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[#] Sun Jul 21 2024 20:32:18 EDT from Nurb432

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Lol ya. really using them as an arm brace. Strap and all.

Mine is a shockwave, which would be painful if you tried to shoulder it im sure.

Sun Jul 21 2024 20:15:07 EDT from zelgomer
Oohh, I think I get the problem. You're actually trying to use the braces as advertised.


[#] Tue Jul 23 2024 08:13:36 EDT from Nurb432

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During the assassination attempt hearings, this sort of flew under the radar:



"Following the shooting Secret Service was seen on the roof of the American Glass Research (AGR) building with local law enforcement; photos of the shooter were sent to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) for facial recognition"


That implies ATF ( or feds in general ) has a database of citizens and their faces.

[#] Tue Jul 23 2024 08:55:48 EDT from Nurb432

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And once again 1/2 what i wanted to post is gone. ( copy / paste fail )

Of course it implies they have a national database.  Of course each state does, so why not the feds too ?  I am sure NSA gets all our IDs from each state, and lets other agencies search on demand.  Not saying its 'right' but should not be a surprise. 

Tue Jul 23 2024 08:13:36 EDT from Nurb432

During the assassination attempt hearings, this sort of flew under the radar:



"Following the shooting Secret Service was seen on the roof of the American Glass Research (AGR) building with local law enforcement; photos of the shooter were sent to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) for facial recognition"


That implies ATF ( or feds in general ) has a database of citizens and their faces.


[#] Tue Jul 23 2024 21:05:55 EDT from zelgomer

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Yes, dystopia is already here

[#] Wed Aug 07 2024 19:03:24 EDT from Nurb432

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"the second amendment does not apply to military weapons"

Any elected official that say that should be removed from office and banned from ever holding a postilion again. That is the entire freaking point of it.

[#] Thu Aug 08 2024 13:23:08 EDT from Nurb432

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And i guess the new Democrat VP candidate, aside form banning any 'military style weapons' also supports forced confiscation. 

If they cheat them in, dark days coming.

[#] Sat Aug 17 2024 11:28:57 EDT from Nurb432

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Some days the 2A community can really annoy me.

In arguments like "its just a, or its not really a"  Who the F cares? Its our freaking right. end of discussion. Stand up for them.  Nonsense like this is why we have legislatures trying to say its 'just for hunting and does not include weapons of war'.    

[#] Sat Aug 17 2024 11:51:59 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Some of those people are plants.

[#] Mon Aug 26 2024 15:08:49 EDT from Nurb432

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The end is near.. one way or another.


"Kamala Harris says, if elected president, she’ll use executive action to confiscate guns if Congress doesn’t act within the first 100 days of her administration"

[#] Thu Sep 05 2024 07:39:28 EDT from Nurb432

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I guess Paul Harrell died this week. I had heard of him but not really followed the dude but i guess he was a pretty big name in the social-media gun world.

Recorded a video "when i die, play this" basically a good bye video.

[#] Fri Sep 06 2024 08:50:18 EDT from Nurb432

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So we had another shooting here in the states by a child. Of course not condoning what the child did, but they just charged his father with murder as "he allowed access to weapons". While i have not looked into details ( i wont ) this is over the line and just anti-2A.

Sure, a parent is responsible financially for things their under-aged children do. But unless the kid came to him "im going to go kill people with that rifle" and he did nothing about it, the worst that can be said is negligence, and only if he knew the kid was unstable. Like it or not, children do take actions on their own. 

Would not be any different if a kid broke into a house with a hammer from the dads garage.  Father should not be charged with breaking and entering. ( but would have to pay the bill ). Or assault if he beat the people living in there with the hammer. ( be liable for the medical expenses )

Or, kid took car keys and ran someone over, without prior statements of ' i want to go run people down'.  Same thing. Only thing that MIGHT be is negligence if everyone knew the kid was not 'right', and that is pretty hard to prove.

And since the child is being charged as an adult, that sort of negates parental financial responsibility too. But that is a different topic really.



Just feels like yet another backdoor attack on 2A rights using a tragedy as the vehicle. Really getting tired of it. 

[#] Sun Sep 08 2024 08:56:25 EDT from Nurb432

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So Polymer 80 has had to shut down, cant afford to keep fighting the law suits. Another lawfare win for the left. One by one they will destroy the industry like this.


disgusting creatures.

[#] Mon Sep 09 2024 21:36:08 EDT from zelgomer

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2024-09-08 12:56 from Nurb432 <>
So Polymer 80 has had to shut down, cant afford to keep fighting the
law suits. Another lawfare win for the left. One by one they will
destroy the industry like this.


disgusting creatures.

:( i never got mine. should have got while the get'n was good.

[#] Tue Sep 10 2024 06:43:01 EDT from Nurb432

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Mon Sep 09 2024 21:36:08 EDT from zelgomer
:( i never got mine. should have got while the get'n was good.


[#] Fri Sep 27 2024 14:53:24 EDT from Nurb432

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Now that the weather has broken.. i think its time to start launching freedom seeds down range at high speed.   just wish there were still outdoor open ranges around here without driving 2 hours. And it wasn't so costly to do it. 

[#] Mon Sep 30 2024 18:01:11 EDT from Nurb432

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"we are flooded, so we must ban guns" ( Down in some county in Florida, basically declared martial law )

[#] Sun Oct 13 2024 20:20:05 EDT from Nurb432

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Suspicion is SCOTUS is going to allow 90% frames to be banned ( or at the least serialized and background checked like you do for 100% lowers ).  Expect 80% to be right behind that since that has been under attack as well.

In the long run, I can see this opening the door for even more restrictions across the board on home made items, to the point if you even think of building something,  you have to get a manufacture license. 

Mon Sep 09 2024 21:36:08 EDT from zelgomer

:( i never got mine. should have got while the get'n was good.


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