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[#] Thu May 30 2019 12:54:14 UTC from zooer

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Don't forget your towel!

[#] Fri May 31 2019 10:19:26 UTC from fleeb

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And do not forget your dowel.

[#] Sat Jun 01 2019 06:49:11 UTC from arabella

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I'm the kind of hoopy frood who always knows where her dowel is

[#] Tue Jun 04 2019 15:45:11 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Dowels are so passe. It's all about rabbits now.

[#] Thu Jun 06 2019 15:59:57 UTC from fleeb

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Rabbits are... expendible.

-- Watership Down

[#] Thu Jun 06 2019 17:52:45 UTC from wizard of aahz

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I am inevitable!!! <snap>

and obviously in a mood today.

[#] Sat Jun 15 2019 13:48:57 UTC from zooer

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It is good to know that some where in the world, this is a thing.

[#] Mon Jul 08 2019 02:26:53 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Aww, I missed it. "This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Generation Iron Russia."

[#] Mon Jul 08 2019 11:10:24 UTC from zooer

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Generation Iron Russia has an edited version of the event, including the silly male version of this sport. This point in the video is the main focus of this terrific sporting event which needs to expended to a world event.


[#] Fri Sep 06 2019 14:43:26 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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New pet peeve on web sites. Suddenly this seems to be showing up everywhere.

While a site is loading ... the site shows a mockup of what could potentially be a greyed-out version of the page you're looking for, with greyed-out versions of paragraphs and columns and everything. It isn't *actually* a greyed-out version of your actual text, it's just made to look at it.

This is st00pid. I'd rather look at a blank page while waiting.

[#] Sat Sep 07 2019 12:33:27 UTC from darknetuser

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I have also noticed that. It sucks hard. They probably could get rid of that if they made sites that had sane load times and sourced their resources from 3 hosts at most instead of 20.

[#] Sun Sep 08 2019 13:54:48 UTC from nonservator

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n-gate is always good for a chuckle, even when he's criticizing El Goog, HN, et al, for the wrong reasons.


"Mozilla convinces a tech rag that it blocks ad trackers, while still shipping Google Analytics directly with Firefox. A gullible person points out some ways to help Mozilla pretend to defend our privacy, and Hackernews immediately requests a method to send money to Mozilla while ensuring none of that money helps women or brown people. Almost half the comments on the article are debating the merits and methods to do exactly that. None of them will work, because they all depend on the idea that Mozilla accepts source code from strangers who do not work for Google. The rest of the comments are Hackernews arguing about whether it's possible (or even desirable) to network two computers without advertising appearing on at least both of them."

[#] Sun Sep 08 2019 17:29:25 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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For those interested, the n-gate feed is available here on Uncensored in a hidden room called "webshit weekly".

[#] Tue Oct 22 2019 02:12:48 UTC from zooer

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[#] Sat Nov 16 2019 21:28:12 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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The 11'8" bridge should have been declared a national monument so they couldn't raise it.  Seems weird that they're only raising it to 12'4" when the standard height is 14 to 16 feet.  I suppose this will save some of the rental trucks and campers, but a full size rig will still get peeled open.

I visited the 11'8" bridge a few months ago.  Now I'm glad I did.  Here are some photos:

And I have to assume this is the camera that shoots the YouTube videos:

That thing that looks like a camera in the second photo is facing straight across the street.  I suspect it's not a camera, but a sensor that turns on the "OVERHEIGHT MUST TURN" sign when a vehicle passes through it.

[#] Sat Nov 16 2019 21:53:33 UTC from zooer

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I have passed by to the west and to the east of Durham. Durham is just out of the way to make it add too much time to the trip.  I am jealous you were able to see the bridge before it was raised.  Witnessing a can being opened would have made the trip worth it.  

The sensor is down the street, the device in the second picture is probably the sensor, although I always thought there was a transmitter side and the other side of the street had a receiver, if the beam was disrupted the sign lit up and the traffic light would change.

In one of the recent videos he said that the crossing down the street was eight inches higher so raising this crossing eight inches wasn't difficult or expensive.  Raising it to standard height would be,

I will agree, the height of the bridge should not have have been changed.  

[#] Sun Nov 17 2019 23:15:48 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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It was purely by chance that I got a visit in before it was raised. I am in Raleigh all the time, but I usually don't have a car. This time I was traveling solo and rented a car, and happened to have time to kill on my way back to the airport.

I figured the overheight sensor would be an active-beam infrared too, but I looked across the street and didn't see a partner unit. So it must use some sort of signal that can reflect off any object. It does seem to automatically turn the traffic light red -- that explains why so many of the wrecked trucks in the videos all seem to be running a red light.

[#] Wed Nov 20 2019 20:33:13 UTC from zooer

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If you liked the parking lot channel, and the 11'8" bridge channel you might like this channel.

He is a television guy.

[#] Thu Nov 21 2019 19:06:04 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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A site covers the page I'm reading with a modal saying "turn off your ad blocker"

I respond by using the "block element" function of my ad blocker to remove the modal, and the page now works.

So ... what I just did ... is that an ad blocker blocker blocker?

[#] Sat Nov 23 2019 15:30:48 UTC from darknetuser

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Well played. May I ask which ad-blocker are you using?

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