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[#] Mon Sep 18 2023 11:48:11 UTC from Nurb432

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Grrr AND a tab just popped up all on its own. 

"We are changing our terms, dont like, it go away" ( in effect )

[#] Tue Sep 19 2023 03:00:06 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Yeah, when you use Edge you need the "New Tab Redirect" extension so you don't get bombarded with MSN propaganda. But if I remember correctly you aren't permitted to install extensions.

[#] Tue Sep 19 2023 11:36:05 UTC from Nurb432

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Shop machine, ya, im stuck.  Home machine i can, but i only use it for 2 apps, that open on load, so i dont see the new "crap tab" page anyway.

These 2 tabs opened 100% on their own.

Mon Sep 18 2023 23:00:06 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
Yeah, when you use Edge you need the "New Tab Redirect" extension so you don't get bombarded with MSN propaganda. But if I remember correctly you aren't permitted to install extensions.


[#] Tue Sep 19 2023 14:30:22 UTC from Nurb432

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Just now, on office machine, a popup on Bing home page  " dont lose them, you have earned 200 Microsoft reward points"

i do think its legit and not a phish, but why is that crap not blocked via GPO?    ( and what the hell are Microsoft reward points anyway? )

[#] Sun Sep 24 2023 20:46:56 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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We might have to change the name of this room to Bill Gates Bashing because Microsoft seems to be doing a few things right.

According to Data Center Dynamics, "Microsoft is hiring for a principal program manager of nuclear technology to "be responsible for maturing and implementing a global small modular reactor (SMR) and microreactor energy strategy." The new job listing states that: "This senior position is tasked with leading the technical assessment for the integration of SMR and microreactors to power the data centers that the Microsoft Clown and AI reside on."

This is essentially an admission that nuclear energy is clean and sustainable.
We real people already know this, but if the industry moves affirmatively to nuclear -- particularly, micro nuclear and 4G nuclear -- it will be a good step in the development of *actual* energy optimization, and a big blow to the global warming watermelons.

Would I want a micro nuclear near me? Actually yes, it doesn't bother me.
And I already live within the kill zone of a conventional nuclear plant (or what's left of it after our asshat governor shut it down) and it's never bothered me.

[#] Sun Sep 24 2023 20:52:09 UTC from Nurb432

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Im sure even Hitler did something right..   I know he cared for his dogs.


Sun Sep 24 2023 16:46:56 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

We might have to change the name of this room to Bill Gates Bashing because Microsoft seems to be doing a few things right.


[#] Tue Sep 26 2023 14:04:27 UTC from Nurb432

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wtf. no really. wtf.

Gates says "The climate is not the end of the planet"



Did i just wake up in the twilight zone today?? Rod.. is that you?

[#] Tue Sep 26 2023 16:42:10 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Gates is hyper-evil, not stupid. He probably sees the writing on the wall, knows the climate scam is probably closer to the end of its life than the beginning, and remember he is heavily invested in 4G nuclear technology.

He's also going to die (hopefully soon) and his post-Microsoft "philanthropy" has failed to clean up his legacy. He is not mistaken for a good guy the way Carnegie and Rockefeller are. In fact, more people hate him now than during his days of inflicting carnage on the technology world. He needs to come up with some new way to clean up his legacy.

I don't think it can be done, because he is evil and selfish to the bone.
He is a person with no redeeming value whatsoever. He will spend the rest of his miserable life gaining more and more people who hate his guts. And when his soul is burning in the new 11th circle of hell they had to open just for him, here in the mortal world he will be remembered as the single worst person in the history of the world.

[#] Sat Sep 30 2023 14:55:56 UTC from Nurb432

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Bleh.  Reloaded one of my RK ARM boxes the other day. Switched from the vendors OS to Armbian to see how they were coming along with the new-ish chip for GUI use.

Installed my normal stuff. Checking the installs, next was Thonny. ( dont always need or want the bloat of Spyder ) But, I noticed something called "vscodium" was pre-installed. 

Was thinking: 

  • normally Armbian is pretty stripped down, how odd
  • wtf is vscodium?

Looked it up.  Sigh. its a community version of vscode.. 

[#] Sat Sep 30 2023 15:32:15 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Yeah. VS Codium is to VS Code as Chromium is to Chrome. VS Code is open source in the same way Chrome is, so it's possible to respin it without the proprietary bits in the same way. Seems like a pretty heavy thing to preinstall.

[#] Sat Sep 30 2023 15:49:43 UTC from Nurb432

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My thought too.  Not that i was short on space, ( 1TB m.2 in this one ), but even if its 'nice' and 'unencumbered' im still going to stick with native Python tools.

For the curious, its a NanoPC T6.  Next generation above my beloved T4.  They skipped T5.  Not sure why.

Sat Sep 30 2023 11:32:15 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
Seems like a pretty heavy thing to preinstall.


[#] Mon Oct 02 2023 17:32:23 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Holy crap. There are still people out there who believe the myth that IBM chose MS-DOS over CP/M because of some failing on the part of Gary Kildall and Digital Research.

Bill Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler Gates has done his best to try to scrub the fact that his mother had connections inside of IBM, just as he continues to deny that he said "640K ought to be enough for anyone" in response to criticisms of the new IBM PC in 1981.

"If not for him we would have no PC today" or "everyone would be running Macs" BULLSHIT. We would have ended up in roughly the same place we are today but with far less pain along the way. CP/M would have ruled the first decade and then there would have been an orderly migration to a unix variant as the machines became capable enough.

One man's evil and greed set an entire industry back by 15-20 years before he eventually moved on to murdering children in other continuents.

[#] Mon Oct 02 2023 17:48:09 UTC from Nurb432

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Tell a lie long enough it becomes the truth. 

[#] Thu Oct 12 2023 20:22:26 UTC from Nurb432

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Now, i do realize its not ALL Microsoft's fault and our security team has a huge hand in this...

But today due to the temperature on my floor i decided to work in a different part of the building( instead of going home ). Since it was planned to be rest of day thing, I took the shop laptop and such with me ( normally if i just hang out somewhere for an hour or so, i use my Chromebook.. ~ 10 hours of life ). Decided not to bother with my windows VM since 95% of my work does not need it. And the 5% that does could wait if something came up. Noticed battery life was around 6+ hours.  Last time i had the VM going and tried going portable for a meeting, it was under 2 hours of life and had to drag a power cord with me.

Man, what a resource hog.

[#] Fri Oct 13 2023 14:39:30 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Well well well. The company that built its fortune on lying, cheating, and stealing, has also been cheating on its taxes.

[ ]

Microsoft and the IRS have been fighting with each other for a decade, and now they owe $28.9 billion in back taxes.

(It's a shame they can't *both* lose.)

[#] Fri Oct 13 2023 19:26:06 UTC from Nurb432

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They wont lose a dime. They will just increase cost of their products to make up for it. Then not drop it after the bill is paid.

[#] Wed Nov 08 2023 15:30:32 UTC from nonservator

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Bill Gates: "Digital ID's" Will Be Mandatory To Participate In Society

Fuck this retarded nigger.

[#] Wed Nov 08 2023 18:05:47 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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That would make Bill Gates the Antichrist, which would terrify me that we are at that eschatological stage, but it would thrill me to no end that I was right all along.

Let me remind everyone once again that the world would instantly become a much better place if Bill Gates got shoved feet-first into a wood chipper, delightfully shredding him in a macabre display of blood and guts for the whole world to watch on a world-wide telecast. He is the worst person in all of recorded history and deserves it.

[#] Wed Nov 08 2023 21:14:17 UTC from Nurb432

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Sort of is that way already.  

Wed Nov 08 2023 10:30:32 EST from nonservator

Bill Gates: "Digital ID's" Will Be Mandatory To Participate In Society


[#] Wed Nov 15 2023 18:59:11 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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So it looks like "copilot" is the next thing M$ is going to force on Windoze users whether they want it or not.

It's already non-removable from their Edge browser, and they're working on making it non-removable from Windows 11.

This comes after a long line of such behavior, of course. Windows 98 + Internet Explorer, Windows 8 + the "Windows Phone" UI, Windows 10 + Cortana, etc. etc. etc.

So they're back to their bad old habits. Fuck you, Microsoft. Die in an AI fire.

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