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[#] Wed Dec 07 2022 16:56:09 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Speaking of genocide ... the politician-masquerading-as-a-theologist "pope" francis has jumped on the Godwin's Law bandwagon, comparing the Russia Russia Russia "war" with Ukraine to the holocaust.

What's the mailing address for the Vatican? I need to send this idiot something he's obviously never seen in his life: a Bible.

[#] Wed Dec 07 2022 17:21:22 EST from Nurb432

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not enough money in it for them to care.

[#] Wed Dec 07 2022 17:24:21 EST from Nurb432

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I am not a fan of Putin, even tho he seems to care more about his people than many leaders, and is actually quite up front on his intentions..  but with all the fraud and nonsense that Ukraine has been for decades, i hope he prevails. Be nice to have a "honest" socialist in charge, and not the money sucking crime mob they have had. 

Wed Dec 07 2022 04:56:09 PM EST from IGnatius T Foobar
Speaking of genocide ... the politician-masquerading-as-a-theologist "pope" francis has jumped on the Godwin's Law bandwagon, comparing the Russia Russia Russia "war" with Ukraine to the holocaust.

What's the mailing address for the Vatican? I need to send this idiot something he's obviously never seen in his life: a Bible.


[#] Wed Dec 07 2022 18:19:04 EST from darknetuser

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2022-12-07 17:24 from Nurb432
I am not a fan of Putin, even tho he seems to care more about his
people than many leaders, and is actually quite up front on his
intentions..  but with all the fraud and nonsense that Ukraine has
been for decades, i hope he prevails. Be nice to have a "honest"
socialist in charge, and not the money sucking crime mob they have

I think Putin cares more for abstract nationalist notions - such as recovering the glory of the URSS - than for the general wellbeing of the Russian subjects. That still places him above most European leaders.

He reminds me of other dictators the world has suffered that I file under the category "They were dictators, but were bearable dictators to normal people". Namely, some specific dictator I am thinking about tried very hard not to piss normal people off. You were free to do most of your regular day activities without paperwork and licenses and you were recognized a series of rights on religious grounds. What you didn't have was political freedom, in that you had no right to complain or promote exotic religions. IN practical terms, you were more free under the rule of The Party than under the rule of a modern democracy as long as you didn't critizise the Leader or stepped visibly out of the line.

[#] Wed Dec 07 2022 18:28:52 EST from Nurb432

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I didnt mean to say hes a great guy, just seems like a better leader than most of the 'western world' has now. Which is sad.

[#] Wed Dec 07 2022 23:40:17 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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I decided to root for Russia the moment it became "the thing" to support Ukraine.

Now that the Poop has gotten involved, I'm even more on Russia's side.

[#] Thu Dec 08 2022 18:01:55 EST from Nurb432

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I realize he's biased too, but saw a recent story from the Tucker guy on the scumbag Zelenskyy and some of the stuff he has done, and is doing. Like banning christian religion.. by force.

As everyone knows i think religion is dumb, but banning it, is wrong.

The more i see about Ukraine, the more pissed i become and the more i wish Putin had just nuked the place.  ( at least their leadership, the average citizen, not their fault )

[#] Fri Dec 09 2022 11:26:41 EST from fandarel

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I just can't help thinking that we totally didn't learn in the early 80s that the enemy of our enemy is not necessarily our friend. We sure loved Saddam Hussein. And Osama. Now we're getting cozy with Zelenskyy, who probably is an equal scumbucket and will be glad to kiss someone else's ass as soon as the massive flow of US dollars and heavy weapons ceases.
I need to read more about the mess that was Ukraine before the war. Anybody got a good source?

[#] Fri Dec 09 2022 13:46:10 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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I hear "Mein Kampf" by A. Hitler is a good source :)

[#] Thu Jul 13 2023 18:23:08 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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I went full Godwin today on i2p-chat and I'm totally proud of it.

There's an idiot Gates-worshipper over there who thinks that Gates wrote "the most popular operating system on the planet"

After debunking that claim (Linux outnumbers Windows by millions if you include Android) ... I pointed out that Windows is only "popular" in the same sense that getting murdered by the nazis was "popular" among jews during the war.


[#] Fri Jul 14 2023 16:14:23 EDT from Nurb432

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And he didnt write crap.  He is ( was ) a poor coder and had to steal his products.

Thu Jul 13 2023 06:23:08 PM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

I went full Godwin today on i2p-chat and I'm totally proud of it.

There's an idiot Gates-worshipper over there who thinks that Gates wrote "the most popular operating system on the planet"

After debunking that claim (Linux outnumbers Windows by millions if you include Android) ... I pointed out that Windows is only "popular" in the same sense that getting murdered by the nazis was "popular" among jews during the war.



[#] Tue Apr 16 2024 23:32:51 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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There's a house I pass by on a regular basis that is occupied by people who I feel are 100% Hitler Equivalent. Am I legally allowed to bomb the place out of existence?

[#] Fri Jul 26 2024 11:45:31 EDT from DaveC

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As a Linux user of some 30 years standing, I'm not the biggest Gates fan, but one thing he did do was to challenge the Wozniac and Jobs attempt to lock WIMP computer systems to Apple.

[#] Wed Aug 14 2024 09:10:08 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Others were doing that anyway ... and better (Amiga)

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