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[#] Wed May 09 2018 14:21:49 EDT from kc5tja

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Notepad is *literally* a demonstration app for the TEXTAREA control and a thin veneer of control logic to load and save files.

[#] Thu May 10 2018 08:42:23 EDT from fleeb <>

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Even that, though, was better than edlin.

[#] Thu May 10 2018 11:25:47 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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I don't mind Notepad++. gvim on Windows just feels weird.

I don't like Notepad++ because of this bullshit: "Notepad++ is written in C++ and uses pure Win32 API and STL which ensures a higher execution speed and smaller program size. By optimizing as many routines as possible without losing user friendliness, Notepad++ is trying to reduce the world carbon dioxide emissions. When using less CPU power, the PC can throttle down and reduce power consumption, resulting in a greener environment."

Fuck that noise. If I wanted my editor to preach communism at me I'd use emacs.

The reason gvim on Windows "feels weird" is because your brain has to switch between GUI thinking and keyboard thinking. When you start up vi from the command line you've already shifted your brain into keyboard mode. When you start up gvim from the desktop your brain is still in cut-and-paste mode.

I found it awkward too, until I realized that gvim (both on 'doze and on Linux) permits cut-and-paste while the editor is in command mode. For example, you don't have to type "i" or "a" and then paste ... you can just paste.
You can also select text with the mouse and hit "delete". It has a bit of a learning curve, but then again, so does vi in general. Stick with it and you'll find yourself using it more ... which is of course the same advice we give to new vi users.

[#] Mon May 14 2018 14:09:58 EDT from fleeb <>

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So... yeah... massive update dropped upon the unsuspecting Windows 10 users today.

It's the forever update... the update that takes a metric eternity to install.

Long after your children have grown and created children of their own, this update will still work on applying itself to your Win10 machine.

Use this as an opportunity to install other, less obnoxious operating systems that require of your precious time.

[#] Mon May 14 2018 14:12:52 EDT from fleeb <>

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I'm also having to deal with a Windows authentication problem at work.

Which is awesome, of course. Microsoft's approach to authentication kinda reminds me of a Sting tune:

[#] Mon May 14 2018 14:13:45 EDT from fleeb <>

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(Incidentally, it's kinda funny to hear a Geordy say something about how violence doesn't solve anything...)

[#] Mon May 14 2018 14:14:23 EDT from fleeb <>

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(Or, rather, Geordie.. spelled it wrongly).

[#] Mon May 14 2018 15:09:48 EDT from wizard of aahz

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Funny. Considering authentication, I was expecting more this...

[#] Tue May 15 2018 06:48:25 EDT from fleeb <>

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Perhaps both Sting tunes hit the mark.

[#] Tue May 22 2018 05:49:16 EDT from fleeb <>

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Melvin updated his PC to the new Windows spring 2018 update.

Actually, no, he hasn't. He tried to update, since, of course, Microsoft kind of forces it on you. But the update failed, and now he can't use his PC.

Microsoft claims before they start an update, they set up a checkpoint that you can revert to. Except that the checkpoint doesn't work.

Because it can't see it. If it even did one.

So, I have to buy an 8 gig USB drive and follow some arcane instructions written in Aramaic by folks who are not from Microsoft (because Microsoft hasn't acknowledged there's a problem) or utterly re-install Windows 10 on Melvin's PC.

It kinda sucks to come home to computer problems after a day of working through computer problems.

[#] Tue May 22 2018 08:30:56 EDT from wizard of aahz

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nothing worse than being tech support.. Doesn't matter for whom.. Even yourself.

[#] Tue May 22 2018 14:19:01 EDT from LoanShark <>

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@fleeb: can't boot into rescue mode from the F8 key, or whatever?

[#] Wed May 23 2018 14:34:58 EDT from fleeb <>

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No, couldn't even do that.

I did manage to fix it, though.

There were some steps up on Reddit that seemed to resolve the issue.

[#] Sat May 26 2018 10:52:16 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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nothing worse than being tech support.. Doesn't matter for whom.. Even yourself.

Agreed 1000000%.  There was a very specific moment, and it happened very suddenly (I wish I had made it a point to make a note of the date, but it was towards the beginning of this decade) when, very late at night, I decided that I didn't want to be a system administrator at home anymore.  I was fighting with some sort of Asterisk issue and I just snapped. I stayed up for hours installing POTS phones in the house, switching to the bog-standard ISP router and a simple configuration, and generally making everything as generic as possible.  I've already got 43 data centers, I don't need one at home.

Since then, I've maintained this stance for several reasons.  One is that it really is a Good Thing to not constantly be supporting a home environment.  It just works.  The other reason is because there is some comfort in the knowledge that if I ever become incapacitated and cannot support Teh Home Network, anyone with basic knowledge could come in and work on it.  (It's set up impressively neatly, but it's not complicated.)

I used to run Uncensored and the Citadel project at home, but in 2007 I moved it all to a proper data center.  In the late 1990's I was one of those people who wanted to show off with my "home lab" and a basement full of different kinds of equipment.  I now laugh at those people, partially because I got that out of my system a long time ago, but mainly because you can fit an entire "home lab" inside a single computer with virtualization.

There is a school of thought which suggests that it's because technology is not interesting anymore.  I disagree with that, and I still love to play around with technology, but there's no reason to fill my basement with it anymore when it can all be done in a virtual environment in a remote data center.

[#] Tue May 29 2018 08:34:53 EDT from fleeb <>

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Yeah, I'm curious about antsle, and whether it's a piece of shit, or decent tech for someone who wants a home server farm for some reason (maybe to experiment with differnet systems or something).

You don't need a million machines in your home these days. You can probably reduce it to one really good server and build many machines in that. Or, as you're doing, in a remote datacenter.

[#] Tue May 29 2018 14:17:17 EDT from Ragnar Danneskjold

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Eh - just run Windows running Hyper-V, VMware or Virtualbox. Or Linux with KVM... If you want some of the nice features of running VMware, you could build a sysyetm around Proxmox.....

[#] Wed May 30 2018 09:33:20 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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That's what I was thinking when I read through the Antsle web site. VMware is free if you don't need things like vCenter or vSAN. KVM is outstanding, and can be managed several different ways -- the server we're on right now is on KVM, and I can manage the virtual machines with virt-manager if I feel like clicking, or virsh from the keyboard. ProxMox VE remains an excellent solution for matching the most commonly used features of vCenter, if you need that kind of thing.

Somehow I just can't wrap my head around "escape cloud vendor lock-in by putting your on-premises cloud into our highly proprietary appliance".

[#] Wed May 30 2018 09:53:22 EDT from fleeb <>

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I think business owners get wet dreams over the idea of locking people into their proprietary solution.

I'm not as enamored.

[#] Wed May 30 2018 17:24:31 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Recurring revenue is pretty much *the* model for making money in technology these days. That's the real reason everyone's pushing cloud based solutions.
Has nothing to do with value.

[#] Wed May 30 2018 21:32:00 EDT from Ragnar Danneskjold

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2018-05-30 17:24 from IGnatius T Foobar @uncnsrd
Recurring revenue is pretty much *the* model for making money in
technology these days. That's the real reason everyone's pushing cloud

based solutions.
Has nothing to do with value.

And sadly, a lot of that also has to do with accounting rules.... Capital expenses versus operating expenses....

But companies want recurrent revenue because they think it locks customers in - and makes revenue more predictable.

I think at a consumer level it just pisses people off.

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