Sun Jan 26 2020 02:44:24 EST from ***It is impossible to make a vegan sausage.
what's the problem? just run some vegans through the meat grinder and you're good.
I just had a giant shit. Now when I walk by people wonder, "Where did that
Whiff of Ass(tm) come from?"
Please join your local
an effort to change the calendar so February has at least 30 days in it's month.
Remember, if you can't find hand sanitizer and you can't wash your hands, you can still lick your hands clean.
Your mother probably spit in a paper towel to wash your face when you were younger, cats use their saliva to clean themselves. Saliva contains natural cleansers.
If you see a stranger in public with the sniffles, lick them to help kill off any germs or virus.