Even the Roman Empire largely failed. 

And generally, when you come back - they fight you with the weapons the LAST empire left when they ran away with their tails between their legs. 

They're just a bunch of goat farmers with rusty old AK-47s and gasoline cans and nails. 

But... they don't like being occupied. At all. They're *fiercely* independent. Even their own Government doesn't *really* try to control them. 

We've got a lot of that here. We're just more comfortable and content for the most part. I think anyone really trying to change the script would find this spirit rising up in more and more Americans. 

As long as those folks get angry enough early enough and start deciding it is better to die free than to live a subject - we'll almost certainly make it through. It won't be easy... the other thing Afghanis are willing to do, is a lot like the North Vietnamese... 

"We don't care if it takes 100 of us to get 1 of you. We'll keep doing that until YOU break because YOUR losses are so unimaginably high you can't stomach any more." 

We'll have to find THAT within ourselves. 



Wed May 19 2021 05:27:48 EDT from zooer



[#] Wed May 19 2021 11:26:25 EDT from Nurb432

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You added an extra qualifier on me.

But first we would have to define success.. 

Wed May 19 2021 12:09:08 AM EDT from ParanoidDelusions

Name the single nation that has successfully occupied Afghanistan in recorded history. 


[#] Wed May 19 2021 13:06:59 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

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Success would be occupying them long enough that they lose who they were, I guess - in the larger sense. 

If your occupation ends and they haven't assimilated into your culture or instantly revert to their original culture - you didn't really occupy them, did you - you just threw your resources into keeping them contained. 

Wed May 19 2021 11:26:25 EDT from Nurb432

You added an extra qualifier on me.

But first we would have to define success.. 

Wed May 19 2021 12:09:08 AM EDT from ParanoidDelusions

Name the single nation that has successfully occupied Afghanistan in recorded history. 



[#] Wed May 19 2021 13:29:25 EDT from Nurb432

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With that definition, then no, no one succeeded as the overall war was not 'won'.

"we changed their way of life in the direction we wanted, if even slightly" as a minor success, in a much longer war.     I think we are in the middle of this, a more subtle occupation and minor skirmishes, many being won. 

[#] Wed May 19 2021 14:13:15 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Even the Roman Empire largely failed. 

If failure consists of having a temple to your empire in every town in the world, and an autonomous zone in Rome, and controlling billions of dollars in wealth ... then I'd like to fail please.

[#] Wed May 19 2021 19:13:04 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

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While we're all busy worried about the NSA and the FBI... 

It is the fucking incompetent Postal Service that can't get a package to the right address in one piece that are the real spooks we should be freaked out about.


[#] Wed May 19 2021 19:19:03 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

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Nobody has made a blip in Afghanistan. Ever. 

The indigenous people of South America aren't just "occupied", they're all but effectively erased. The Spanish didn't practice genocide by killing entire populations. They bred you into Spaniard mixes.

The languages, customs, traditions and histories of South American people are virtually erased. Most of the actual indigenous people who live in South America speak Spanish. That is an occupied *win*. 

We pretty much achieved the same thing in the US and Canada - although largely to a lesser extent because we didn't engage in the Spanish practice of "rape them until all their kids are our sons..." 

The Romans tried this approach, as I understand it. If an Afghani killed a single roman soldier, the Romans would kill every man, woman and child in 3 surrounding villages, pile their corpses in a mound, and walk the village where the murder happened around the mound and then tell them, "that is the value in Afghani life of one Roman citizen." 

It didn't work. They should have just bred them until they were Romans, not Afghanis. If they wanted to win. 

Some nations are very hard to occupy. Others are fairly easy. The Afghanis are not easy. I think we would be easier - but no cake walk. 

A fading Roman Catholic Church is all that the Romans have left of their empire, Ig. You should let it go. I think God has. 

Wed May 19 2021 13:29:25 EDT from Nurb432

With that definition, then no, no one succeeded as the overall war was not 'won'.

"we changed their way of life in the direction we wanted, if even slightly" as a minor success, in a much longer war.     I think we are in the middle of this, a more subtle occupation and minor skirmishes, many being won. 


[#] Sun May 23 2021 18:00:05 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Wow. Even the far-left communist propaganda site "Wikipedia" and the far-left book burning site "Snopes" are not calling the "Epstein Didn't Kill Himself" line a conspiracy theory.

These are people so unreliably fake, so blatantly biased, that they still claim that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii and that human activity causes global warming. But they won't call the Epstein thing a conspiracy theory.

Things that make you go hmmmmm.

[#] Fri May 28 2021 14:01:51 EDT from Nurb432

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I guess new thing is that 'f-Biden' flags are going up and how appalling they are.  Its called free speech you freaking morons, and i remember similar anti trump flags, and they got media support "look at those brave people"



Looks like facui is having a bad week in congress, having to explain why hes been lying and help fund the creation of the virus. He needs to be in prison.   All i hope is now that the media is starting to cover it a little, some people on the other side of the isle will wake the hell up.  CNN: "well i guess we were wrong about the source, but it as Trumps fault since he said it"  they wont ever stop, but at least are covering it...

[#] Fri May 28 2021 16:43:02 EDT from zooer

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I had a link to the flags not to long ago.

While I agree it is free speech it shows how we are failing as a society, how having glass and dignity is a thing of the past.
The democrats used to be the classless, always trying to go further to test and move the boundaries. 

Now the Trump supporters are just as classless as Trump.


I thought about getting one of these but I didn't.



[#] Fri May 28 2021 17:17:12 EDT from Nurb432

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"class" is over rated.

Especially after you are sick and tired of taking the high road and still getting pissed on.

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