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[#] Fri Nov 18 2016 10:22:27 UTC from the_mgt

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OTOH, you didn't say which hair... a proper mankini zone trimming with a chainsaw is the thing I could imagine IG doing.

[#] Fri Nov 18 2016 17:22:48 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Ouch. There's an image I wasn't ready for. Let me go consume some tasty beverages before thinking about any of this again. I suspect the chainsaw will come out again this weekend, but the cable guy will not.

[#] Sat Nov 19 2016 12:05:39 UTC from fleeb

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Unless he comes out flaming!

[#] Wed Dec 07 2016 03:08:35 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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I wholeheartedly endorse lighting the cable guy on fire. Light the cable on fire too; who cares, I have fiber :)

[#] Wed Dec 07 2016 03:46:53 UTC from zooer

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[#] Thu Dec 08 2016 14:18:55 UTC from fleeb

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"Want cable? I'm on FIRE!"


[#] Mon Jan 09 2017 00:36:30 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Actually, had I known at the time that my Verizon contract had just expired, I might have at least taken a moment to see what he had to say. But it's too late now, I just contacted Verizon and my bill is going down $50/month simply by locking in a new contract.

There really is no comparison. I'm an IT professional working from home and my Internet has to be 100% solid all the time. FiOS offers that; teh cable company doesn't.

[#] Mon Jan 09 2017 15:23:57 UTC from wizard of aahz

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Cable internet is meh

[#] Mon Jan 09 2017 16:02:38 UTC from fleeb

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I do not care for my cable internet, but it's all I have. I can't get FiOS to the condominium, because... associations suck.

[#] Wed Jan 11 2017 14:50:06 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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I wonder what the "association" would do if the existing provider declared that it had to update the existing wiring plant to fiber? Even with FiOS, they have provisions for multitenant buildings, using an MDU terminal that is installed in your existing wiring room, accepts a single fiber from the street and then feeds all of the residential units over existing TV and phone wiring. Interestingly, the accommodations for retrofit are slightly different from the single-family terminals: if you can't get ethernet wired to it, they multiplex the Internet connection over the phone line using VDSL instead of over the television cable using MoCA.

Altice, the ranine cable company that operates Optimum/Cablevision and Suddenlink, is supposedly going to migrate its entire service footprint to fiber-to-the-home, at a 10 Gbps speed [ ] over the next five years. It is not clear whether they are going to deliver the video portion of the service using RFoG or IPTV. I'm not a fan of RfOG to the subscriber premise; obviously they have to be able to retrofit existing homes that are only wired with coaxial cable but that could be done with MoCA (indeed, even Verizon could switch, with nothing but a software upgrade on the existing receivers). And for those of us who are infrastructure nerds ... I'd love to have a single all-Ethernet wiring plan in the house for data, voice, and video.

Things are going to get interesting. But for now, cable still sucks. And for those of you with Comcast it will always suck. :)

[#] Wed Jan 11 2017 15:43:20 UTC from fleeb

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I have Comcast.


[#] Wed Jan 11 2017 17:35:14 UTC from zooer

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What you need to do is work for Comcast.  Comcast gives their employees free cable TV, VOIP, and Internet service for free and/or greatly reduced rates.  After that the service is still horrible but you don't mind as much.

[#] Wed Jan 11 2017 18:16:56 UTC from fleeb

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Hrm... no, don't think it's worth it.

[#] Wed Jan 11 2017 23:21:56 UTC from LoanShark

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In Soviet Russia, Comcast have YOU!!1

[#] Thu Jan 12 2017 00:27:25 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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I have Comcast.

oooh, too bad so sad. And I see Aahz has Charter.

I seem to remember Ragnar has Optimum *and* FiOS.

I guess we'll have to see how this new service turns out. Technically, if they upgrade from "150 Mbps but it degrades to dialup speed when the neighborhood kids come home from school" to a new "10 Gbps but it degrades to dialup speed when the neighborhood kids come home from school" then it's not really a usable upgrade. But if it's not stupidly oversubscribed like a DOCSIS plant is, and they have enough Internet bandwidth at the head end, then they could really compete with Verizon on quality.

If nothing else it'll give Verizon a run for their money, and they'll offer me a fabulous deal to re-up when my contract expires in 2019.

It really does look like copper's days are finally numbered, though, at least for video services. AT&T is ending the "U-Verse" brand, renaming it to "AT&T Internet" and "AT&T Phone" and driving customers to DirecTV (which it owns) for television service. Verizon is already on fiber, Altice is moving to fiber, it's clear that if you want to remain competitive as an MSO now you have to roll out fiber.

Comcast, on the other hand, will probably continue putting a thousand subscribers on a single node, and three HD channels on every 6 Mhz slot, and pretend it's a usable service.

[#] Thu Jan 12 2017 14:19:35 UTC from Ragnar Danneskjold

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I had both for a while - but I'm strictly FiOS now. I've had a grand total of one outage in years, and that was because of Hurricane Sandy and a tree taking the fiber off the pole down the street.

I wouldn't go back to Cablevision unless something radically changed with them.

[#] Thu Jan 12 2017 15:15:18 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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You don't have Cablevision at all now? Did the town finally allow Verizon to carry television service there, or are you a cord-cutter?

[#] Thu Jan 12 2017 21:30:34 UTC from Ragnar Danneskjold

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Town finally broke down and allowed us FiOS TV. I was one of the very first installs in the whole town.

[#] Fri Jan 13 2017 03:13:41 UTC from wizard of aahz

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I hate Charter.. But I hated Frontier worse. Which was what I got when ATT UVerse gave the area to Frontier. It was horrible. Comcast Xfinity is the only other option up here. Verizon is NEVER running fiber to the boonies where I live.

[#] Fri Jan 13 2017 12:10:56 UTC from fleeb

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They ran fiber to Shady Side, MD. Surely, there's hope for where you live.

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