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Speaking of Iceweasel, there’s an update to version 3.5.16 today for Debian. Mine just rolled in for Squeeze. The short explanation: "This update for Iceweasel, a web browser based on Firefox, updates the certificate blacklist for several fraudulent HTTPS certificates."
Wed Dec 31 1969 19:00:00 EST
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Subject: Tiny Core Fraud on Source Forge - A Slippery Slope
This evening it was brought to my attention that the Tiny Core page on source forge was not added by anyone from the Tiny Core project itself - but simply by someone trying to solicit donations from themselves with someone else's work!
A detailed step-by-step with screenshots on how to use the Debian installer to support remote installations via SSH.
Last week following a dispute among several core FFmpeg developers, FFmpeg was forked as libav. The group remaining in the "FFmpeg" this week have now merged the ffmpeg-mt branch to their SVN trunk code-base. This is the code that's been worked on now for nearly three years to provide multi-threaded decoding support in FFmpeg...
Jumping in with the recent releases of the open-source Lightspark Flash Player is a new release of the Gnash Flash Player. The last Gnash release was version 0.8.8 back in August, but it's now been succeeded by a new point release. The previous release delivered on VA-API video acceleration support and "100% YouTube compatibility", but this new 0.8.9 release isn't quite as exciting for most users...
Wed Dec 31 1969 19:00:00 EST
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Subject: AriOS Review - Yet Another Ubuntu Derived Linux Distro
Recently, the distribution AriOS made it to DistroWatch's database. I had read Dedoimedo's review of AriOS earlier, where he said that it is a user-friendly and very pleasant distribution to use, and it is much better than its predecessor mFatOS. Intrigued, I decided to try it out.
Wed Dec 31 1969 19:00:00 EST
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Subject: Red Hat Closes in on $1 Billion in Revenue, Closing Barn Door on Rivals
Three years ago, Red Hat(NYSE:RHT)CEO Jim Whitehurst predicted that his company would be the first pure play open source vendor to hit $1 Billion in revenues. Red Hat is now nearly there.The earnings growth comes as Red Hat locks down its Enterprise Linux kernel in an effort to impede competitive efforts.
Does Wikipedia know everything? 99% of Internet users will most likely answer "yes" to this question. Do you want me to prove that is not true?
Wed Dec 31 1969 19:00:00 EST
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Subject: Installing Firefox 4.0 (.deb Package) On Ubuntu 10.10
In this short guide I will show you how you can install the new Mozilla Firefox 4.0 browser (released March 22, 2011) on an Ubuntu 10.10 desktop. Fortunately, there's a Launchpad PPA repository that has Firefox 4.0 .deb packages, so we can easily install it through Ubuntu's package manager.