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[#] Fri Nov 08 2013 15:49:34 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Effective immediately, "anime" is an outdated term. We will now re-embrace the original and proper term: "japanimation"

[#] Fri Nov 08 2013 16:05:52 UTC from zooer

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an a me not going to use that.

[#] Sun Nov 10 2013 04:12:44 UTC from ax25

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Ah, Star Blazers, I remember it well.  Great show!

[#] Sun Nov 10 2013 16:51:42 UTC from zooer

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Quark was a much better show. Along with Pink Lady and Jeff

[#] Tue Nov 12 2013 05:02:33 UTC from ax25

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Sun Nov 10 2013 11:51:42 AM EST from zooer @ Uncensored
Quark was a much better show. Along with Pink Lady and Jeff

Quark (only 19.95 usd.)  - interesting, but pass.  Pink Lady and Jeff, - by Syd and Marty Krofft? OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!

H.R. Pufnstuf (1969) The Bugaloos (1970) Lidsville (1971) Sigmund and the Sea Monsters (1973) Land of the Lost (1974) Far Out Space Nuts (1975) The Lost Saucer (1975) Donny & Marie (1976) The Krofft Supershow (1976) The Brady Bunch Hour (1977) The Krofft Superstar Hour (1978) Pink Lady and Jeff (1980) Barbara Mandrell and the Mandrell Sisters (1980) Pryor's Place (1984) D.C. Follies (1987) Land of the Lost (1991) Family Affair (2002)

I missed the Pink Lady and Jeff (probably because the tv antenna fell down off the attic that year - I needed to improvise and put some antenna in to the attic proper, but it took time to come up with funds...), DC. Follies (out of country), and don't think the remake of Land of the Lost was on my short list.  I thought Family Affair, wait, Wikipedia says I was watching Friends back then.  I probably was.  That or X-Files.

[#] Tue Nov 12 2013 06:56:50 UTC from zooer

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In 1977 Richard Benjamin was probably funny to me or at least funny to the older members of my family. What
Quark had was those twins which for a coming of age boy was great. Apparenlty they didn't do much for the

[#] Tue Nov 12 2013 19:51:04 UTC from Freakdog <>

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Sat Nov 09 2013 11:12:44 PM EST from ax25 @ Uncensored

Ah, Star Blazers, I remember it well.  Great show!

I liked Star Blazers...I also liked Battle of the Planets.


[#] Tue Nov 12 2013 20:57:51 UTC from zooer

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I liked Star Blazers...I also liked Battle of the Planets.

Star Blazers ÷ Battle of the Planets = Battle of the Network Stars!

[#] Thu Nov 14 2013 17:22:40 UTC from Freakdog <>

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Tue Nov 12 2013 03:57:51 PM EST from zooer @ Uncensored
I liked Star Blazers...I also liked Battle of the Planets.
Star Blazers ÷ Battle of the Planets = Battle of the Network Stars!

Give that individual a cigar and a kewpie doll!!!

[#] Wed Nov 20 2013 04:04:56 UTC from Sig

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I now have the Star Blazers theme stuck in my head. I vividly recall my older brother running home from school so he could watch it. I wasn't going to school yet.

[#] Wed Jul 09 2014 14:56:04 UTC from fleeb

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(as I know Aahz would appreciate this...)

For Pony!

[#] Sat Jul 12 2014 23:54:47 UTC from wizard of aahz

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Hehehe.. Yes. I absolutely did.. Still follow LFG every day.

[#] Sun Jul 13 2014 13:36:01 UTC from fleeb

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I like how they intentionally blur the lines between good and evil in that comic. I also find it amusing that they set you up to think something massive and epic in scope is to happen with the characters, and instead they seem to blow it off as if such things aren't really worth the effort.

I was prepared for the story arc to include massive battles between kingdoms, one of which is lead by the elf, aaaand that isn't what happened at all.

[#] Mon Jul 14 2014 13:53:56 UTC from wizard of aahz

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There are people quite upset about the plot or lack thereof. I just tune in for daily laughs. Alternative Medicine.. Heh.

[#] Mon Jul 14 2014 14:04:38 UTC from fleeb

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I don't mind it. I find it funny, in a kind of meta-funny way.

I halfway expect Somner to be laughing at the audience.

"It must die! Kill it!"

[#] Mon Jul 14 2014 15:06:39 UTC from wizard of aahz

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The fact that people put expectations on a comic writer is really a tad much. Let is go whereever the story goes and enjoy.

[#] Mon Jul 14 2014 15:14:13 UTC from fleeb

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Agreed. I would say the same goes for musicians as well, or any artist.

Except Phil Collins. He will never alter the sound of his music. He will continue to bang out the same five songs he wrote early in his career in some rehashed fashion until he dies or stops 'writing' music.

[#] Wed Jul 23 2014 14:53:53 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Yeah ... Phil Collins without Tony Banks and Mike Rutherford is just drab adult-contemporary. And as I mentioned earlier, if you listen to adult contemporary, you don't really like music.

[#] Wed Jul 23 2014 18:31:06 UTC from vince-q

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Except Phil Collins. He will never alter the sound of his music. He

will continue to bang out the same five songs he wrote early in his
career in some rehashed fashion until he dies or stops 'writing' music.

...which is why all of Genesis from Duke to the end is nothing but a pile of constantly regurgitated PopSlop.

[#] Tue Apr 26 2016 01:26:04 UTC from zooer

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For those of you who don't remember, Trump is accidentally and fatally injured by his own yacht's anchor in a past "Bloom County" storyline. To save Trump, his brain is transplanted into Bill the Cat's body.