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[#] Sat May 01 2021 19:36:50 UTC from Nurb432

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In theory, im on the side of all the misfits that are NOT activists.  Regardless of what demographic they fall in. The ones that are 'different' but just want to be left alone to live their lives.

[#] Sat May 01 2021 23:21:59 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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There are no marginalized groups.  Tim Scott was right: America is largely a post-racist nation.

The "white scare" is an excuse for communism, full stop.

[#] Sun May 02 2021 23:43:44 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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Theoretically I agree with you on almost everything. Probably even down to wiccans and atheists.

What I dislike immensely is anyone, regardless of if they are misfits or not, who are *evangelical activists* for whatever group they identify with. That annoys me. I don't mind people who'll have a conversation if you bring it up, or if it comes up holistically - I hate people who - no matter WHAT you're doing, they'll find a way to associate that with their "special interest" so they can fit it into the topic... 

"You like BMWs? Did you know that the servers that BMW uses to prototype their cars are CentOS Linux servers... I run CentOS Linux... you should to. Let's move on from this talk about cars to talk about CentOS Linux. First we'll start with the easy stuff... how to pronounce CentOS correctly..." 




Sat May 01 2021 15:36:50 EDT from Nurb432

In theory, im on the side of all the misfits that are NOT activists.  Regardless of what demographic they fall in. The ones that are 'different' but just want to be left alone to live their lives.


[#] Sun May 02 2021 23:44:41 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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Which reminds me, if you haven't looked into FPGA retro-gaming platforms, MiSTer has an ARM processor which actually runs Linux - so - if you haven't already, you should buy a MiSTer FPGA device. ;) 


[#] Sun May 02 2021 23:50:57 UTC from Nurb432

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[#] Sun May 02 2021 23:53:00 UTC from Nurb432

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Oh, and i was not using the term misfit in a derogatory way..  I have always been one myself.  So have most of my friends since childhood.   


We gotta stick together . so to speak :)

[#] Sun May 02 2021 23:54:44 UTC from Nurb432

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While i dont NEED one as i have enough FPGA to keep me busy forever if i actually got back into  circuit design.. The one thing that held me back was a working ST core.  ( and i dont want to get the older mist board which has one... that would be silly )

Sun May 02 2021 07:44:41 PM EDT from ParanoidDelusions

Which reminds me, if you haven't looked into FPGA retro-gaming platforms, MiSTer has an ARM processor which actually runs Linux - so - if you haven't already, you should buy a MiSTer FPGA device. ;) 



[#] Mon May 03 2021 01:44:03 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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There is a working ST core on MiSTer - it isn't official, but it does work. I do just use my MiST for ST tasks, though. ;) 

Vampire V4 also supports some Gem/TOS platform that allegedly is pretty compatible, too. 

But the ST does get less love in FPGA than other platforms, without a doubt. 

Sun May 02 2021 19:54:44 EDT from Nurb432

While i dont NEED one as i have enough FPGA to keep me busy forever if i actually got back into  circuit design.. The one thing that held me back was a working ST core.  ( and i dont want to get the older mist board which has one... that would be silly )

Sun May 02 2021 07:44:41 PM EDT from ParanoidDelusions

Which reminds me, if you haven't looked into FPGA retro-gaming platforms, MiSTer has an ARM processor which actually runs Linux - so - if you haven't already, you should buy a MiSTer FPGA device. ;) 




[#] Mon May 03 2021 01:44:37 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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I understood. I'm a daywalker misfit. I have a foot in the world of both tribes. 


Sun May 02 2021 19:53:00 EDT from Nurb432

Oh, and i was not using the term misfit in a derogatory way..  I have always been one myself.  So have most of my friends since childhood.   


We gotta stick together . so to speak :)


[#] Wed May 05 2021 05:11:58 UTC from ASCII Express

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I don't eat meat, but because I don't like how it tastes. Other people can eat what they like, as long as I get a good meal too. I also consider myself a small-l-libertarian.

[#] Wed May 05 2021 05:43:04 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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My wife was watching some series on HBO or Netflix... and it was turn-of-the-century Germany, and some salesman was hawking trips to the US and the selling point, very pointedly and transparently in this scene was harping on, "Everyone, even children, in America - eats MEAT every day! EVERY DAY! Every person! If you move to America, you can eat meat every day, too!" 

And I thought to myself - so... this is the next agenda we're going to see from Hollywood. Pushing the narrative that too many people eat meat too often and it has to stop. 

Wed May 05 2021 01:11:58 EDT from ASCII Express
I don't eat meat, but because I don't like how it tastes. Other people can eat what they like, as long as I get a good meal too. I also consider myself a small-l-libertarian.


[#] Wed May 05 2021 10:36:02 UTC from Nurb432

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And they have fresh water, and are warm in the winter! ( except for those that are not, but we dont talk about them of course ) And lets not even talk about Air conditioning. How unfair! 

Wed May 05 2021 01:43:04 AM EDT from ParanoidDelusions

My wife was watching some series on HBO or Netflix... and it was turn-of-the-century Germany, and some salesman was hawking trips to the US and the selling point, very pointedly and transparently in this scene was harping on, "Everyone, even children, in America - eats MEAT every day! EVERY DAY! Every person! If you move to America, you can eat meat every day, too!" 


[#] Wed May 05 2021 14:09:03 UTC from zooer

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Soylent Green


By the year 2022, the cumulative effects of overpopulationpollution, and some apparent climate catastrophe have caused severe worldwide shortages of food, water and housing. There are 40 million people in New York City alone, where only the city's elite can afford spacious apartments, clean water, and natural food, and even then at horrendously high prices.

In the movie I remember only the wealthy were given meat.  The rest had to eat Soylent.

Currently there is a product called SoyLent.  A combination of SOY Beans and LENTals. 

[#] Wed May 05 2021 14:12:16 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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The thing to me is that I see these things so transparently for the propaganda and programming that they are - I see how they start out with innocuous, historically accurate *looking* messaging in television and TV - and so many people go, "it is just a show." 

The Matrix was right about how most people *resist* and *fight* against being red-pilled. I wonder what they are afraid of. 

As a phenomenon, it reminds me of a kid I knew growing up who was basically a compulsive liar. Mostly what he would lie about were truths *he* didn't want to accept. He wasn't lying to be dishonest to you... 

He was lying to be dishonest to *himself*. That made him commit to lies that were clearly lies to everyone else, in a pathological way. 

Our society is a pathological compulsive liar - but I don't think it is lying to be dishonest to *us*. It is lying to itself because it can't face acknowledging the realities. 


Wed May 05 2021 06:36:02 EDT from Nurb432

And they have fresh water, and are warm in the winter! ( except for those that are not, but we dont talk about them of course ) And lets not even talk about Air conditioning. How unfair! 

Wed May 05 2021 01:43:04 AM EDT from ParanoidDelusions

My wife was watching some series on HBO or Netflix... and it was turn-of-the-century Germany, and some salesman was hawking trips to the US and the selling point, very pointedly and transparently in this scene was harping on, "Everyone, even children, in America - eats MEAT every day! EVERY DAY! Every person! If you move to America, you can eat meat every day, too!" 



[#] Wed May 05 2021 14:13:10 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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And this leads to a scary conclusion... 

Our society - the majority, our civilization - is as unreliable of a narrator as my friend was. He ended up doing a lengthy stint in Folsom prison. 


Wed May 05 2021 10:12:16 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

Our society is a pathological compulsive liar - but I don't think it is lying to be dishonest to *us*. It is lying to itself because it can't face acknowledging the realities. 



[#] Wed May 05 2021 14:39:55 UTC from Nurb432

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Sort of true.

Most varieties were plankton based, but if you ate the green version, you got meat like the rich people.   Soylent Green is pppeeeeoooopppppllllleeee  ( in my best  Charlton Heston "angry end of show voice" )


Wed May 05 2021 10:09:03 AM EDT from zooer

In the movie I remember only the wealthy were given meat.  The rest had to eat Soylent.



[#] Wed May 05 2021 14:41:37 UTC from Nurb432

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That is what we all thought at the time. But i guess the brothers, now sisters, claim 'it was just a movie about transgenders'.

Marginalized the movie, in my opinion.




Wed May 05 2021 10:12:16 AM EDT from ParanoidDelusions

The Matrix was right about how most people *resist* and *fight* against being red-pilled. I wonder what they are afraid of. 


[#] Wed May 05 2021 14:58:35 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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In the movie I remember only the wealthy were given meat.  The rest
had to eat Soylent.

Think that's impossible? Go look up a product called Impossible. :)

[#] Wed May 05 2021 17:33:14 UTC from Nurb432

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They sell that nonsense at my local Kroger. 

Wed May 05 2021 10:58:35 AM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
Think that's impossible? Go look up a product called Impossible. :)


[#] Wed May 05 2021 18:06:55 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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This actually meets the criteria for a Matrix plot point... 

Redpills hack the system to make blue pills reveal the Matrix, while convincing those same bluepills that they're actually talking about something completely unrelated. 

That would be an awesome plot twist. 

And let's face it, the Wackovis got the 1st one right, and went steadily downhill with the trilogy from there. 


Wed May 05 2021 10:41:37 EDT from Nurb432

That is what we all thought at the time. But i guess the brothers, now sisters, claim 'it was just a movie about transgenders'.

Marginalized the movie, in my opinion.




Wed May 05 2021 10:12:16 AM EDT from ParanoidDelusions

The Matrix was right about how most people *resist* and *fight* against being red-pilled. I wonder what they are afraid of. 



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